View Full Version : Big Changes In Life

04-04-2014, 01:28 PM
Hello everyone,

This upcoming month is looking like it's going to be a doozy for my anxiety. I'm leaving graduate school and moving overseas for a job. This is all GREAT news, by the way. I've been very unhappy in graduate school and the job / country are basically totally ideal for me. It's a dream opportunity.

But the anxiety-ridden part of myself is beginning to recoil from it. It HATES change, more than almost anything else. I don't know why, but it always has. And the anxiety is definitely brewing in my subconscious as I prepare for the big move. I know there are probably going to be some sleepless nights in my future. And some panic attacks. And some derealization / disorientation as my mind adjusts to a new lifestyle.

Just need to stay positive. Use all the tools I've found so far to help out--exercise, medication, healthy diet, limiting alcohol, relaxing activities, staying social and connected, and being positive.

04-04-2014, 03:48 PM
Congratulations! Where are you headed? I totally get your anxiety. I hate change too. Still, still brave. What's the job involve?

04-05-2014, 10:35 AM
Thanks! I guess I don't want to reveal too much information publicly on the Internet, but the job is in an East Asian country that I love, and it's doing work that I basically consider to be my passion / hobby. So I have no reason to feel anything but happy. Well, that's not true. Moving is always hard, and starting a new job is definitely a MASSIVE anxiety trigger. So I need to go easy on myself when I feel anxious, and understand that it's normal and will pass.

Been going for some hard, long runs lately, which helps a lot.