View Full Version : Not sure where to post this

04-27-2008, 02:51 PM
Not sure if this is depression. I also don't want to sound like I am winning, But I think its gonna come out that way.
Here it goes. I am a mom of four children. Lost custody to my first child. Still doing a complete 360 as to how that happen. In Short she is now living with me at the age of 15 and now she is 16. She is a rude and mouthy child although its getting a bit better. This has caused lots of stress. Its also a fight to get her to go to school and the list goes on and on with this situation alone. My other three children are all from the same father whom I am with to this day. My two year old is a hard child to raise. I don't think I can even explain it. She is almost acts the same as my teen. As for my other two children they are calm. Easy ones I guess you can say. I also lost my mom a few years ago and that has taking a toll on me too. we have no grand parents nor family to help out with the kids. I find it so hard to find time for myself. As I type this my two youngest are bickering. I would wait until there sleeping but I am exhausted by then. I thought that I was dealing with my stresses pretty good. Until about a month ago I had a pinch nerve my baby pinky on the left hand. Well didn't I go into a panic attack. I thought I was having a stoke. And still think I had a TIA. My face goes numb from time to time and my hands and feet and even my mouth goes numb from time to time. The Dr. says it is stress. He refuses to send me for a MRI. I realized after looking up signs of stress. That wholy Cow I am stressed. I have almost all the symptoms. Right then and there I started to ball my eyes out. I gotta tell you that once I started having kids. and living in the country. I have seem to have isolated myself. I don't have a friend in the world. Even though I have almost all the symptoms of stress, I still think I am having TIA's and my dr. has takin 7 viles of blood and is sending my to a neurologist. I also have a massage appointment for tomorrow. I really dont care to have a stranger massage me. But I was told that it will loosen me up and help with my back ache. It is scary when you think you are dying. I don't know what else to say.