View Full Version : Breathing Question!

04-04-2014, 01:01 PM
Hello there! i am currently 15, going on 16 on the 8th. I was wondering this: If you cannot breathe, can you not talk as well? I have been getting this odd feeling in my throat, as if my throat is closing up? I have been checked up by a doctor several times, and have been told that it is just anxiety. I am currently taking 7.5 mL of Liquid Prozac for Panic Disorder, and it has DEFINITELY helped. My panic attacks used to come in waves of 4 and 5, and now I rarely have one. But still I was just wondering, how do you actually know if you aren't breathing? Is there like...a certain time you can stay alive before you faint from lack of oxygen? I really just need some reassurance. Thank you for your time.

-on the way to health

04-04-2014, 03:01 PM
If you aren't breathing properly, you'd be unconscious in about 5 minutes. Pretty easy way to know.

You can test your breathing volume right now, by googling CP breath test. If your number is over 5, you're in no danger of breathing difficulties unless that number changes.

When you feel you can't breathe, you're actually hyperventilating, and not breathing in less.

When you have sensations that you can't breath, you need to make sure you breathe less, by breathing in through your nose, and not your mouth.

Breathing exercises can also help regain your rhythm and help correct your breathing volume.

You're completely fine, classic anxiety.

04-04-2014, 03:03 PM
In other words, you probably have too much oxygen quite regularly.

That's why the paper bag trick got popular. It increased CO2 levels and normalized rhythm.

So no need to worry whatsoever!

04-04-2014, 03:34 PM
Thank you very much! I appreciate the help!