View Full Version : I found a way out, To anyone going through what I did, Plz read. It will help.

04-02-2014, 06:02 AM
I just want to let you guys know, this can go away. For 3 years straight I suffered from constant panic attacks, they would not let up, day and night. I could only get roughly 3 hours of sleep a day, and usually in one hour naps throughout the day (wherever I could manage to rest). I couldn't leave my house, was in a constant state of dread and torment. I honestly believed I would never be back to normal. But that was 5 years ago, And today I'm glad to say. I have fully recovered. :) I'm calm, happy, am meeting new people. I honestly am just so relieved that I got back to normal and am experiencing life on a normal level again. I'm gonna share what helped me in hopes someone will read it because I remember going on forums when I was having panic attacks and it was just random websites trying to get me to buy their program. I wanted nothing more than to hear from a real person, not a business with a goal of making money.

Now, Some people don't understand what a panic attack is and how it can make you feel. As some of us know, It feels like a heart attack and you can feel nothing but torment. If you've never been through one, you simply just can not understand it and the worst feeling is thinking they will never stop, that you're stuck living like this.

To set me on my road to recovery. I'm gonna share what got me back to normal and brought me back to my old state of mind. :) I essentially started it all off by drinking a crap load of water, lol. 2 liters a day at least (especially in the morning). It cleans your system, helps your lungs process oxygen more efficiently, and can calm you believe it or not. I then started taking Vitamin C. At least 1500mg a day. Some people mega dose up to 3,000 mg a day but me personally I just took some chewables with a meal. Now, here's the most important one. Vitamin D which helps your serotonin levels and while you will feel the same for about a week, if you take Vitamin D every day for 2 weeks straight, you'll be feeling a change by Week 3. I took, and still do take; about 4,000 IU daily of Vitamin D.

Also, breathing exercises which increase your lung capacity and the worst part of a panic attack is feeling like you can't breath, you essentially feel smothered like your gasping for air. But If you learn to use your lungs more efficiently, your brain and lungs will get more oxygen, all working to fight off anxiety and attacks. To anyone having trouble, don't be afraid to PM me for more info. Remember, you're not alone and so many people go through this, there's nothing wrong with you. It's just an imbalance that needs to be corrected. :) You're gonna be fine.

I'm honestly standing here today because I got out of it and am glad to say that was 4 years ago and I'm back to myself. Keep fighting guys, anxiety and panic attacks often enhance who we are without as knowing. Before I experienced them I was very quiet and to myself but nowadays I just can't help but talk. I'm in sales at a new job and I love the people I work with, made a lot of friends there so far which was something I used to have a lot of trouble with. In a lot of ways, it's changed me for the better. I love every day, meeting new people, talking and laughing with customers about odd experiences, flirting, lol. I'm just proof that the torment "can" go away and you "can" get back to normal. You just have to stand up and fight every day. Stick to your regime. Vitamins, Water, Breathing exercises. And you have to get yourself involved in the world again and talking to people. But don't focus on how "you" feel. Focus on how the people around you feel, connect with them, understand their views and personalities. The world is full of people that can make our life better, and that we can relate to. We just have to reach out.

Good luck to everyone, and I hope this gets to someone who needs it. Again, I used to get so frustrated at anxiety programs just wanting my money while I was feeling like I was losing my mind, lol. Hope this helps at least one person because it worked for me.

04-02-2014, 06:39 AM
Welcome Matt! :)

Thanks for sharing your experience and these great advices. Glad you found your way out and I feel like this is going to motivate and inspire other people. This is proof people, you will get rid of this thing.

Cya around,

Elias aka Proffesor deReal :)

Irish Sammie
04-02-2014, 12:07 PM
Thanks for that Matt!

That sounds great and I'm so glad that you're rid of it. I've also heard of the benefit of Vitamin D so I think I might jump on that band wagon! I'm starting to learn how to breath better too. Good advice :)
