View Full Version : Anxiety making me ill

04-02-2014, 05:31 AM
Hi I'm new here but I've been an anxiety and depression sufferer for some time, I am on medication and receiving counselling, but it has affected me a lot at work and I was signed off last year, since then I have felt better but suffered a setback recently and my overall stress levels have caused bad headaches and generally feeling ill which has caused me to have a few instances being off work, unfortunately I still worry about not going to work even though I know I need to not be there sometimes... It's a vicious circle.
Is it normal to feel physically ill with anxiety as this has come on for me more recently.

04-02-2014, 06:09 AM
It is normal for anxiety to give you physical symptoms. I get them a lot. Headaches, chest pain, tingling in arms and hands, nausea, dizziness to name a few. There's a sticky thread on here that deals with this and you'll find that you're not alone in these feelings.
Take care and welcome to the forums, they're a brilliant place for help and advice.

04-02-2014, 05:46 PM
Hi I'm new here but I've been an anxiety and depression sufferer for some time, I am on medication and receiving counselling, but it has affected me a lot at work and I was signed off last year, since then I have felt better but suffered a setback recently and my overall stress levels have caused bad headaches and generally feeling ill which has caused me to have a few instances being off work, unfortunately I still worry about not going to work even though I know I need to not be there sometimes... It's a vicious circle.
Is it normal to feel physically ill with anxiety as this has come on for me more recently.

You're not the only one. I had to take a month and a half leave of absence from work due to debilitating anxiety. Right now I am at a point in my life where I have hut rock bottom and am slowly starting to build a stronger better person for the first time in my life. I take meds when I'm supposed to. Go to an intensive outpatient group five times a week for three hours at a time. Go to an anti anxiety group once a week, and go to my therapist once a week. I hit absolute rock bottom but instead of just using the meds I'm taking advantage of every possible avenue possible. It's a slow and long process but I'm sticking to it come hell or high water. Just my advice to take advantage of everything at your disposal. Good luck.

04-02-2014, 06:03 PM
You're not the only one. I had to take a month and a half leave of absence from work due to debilitating anxiety. Right now I am at a point in my life where I have hut rock bottom and am slowly starting to build a stronger better person for the first time in my life. I take meds when I'm supposed to. Go to an intensive outpatient group five times a week for three hours at a time. Go to an anti anxiety group once a week, and go to my therapist once a week. I hit absolute rock bottom but instead of just using the meds I'm taking advantage of every possible avenue possible. It's a slow and long process but I'm sticking to it come hell or high water. Just my advice to take advantage of everything at your disposal. Good luck.

If I may add , Srm you are in such a better place today than you were a month or so ago! Keep up what you are doing, it is paying off!

Nice to see you poke your head in here from time to time. Glad you are doing better . The road is long but the journey is so worth it !


04-02-2014, 06:08 PM
your not alone i suffer from anxiety horribly i cant even stand in the shower or i feel im gonna pass out i feel your pain .

04-02-2014, 09:12 PM
I'm often feverish during, or right after my panic attacks. I always want to get out of school early on those days, but no one knows about any of my problems-aside from the school nurse. I completely understand what your going through. I even threw up a bit last time. Ugh.

04-03-2014, 08:07 AM
It is normal and it's rather hard to find anxiety sufferer without physical symptoms. There are tons of medical papers demonstrating that anxiety may be caused by a physical disease underneath, such as allergy. There are proven report indicating depressed people have problem in their immune cells.