View Full Version : Bactrim = Anxiety/Depression?

04-01-2014, 04:10 PM
So, feeling lousy today. Very anxious and depressed. I've been taking the antibiotic Bactrim for 4 days for a UTI and decided to look up the side effects... wouldn't you know? Anxiety and depression were in the top 4 side effects!

Has anyone else experienced antibiotics that mess with your anxiety/depression?

04-02-2014, 09:16 PM
Hey, I don't take any meds but I was scrolling down through some older posts and noticed no one replayed to this one. Just thought I'd post something here so that this thread can go back to the top of the list. Hopefully, someone will read and help you out!

04-03-2014, 03:23 AM
As this is probably a temporary side effect, most likely triggering upset in the digestive system, I'd suggest trying to hang tough until you get through the full dosage. Bactrim is a good antibiotic for urinary infections, so it's important to get that cleared up by taking the full prescription. Try eating some yogurt with probiotic cultures or taking a probiotic supplement. Also, make sure you drink plenty of water while taking this medicine. Hope you feel better soon.