View Full Version : My anxiety is one up on me again

04-04-2014, 03:14 PM
Went to a movie about a month ago and I needed glasses at the time, we sat all the way back and I strained to see at one point so badly it turned into a panic attack. It stunk. I then shut my eyes and it was like I was spinning. I couldn't stop it. I come to realize that was an anxiety attack because I suffer big time from that. I actually did exposure techniques on my own with straining for 30 seconds without anxiety and shutting my eyes really hard for 30 secs. Without the anxiety, there's no fear, no bad affects. Its still in my head but whenever this gets to me I tell myself I'm just scaring myself.

On to my problem now. This has got to me. Crazy as it sounds. I am afraid, since I have suffered from this disease for almost 15 yrs (panic), that I'm just going to sit there all day and strain my eyes and then when that gets too badly then close them really hard and then when that gets too bad open them and back to straining. An all day process. Its been almost 2 weeks now this thought has been with me.

My question is this Is this just my panic? Or is it OCD? I think its panic because with OCd I think I would have broke by now and did what I just talked about. When I think I'm going to do this I get the butterflies in the stomach and the anxiety can get worst. However, without the anxiety I seem to be okay. Here's the process

1. I think about it
2. Butterflies start ASAP on thinking and proceed to get worse.
3. When anxiety leaves I'm fine.

My fear is this, its OCD and I'm going to eventually do this all day and night eventually. But isnt ocd like when someone gets dirty they need to wash their hands. In my case wouldnt I keep getting dirty over and over again in my scenario? Its so stupid but after that trameutic(sp) event in the movie theater it really messed with my head. Any help on this one? Thanks.