View Full Version : :O long time

Olive Yew
04-01-2014, 09:33 PM
So i just realized I hadnt been on here in a while. I've been... Pretty decently normal 0.0 it's a really really REALLY nice feeling. Sure i still get stressed but... My body's figured out how to deal with it again. I feel like... I may be graduating from the Anxiety Forum :') it's bitter sweet. I probably wont delete the app just in case and to pop in and see y'all whenever I miss you.

Anyway... I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's made my recovery process easier and heck even possible. You all have done so much for me, even in ways that may seem so little. And i only wish i could repay to all properly. <3 i love you guys!

Life Update (for those who arent my friend on facebook) : I GOT A JOB! And I love it! I work in a greenhouse/nursery. I actually love it so much that imm considering switching degrees. :)
I'm slowly but surely getting my personality back. It's different than before... But maybe that's just the way God wanted me to be.
My female gecko laid eggs the other day and I was properly stunned seeing as my male hasnt gotten anywhere near her. Turns out the eggs were sterile but it still gave me quite a shock. :P
Tummy issues have gotten better. I can no longer eat dairy, gluten, or a lot of sugar. (So basically products as raw and natural as they come). It's taking some getting used to but... I'm finding alternatives to my favorite foods that make me happy :)
Last but not least, I got Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairy on DVD today and I'm way more excited about it than I should be. Freaking TOM HIDDLESTON is the voice of CAPTAIN HOOK!!! And he SINGS! Plus there's all my favorite fairies and pirate-ness and just AAAAAAH!!! Oh and did I mention Tom Hiddleston is Captain Hook? Tom Hiddleston is Captain Hook... And he >>SINGS!!!!!!!<< Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust foo's!!! My heart wears ears!

Peace out ;) thank you all again for your love and care and support. It really means the world to me.

04-02-2014, 03:01 AM
Even though I'm friends with you on Facebook, I still hate to see you go from here but I'm so happy for you that you can.

It's awesome to see someone come in and work their way through their issues and come out on the winning side

And you were the queen of the games in here for quite a bit too!

I'm truly happy for you.

Stay well but do drop by occasionally just to keep your friends here updated