View Full Version : can't stay calm :(

04-02-2014, 01:07 PM
So I didn't sleep well last night... again. This time not my son's fault, but my mind was racing. I know I'm anxious about the trip tomorrow, but I'm usually not this anxious. Then not being able to sleep well this past week, is only accelerating it to the max. Now I'm on edge. My mom is on the phone chatting away, and I want to punch her in the face!!! Not her fault of course, but she's a huge trigger for me, and it seems every time I'm wanting quiet time, she is a fucking chatter box. She's not even talking to me, she's on the phone with someone else and I want to take her phone and throw it at the wall. I don't know how to handle these situations, I don't usually get angry, but there are a few things that piss me off, and this is one of them. Ugh..... I can't even think. I have a hair appointment later and I don't even want to go because I feel so shitty. Any advice???

04-02-2014, 01:49 PM
So I didn't sleep well last night... again. This time not my son's fault, but my mind was racing. I know I'm anxious about the trip tomorrow, but I'm usually not this anxious. Then not being able to sleep well this past week, is only accelerating it to the max. Now I'm on edge. My mom is on the phone chatting away, and I want to punch her in the face!!! Not her fault of course, but she's a huge trigger for me, and it seems every time I'm wanting quiet time, she is a fucking chatter box. She's not even talking to me, she's on the phone with someone else and I want to take her phone and throw it at the wall. I don't know how to handle these situations, I don't usually get angry, but there are a few things that piss me off, and this is one of them. Ugh..... I can't even think. I have a hair appointment later and I don't even want to go because I feel so shitty. Any advice???

Walk away from her right now! Go have a quiet breather in your room, outside, or somewhere she isn't. My mom is sort of a trigger for me. Which, in turn, makes me feel bad because my mom is a flippin saint (kinda puts pressure on me because everyone knows my mom, and everyone expects me to be this duplicate of a non-cussing/smoking/vulgar woman, sorry peeps..) Anyways, step away from the mom! As for sleeping, have you ever tried/researched self-hypnotism? When I have difficulty sleeping, I practice self-hypnosis. Its pretty neat. I used to have really bad insomnia to the point of only having four hours of sleep a week. Give it a try if you'd like. No harm in that.

04-02-2014, 01:51 PM
I have trouble sleeping quite a lot of the time and I find that just sleeping whenever, not necessarily at night, is useful. Whenever I feel tired if I've not been sleeping well of late and I have no commitments to attend to - I'll go and have a nap, as long as I'm sleeping at some point it tends to make me feel better knowing that for half an hour I've managed to sleep. So maybe just try sleeping here and there whenever you feel as though you can? It might make you feel a little better just to know that you've achieved sleep at some point.
A lot of the time too I also get annoyed or angry at things that I think are disturbing to me, just take a deep breath and go to another room if it's possible. It's hard but there's nothing else you can really do, sorry it's not great advice but you're not alone in your thoughts so hopefully that's something!

04-02-2014, 01:58 PM
Walk away from her right now! Go have a quiet breather in your room, outside, or somewhere she isn't. My mom is sort of a trigger for me. Which, in turn, makes me feel bad because my mom is a flippin saint (kinda puts pressure on me because everyone knows my mom, and everyone expects me to be this duplicate of a non-cussing/smoking/vulgar woman, sorry peeps..) Anyways, step away from the mom! As for sleeping, have you ever tried/researched self-hypnotism? When I have difficulty sleeping, I practice self-hypnosis. Its pretty neat. I used to have really bad insomnia to the point of only having four hours of sleep a week. Give it a try if you'd like. No harm in that.

I've never heard of that but seems interesting.. I'll have to look it up.

04-02-2014, 02:01 PM
I have trouble sleeping quite a lot of the time and I find that just sleeping whenever, not necessarily at night, is useful. Whenever I feel tired if I've not been sleeping well of late and I have no commitments to attend to - I'll go and have a nap, as long as I'm sleeping at some point it tends to make me feel better knowing that for half an hour I've managed to sleep. So maybe just try sleeping here and there whenever you feel as though you can? It might make you feel a little better just to know that you've achieved sleep at some point.
A lot of the time too I also get annoyed or angry at things that I think are disturbing to me, just take a deep breath and go to another room if it's possible. It's hard but there's nothing else you can really do, sorry it's not great advice but you're not alone in your thoughts so hopefully that's something!

I have 4 year old son, so unfortunately there's no nap time for me :( and my mom's voice travels like you wouldn't believe. She has her own room in my house, I wish she would stay in there while on the phone... but no way I could tell her that without being a bitch.

04-02-2014, 02:09 PM
I've never heard of that but seems interesting.. I'll have to look it up.

No half-assing if/when you do it. If it's done right, you could be looking at the back of your eyelids all night long.

04-02-2014, 02:11 PM
No half-assing if/when you do it. If it's done right, you could be looking at the back of your eyelids all night long.

I'm a light sleeper and my son sleeps with us. He is a very active sleeper so a lot of the time he wakes me up.

04-02-2014, 02:16 PM
I'm a light sleeper and my son sleeps with us. He is a very active sleeper so a lot of the time he wakes me up.

Maybe not all night, but its also suppose to help with staying asleep, but if you got a tot rolling around.. maybe not so much the whole night. Lol.