View Full Version : Ft. Hood Shooting

04-04-2014, 06:26 AM
Hi everyone,
I am a little pissed off at the news reporters this morning. I saw a story on the TV about the guy who went on a rampage and shot all those poeple. Now don't get me wrong. What happened down there is absolutely horrific, and my thoughts and prayers go out to the families affected by this.

I pissed at the reporters because they did some digging on the shooter and found he suffered from anxiety and depression, so they labeled him "mentally unstable". Wow, really? with all of us on this forum, and people globally who aren't, i am offended of that because he suffered with the same thing we have, now we are labeled as that. I don't know of anyone else who has these conditions go out and completly lose it like that.

Maybe i am over analyzing it but it just hit me the wrong way. Every person I have read about on this site is kind hearted, supportive and caring. Now if that's the norm for everyone on all the anxiety forums, then i don't see how anyone could be like that.

Sorry, but i just needed to vent. Deep breath....deep breath....ok im better now.

04-04-2014, 09:12 AM
Hi everyone, I am a little pissed off at the news reporters this morning. I saw a story on the TV about the guy who went on a rampage and shot all those poeple. Now don't get me wrong. What happened down there is absolutely horrific, and my thoughts and prayers go out to the families affected by this. I pissed at the reporters because they did some digging on the shooter and found he suffered from anxiety and depression, so they labeled him "mentally unstable". Wow, really? with all of us on this forum, and people globally who aren't, i am offended of that because he suffered with the same thing we have, now we are labeled as that. I don't know of anyone else who has these conditions go out and completly lose it like that. Maybe i am over analyzing it but it just hit me the wrong way. Every person I have read about on this site is kind hearted, supportive and caring. Now if that's the norm for everyone on all the anxiety forums, then i don't see how anyone could be like that. Sorry, but i just needed to vent. Deep breath....deep breath....ok im better now.

Yep....media are asses. They always have to blame something and not someone.

04-04-2014, 09:18 AM
Yep....media are asses. They always have to blame something and not someone.

Tel LIE visions is what a friend call it. They are always reporting their bias. Turn that fucking lie box off and get a comedy dvd or a book about all the anxious people or depressed people who have done great things in this world. The ratio would be 1 wrong thing to a billion right things. This shit triggers people, and creates resistance to life in general. Bubble headed bleach blonde with the gleam in her eye.


04-04-2014, 11:54 AM
I was actually going to start a thread on this but you all beat me to it.

Depressed and anxious ... Big whoop. So are millions of other people in the world. That doesn't mean we're all psychotic and are going to do something like this.

The media will always look to quickly blame something - in this case it's he was "on medications" and "mentally ill".

The part I found amusing is that they keep harping on the fact that he was taking Ambien ... So what???

The conspiracy theorists will come out and say it's the SSRIs that cause all this and it's all a conspiracy by big pharma.

Something is fishy here. Neighbors reported him acting fine the morning of. I smell an altercation ... Maybe a lovers quarrel. Who knows.

Regardless it's sad it happened but lots of questions still.

04-04-2014, 12:58 PM
The media pisses me off too..
Which is generally why I don't watch tv or read the news...
Unless there's an earthquake or I hear sirens, I have no clue what's happening.
Very tragic and sorry for their losses...
Label us...label away..

Have a good day bruh!


04-04-2014, 01:23 PM
I completely agree. When my depression and anxiety get bad, it's easy to panic and think "I'm mentally unstable! I'm going to do something horrible!" In reality, I would never do anything like that.

Exactly what was said above--millions of people have depression and anxiety. It's pretty standard, when you come to think of it, with the whole "being a human being on this planet" package. That's not to minimize the incredibly harmful effects that anxiety and depression can have on any given individual.

Declaring sufferers of anxiety and depression as "mentally unstable" does nothing but isolate them further.