View Full Version : Jobs and anxiety

04-04-2014, 02:37 PM
Can these things ever work well together? I have never had a job where I wasn't crazy anxious all the time. Currently, I'm a new teacher, and I feel like a huge failure on top of all the stress, to the point of constant nausea and panic attacks.

Are you happy at your job? If so, what do you do? (Seriously, I think it might be good info for those of us struggling :)) If not... how do you handle it?

04-04-2014, 02:55 PM
Can these things ever work well together? I have never had a job where I wasn't crazy anxious all the time. Currently, I'm a new teacher, and I feel like a huge failure on top of all the stress, to the point of constant nausea and panic attacks.

Are you happy at your job? If so, what do you do? (Seriously, I think it might be good info for those of us struggling :)) If not... how do you handle it?

I only ever apply to job that I don't have to interact with people as much. I currently clean cardio equipment at a gym (headphones in and just clean). I used to clean houses and businesses with my mom's neighbor but after a couple years, I had to stop because the products she used made me lose my scent of smell for a while. Also, I've worked a couple stock jobs. I really like them (that and my OCD could take over with that. Lol.) I really enjoy my current job because it's only three hours a day and weekends off.. although, I'd love to be a paramedic (but can't because of anxiety!).