View Full Version : What to expect?

04-03-2014, 05:05 PM
Someone please help me here!!

I've been dealing with anxiety since I was about 15. I'm 20 now. Over the past 2 years it has gotten way worse to the point where I don't even leave the house anymore. I don't go to school or have a job. I'm pretty sure I also have depression/ maybe bipolar 2. Not sure, just read many articles and symptom lists.

I've been wanting to do something about it for a long time but never was able to pull myself together to do so.

Anyways, without telling me, my mom made me an appointment to a clinical psychologist. I looked her up and read about what she does and stuff, and learned that they don't prescribe medication. I'm not sure if my mom even knows that because she was the one who suggested medication in the first place.

She herself is on meds for anxiety/depression, not as bad as mine though. I really don't think I'll be able to solve all these problems through talking. I hate talking to people anyways. I only really talk to my mom.

My question I guess is what should I expect? I've never been to a doctor for this stuff. What will happen when I go in there? Will she ask the questions or will I have to tell her everything? I don't think I could list everything that is bothering me.
I really don't want to go in there alone but I also don't want my mom in there because she doesn't know everything that's bothering me and I don't want her to speak for me.

It's not like a regular doctor, right? I don't want to be examined or whatever. What will she say at the end? I'm just really freaking out here. ANYTHING would be helpful.

Should I cancel the appointment and go to someone else?

04-03-2014, 08:02 PM
Someone please help me here!!

I've been dealing with anxiety since I was about 15. I'm 20 now. Over the past 2 years it has gotten way worse to the point where I don't even leave the house anymore. I don't go to school or have a job. I'm pretty sure I also have depression/ maybe bipolar 2. Not sure, just read many articles and symptom lists.

I've been wanting to do something about it for a long time but never was able to pull myself together to do so.

Anyways, without telling me, my mom made me an appointment to a clinical psychologist. I looked her up and read about what she does and stuff, and learned that they don't prescribe medication. I'm not sure if my mom even knows that because she was the one who suggested medication in the first place.

She herself is on meds for anxiety/depression, not as bad as mine though. I really don't think I'll be able to solve all these problems through talking. I hate talking to people anyways. I only really talk to my mom.

My question I guess is what should I expect? I've never been to a doctor for this stuff. What will happen when I go in there? Will she ask the questions or will I have to tell her everything? I don't think I could list everything that is bothering me.
I really don't want to go in there alone but I also don't want my mom in there because she doesn't know everything that's bothering me and I don't want her to speak for me.

It's not like a regular doctor, right? I don't want to be examined or whatever. What will she say at the end? I'm just really freaking out here. ANYTHING would be helpful.

Should I cancel the appointment and go to someone else?

First bit of advice is don't panic :)

When you see the psychologist you only have to share what you feel comfortable with, the more information you can provide the better BUT if they are good at their job they will be able to decide whether or not you would benefit from seeing them for regular sessions (you can of course decline the offer, you don't have to do anything you don't want to). A psychologist won't examine you in the typical way a generic doctor would, but they will be observing you without you noticing. They look to see how your breathing is, have you got a tremor that type of thing. Anxiety is sometimes visible, I know that because of my own personal experience I am very good at spotting it.

If you are uneasy with your mom going into the appointment with you, then don't take her in there. It will stop you from sharing certain bits of information because you will not want your mum to hear it. This appointment is confidential and your mum will not informed on the contents of the discussion unless you give permission for the psychologist to disclose the contents of the conversation

The relationship with a psychologist just like any other takes time to build, the more you see them the more at ease you may feel and then you will feel more comfortable sharing information and you will begin working together to help you cope with or resolve any issues you are experiencing. You may find it easier to discuss your fears/issues with someone who is not directly connected to your life, with a lot of people this is the case.

I also want to talk a little about medication. Medication does not cure anxiety or the underlying cause, it only treats the symptoms nothing more nothing less. It may benefit you if you are quite unwell/unstable and help bring a bit of "normality" back to your life. One of the most important things medication cannot provide is understanding, alot of people do not understand what is happening to them or why. When you understand these things, it can help take away some of the fear surrounding the issues and also help you take back control. If the psychologist thinks you may benefit from medication I'm sure they will know a psychiatrist who they can refer you to for the medication side but they would provide the actual therapy.

My advice is take a deep breath and go to the appointment, it may be a very good experience or a negative one but it will come and go before you know it. Give it a try, you can gain alot more than you can lose by going :)