View Full Version : Just when I thought I was getting better...

Kaylee Quinlan
04-02-2014, 02:28 AM
I have dealt with health anxiety for about 6 months now. It all started with a swollen lymph node in my neck (that is still there). I have had a ct scan done of my neck that showed nothing. Now I have been dealing with a complex ovarian cyst (which means there is something in it besides fluid) which could be completely normal or it could be cancer. I have had an ultrasound and a ct scan done of this ovary. My gyno seems to think it is not cancer and we will just play the watch and wait game. Dr Google told me that ovarian cancer that has spread to distant lymph nodes would be stage 4 ovarian cancer...ummmm so why are we playing the watch and wait game. she thinks that they are completely unrelated but I am not sure that they are. My regular physician said the lymph node does not feel worrisome and sometimes they just dont go away. For the past 2 weeks I have been sick off and on (throwing up) and have been extremely dizzy. I cant get off the couch and just sleep all the time. I know that those can be signs of anxiety but because I could have stage 4 ovarian cancer I am afraid that I am dying. All of my blood work (CBC) has been completely normal and my blood pressure etc is always normal. I have 3 little kids and I just dont feel like playing around with the fact that I could have had cancer this whole time that has just been missed. Im starting to feel like okay when do I believe the doctors? I mean I know they are the professionals and deal with this kind of stuff on a rgular basis but seriously come on...I know they arent lying to me but are they playing it up so I dont worry? I just want to know if I have cancer or not. Anyone ever dealt with their doctors telling them things that didnt end up being the case? Should I just go with what my doctors say or should i demand more tests. This is exhausting!

04-02-2014, 03:47 AM
I have dealt with health anxiety for about 6 months now. It all started with a swollen lymph node in my neck (that is still there). I have had a ct scan done of my neck that showed nothing. Now I have been dealing with a complex ovarian cyst (which means there is something in it besides fluid) which could be completely normal or it could be cancer. I have had an ultrasound and a ct scan done of this ovary. My gyno seems to think it is not cancer and we will just play the watch and wait game. Dr Google told me that ovarian cancer that has spread to distant lymph nodes would be stage 4 ovarian cancer...ummmm so why are we playing the watch and wait game. she thinks that they are completely unrelated but I am not sure that they are. My regular physician said the lymph node does not feel worrisome and sometimes they just dont go away. For the past 2 weeks I have been sick off and on (throwing up) and have been extremely dizzy. I cant get off the couch and just sleep all the time. I know that those can be signs of anxiety but because I could have stage 4 ovarian cancer I am afraid that I am dying. All of my blood work (CBC) has been completely normal and my blood pressure etc is always normal. I have 3 little kids and I just dont feel like playing around with the fact that I could have had cancer this whole time that has just been missed. Im starting to feel like okay when do I believe the doctors? I mean I know they are the professionals and deal with this kind of stuff on a rgular basis but seriously come on...I know they arent lying to me but are they playing it up so I dont worry? I just want to know if I have cancer or not. Anyone ever dealt with their doctors telling them things that didnt end up being the case? Should I just go with what my doctors say or should i demand more tests. This is exhausting!

Hi kaylee,

If you are not satisfied with your doctors opinion, why not get a second opinion? If the second one comes back the same then try to let it go for the time being.

You said you have 3 young children, maybe shifting your focus back on then for a bit. Kids are a great distraction.

This wait and see attitude may simply be that there is not enough evidence to determine exactly what is going on.

By all means ask for more tests if that will ease your mind, or as I said a second opinion.

I really understand your confusion, but please keep in mind that those of us with anxiety issues, especially when they are health related, can get these things spinning out of control really easily.

Keep a level head! You can do this.

Hope you get the answers you need!

04-02-2014, 06:52 AM
Hey Kaylee,

I agree with Pam, get a second opinion. Do you have any relative who's suffered from cancer?

See, this is what health anxiety is. Even if you got your tests back and it's all normal; you would just find something new on your body that looks "weird". Then you'll worry, you do some tests and it's all fine. The cycle repeats. You and only you can stop this.

How? Stop caring. Learn to say f*ck it. There is a thread here on the forum: "HEALTH ANXIETY EXPOSED". Read the first post, it'll help you.

What will worrying do about it other than ruin the time you are healthy? Enjoy your time with your family instead. Don't let it take control of you, look it in the eyes, smile and give it a big fat f*ck you.

Wish you the best! :)


04-02-2014, 08:33 AM
agree with Needtogetwell and Alias, you need to calm down. I wonder what should I do having skin cancer already, should I just lie on the coach and die. Do not be naive 4 stage cancer you would have every test wrong and first of all the red and white cells count. Do not lose time with your kids. You need to make app with another doc maybe psychiatrist this time. Many of us have a psdoc (I do) and are stabilized.
Maybe you need to go on meds maybe just therapy will help you. Anxiety is a b*** and can do strange mess with the body, I mean we let it make mess. Good luck :)