View Full Version : Advice!

04-02-2014, 10:17 PM
Hey guys, so today I went to see a psychiatrist for the first time and I told her about all my fears and insecurities especially my fear of schizophrenia. I told her my fear of schizophrenia at least 5 different times and each and every time she told me I don't have it,then she went on to prescribe Wellbutrin and klonopin she told me to try this and she'll see me in 1 month. I'm just asking u guys if I can trust her opinion she didn't run any test for schizophrenia so I'm iffy if she called that right. What do you guys think? Have any of u been on these meds before? Do they help with panic or fear? Thank you )

04-02-2014, 10:25 PM
She knows her stuff!! Psychiatrists are great. Trust her :)

& I've never personally been on them but I've heard good things. Especially klonopin!! That'll knock your panic right away if I'm correct!

Good luck friend :)

04-02-2014, 11:20 PM
Thanks for the reply,the thing is i'm kind of scared of taking meds. I've read stories of bad experiences on meds and that they even made everything a lot worse. I really need them my anxiety has never been worse than what it is now but i'm scared that they'll make everything a lot worse.

04-02-2014, 11:25 PM
Stop reading!! Lol when I started my meds, I was the same! I would look up reviews on my meds but I learned to skip the bad ones & only read the good!! Turns out, there's way more good than bad!!

& if happen to have side effects from the Wellbutrin, the Klonopin will help!! That's why the psychiatrist prescribed you both.

& no side effect will be as bad as how you're feeling now!

I started Paxil & has Xanax. The Xaxax was a HUGE help. Xanax & Klonopin are very similar but the half life of Xanax is only a few hours.

Give it a try :)

04-03-2014, 01:31 AM
AFAIK there are no tests for schizophrenia as yet.

04-03-2014, 01:48 AM
So how would one get diagnosed with schizophrenia? I'm not talking about blood work or physical test I was talking about more of a Q&A kind of test. Now I'm even more worried LOL

04-03-2014, 04:07 AM
So how would one get diagnosed with schizophrenia? I'm not talking about blood work or physical test I was talking about more of a Q&A kind of test. Now I'm even more worried LOL

Schizophrenia is diagnosed through psych evaluation by a qualified psychiatrist.

As you have already been told by your psychiatrist that you don't have it, there is no need to worry about it.

Schizophrenia is an entirely separate mental illness, it is not something that develops from or is linked with anxiety.

The worry/thinking about the potential of having more serious mental illness, is no different than the common worries over the heart, cancer etc.

04-03-2014, 06:22 AM
One of the most common symptoms of schizophrenia are auditory hallucinations(hearing voices in head). Though these can occur in other psychosis as well.

04-03-2014, 01:36 PM
Thank you mates a lot, it's gonna take some time before I get over all my fears. I doesn't happen over night LOl, it's probably going to take some counseling to get me out of this fear. A fear so great that even when a doctor tells me I'm fine I still don't believe it.

04-03-2014, 02:51 PM
Oh btw, I also told her about hearing my name being called and how that fueled my anxiety and she still said it's anxiety related. Any comments on that? Has anyone else experience this

04-03-2014, 03:04 PM
Oh btw, I also told her about hearing my name being called and how that fueled my anxiety and she still said it's anxiety related. Any comments on that? Has anyone else experience this

Provided you're not having a full on conversation with someone who isn't there I would say you are good to go :)

I'm sure many of us have experienced odd sensations from time to time.

37% of the US believe they speak to God, but haven't been prescribed anti psychotics ;)

04-03-2014, 03:45 PM
I had this fear too. I had a minor psychosis + panic attack when I was smoking MJ. I started to hear voices and see things from the corner of my eyes. Scary, really scary. This is how I got my anxiety actually. Days after I still had derealization/depersonalization and it was just awful not knowing anything about it.

One of my biggest fear was schizo. There's a link between MJ and schizo. Knowing that made me freak out even more. I became hypersensitive. I could see something at the corner of my eyes moving, then I would freak out, thinking I'm going crazy.

But here's what's up. There's no link between anxiety and schizo. If you had schizo, you wouldn't know it. Also, what you're fearing, there's medication for it. Most people who has schizo often thinks that they're jesus :D

I also hear my name being called sometimes lol. It's normal you have these sensations.

Wish you the best! :)

Elias aka Proffesor deReal

04-03-2014, 04:52 PM
AliasEQ, are you doing better now? Did it end up being something worse or was it just severe anxiety?

04-03-2014, 05:35 PM
To be honest with you, I don't know if I have schizo or not. Doc told me I don't. Even if I had, I would be completly cool with it. It's treatable. I doubt I have it though.

I can say it was severe anxiety. Now that I feel much better, all of the symptoms, like seeing something from the corner of my eyes, they've disappeared. It was all anxiety.

Anxiety can do all kinds of things to you. But it won't make you crazy, no matter how hard you try. It like trying to hold your breath to death. Impossible.

Relax, why spend your time thinking of this? "Do I have this? Do I have that?" - Say f*ck it and live your life happy :)

04-03-2014, 07:28 PM
Hey guys, so today I went to see a psychiatrist for the first time and I told her about all my fears and insecurities especially my fear of schizophrenia. I told her my fear of schizophrenia at least 5 different times and each and every time she told me I don't have it,then she went on to prescribe Wellbutrin and klonopin she told me to try this and she'll see me in 1 month. I'm just asking u guys if I can trust her opinion she didn't run any test for schizophrenia so I'm iffy if she called that right. What do you guys think? Have any of u been on these meds before? Do they help with panic or fear? Thank you )

I take both of those meds right now. Klonopin is great for anxiety. It was my pill that gor me through most days of anxiety. As for wellbutrin. It is great too. But can make you feel pretty shitty at first. I felt my anxiety got worse when i started it. But if you can hang in and handle the side effects...then you will hopefully do good. I wanted to give up the side effects got bad for me. I didnt start feeling a good from the wellbutrin for about 8 weeks.

04-03-2014, 07:37 PM
Not trying to annoy you with my problems lol, but my fear with meds is that I have to stay on them for ever I already have an immune problem I have to inject myself every other week for the rest of my life. I don't want my mind to depend on anti anxiety pills forever. When I get off meds I don't want all my anxiety to come rushing back

04-03-2014, 08:18 PM
Not trying to annoy you with my problems lol, but my fear with meds is that I have to stay on them for ever I already have an immune problem I have to inject myself every other week for the rest of my life. I don't want my mind to depend on anti anxiety pills forever. When I get off meds I don't want all my anxiety to come rushing back

Just focus right now on feeling better. Don't think about what is going to happen. If u need meds take them. I always say. Whatever I need to do to make me feel better I will do

04-03-2014, 09:05 PM
Ok thanks for the advice :). I hope you are doing well. This anxiety really sucks!!!

04-04-2014, 12:01 AM
Ok thanks for the advice :). I hope you are doing well. This anxiety really sucks!!!

Use the Meds as a stepping stone. Once your balanced out, then you can make that next step.

04-04-2014, 08:35 AM
Oh btw, I also told her about hearing my name being called and how that fueled my anxiety and she still said it's anxiety related. Any comments on that? Has anyone else experience this

Yes I have had this in times of anxiety and when having no apparent anxiety. It's quite alarming, but not anything to worry about friend. Mine awaken me during sleep. Of

course it's not uncommon for anyone to hear their name being called either. I used to get worried about these things, as you take the meds and get back to balance you'll see

the worries dissipate, and you'll see that regardless of what you may hear or think you hear is of no matter. Peace my friend.