View Full Version : Breathing techniques - Nadi Shodana

04-04-2014, 08:43 AM
I realised there's alot of people having trouble with breathing. I'm going to share my favourite breathing technique called "Nadi Shodana", which helps you refocus, get you calm but also give you more energy and inspiration. This is how it works:

Our left brain is verbal, analytical and logical in how it functions. Our right brain is musical, emotional and spatially perceptive. The left thinks in words and concepts, while the right thinks in images, emotions and sensations.

In a normal brain, the balance shifts between right and left side spontaneously, depending on what you do. If you read, write and speak, the left side of the brain will be more active than the right side. If you're listening to music for example, then the right side will be more active.

It's important for the individuals creative activity to have a good and proper balance and communication between both these two. Nadi Shodana improves the balance and communication between them.

This is how you perform it:

You inhale through the left nostril (right held for), hold you breath (both nostrils are kept closed), exhale through the right nostril (while the left nostril is held for). Then hold your breath, inhale through the right nostril (left held for), hold your breath (both nostrils are kept closed), exhale through the left nostril (while the right nostril is held for). Thats one round. Do this 10 minutes every morning.

Give it a try. It really makes a difference.

Proffesor deReal

04-04-2014, 09:09 AM
I realised there's alot of people having trouble with breathing. I'm going to share my favourite breathing technique called "Nadi Shodana", which helps you refocus, get you calm but also give you more energy and inspiration. This is how it works: Our left brain is verbal, analytical and logical in how it functions. Our right brain is musical, emotional and spatially perceptive. The left thinks in words and concepts, while the right thinks in images, emotions and sensations. In a normal brain, the balance shifts between right and left side spontaneously, depending on what you do. If you read, write and speak, the left side of the brain will be more active than the right side. If you're listening to music for example, then the right side will be more active. It's important for the individuals creative activity to have a good and proper balance and communication between both these two. Nadi Shodana improves the balance and communication between them. This is how you perform it: You inhale through the left nostril (right held for), hold you breath (both nostrils are kept closed), exhale through the right nostril (while the left nostril is held for). Then hold your breath, inhale through the right nostril (left held for), hold your breath (both nostrils are kept closed), exhale through the left nostril (while the right nostril is held for). Thats one round. Do this 10 minutes every morning. Give it a try. It really makes a difference. Proffesor deReal

Hmm..... I have to give this one a try.....


04-04-2014, 12:54 PM
Professor de Real you are right:)))