View Full Version : Does anyone feel strange after being normal...???

04-01-2014, 04:56 AM
Hey all

So i have been anxious through out the month. Dont know the root cause, but after a panic attack I ws shivering badly for days..wsn't able to sleep well..after about 8-10 days , I started taking medicines (vitamin supplements and sedatives including phenergan) .

Well but now the thing is after about 3 weeks of taking medicines... am feeling very light. I mean my head doesn't have any sort of tension, am not shivering. Though, I still have some fears in mind but everything seems a bit weird and strange,don't know why.. Can it be because am getting back to normal..? My head feels so light no tension etc to the extent that it starts feeling numb.. and scares me..That am not ok..

Does anyone else feel strange after recovery from anxiety and panic..? I feel a bit strange overall...like if something is not ok..My head feels dull and numb..can it be because am being ok again and my anxiety is gone..?

Share ur experiences please...

Thanks :)

04-01-2014, 08:02 AM
I can relate! I was feeling great during the past week and then all of a sudden Sunday morning I woke up and I felt completely normal, I thought to myself hey this is great I'm going to go be adventurous today... Get in the car to go to honest eds in downtown Toronto and the normal started feeling uncomfortable, I could see clearly, no head pressure, not feeling tired, but just feeling like something was completely wrong! Why? I don't know! Told myself that this is nothing to worry about and this is just anxiety trying to. Creep in ... Unfortunately still feeling anxiety .. Not as bad as weeks ago though,, I've been on zoloft for 4.5 weeks now .. Hopefully it gives more of an anxiety reducing effect..

04-01-2014, 08:05 AM
What do you do to try and calm your self ? My usual is to close my eyes in breath .. If I'm not in public I stretch a lot .. Don't know if it really helps or just a placebo effect .. But it feels good

04-01-2014, 08:44 AM
What do you do to try and calm your self ? My usual is to close my eyes in breath .. If I'm not in public I stretch a lot .. Don't know if it really helps or just a placebo effect .. But it feels good

Thanks for ur suggestions.. :-) yeah I also try to close my eyes amd deep breath when am anxious.. but when in public dont knw what to do... I also try to divert my mind and do something interesting...

04-01-2014, 11:40 AM
Hey all

So i have been anxious through out the month. Dont know the root cause, but after a panic attack I ws shivering badly for days..wsn't able to sleep well..after about 8-10 days , I started taking medicines (vitamin supplements and sedatives including phenergan) .

Well but now the thing is after about 3 weeks of taking medicines... am feeling very light. I mean my head doesn't have any sort of tension, am not shivering. Though, I still have some fears in mind but everything seems a bit weird and strange,don't know why.. Can it be because am getting back to normal..? My head feels so light no tension etc to the extent that it starts feeling numb.. and scares me..That am not ok..

Does anyone else feel strange after recovery from anxiety and panic..? I feel a bit strange overall...like if something is not ok..My head feels dull and numb..can it be because am being ok again and my anxiety is gone..?

Share ur experiences please...

Thanks :)

When my anxiety starts subsiding, I start feeling like I'm missing a part of me. I've had bad anxiety ever since I can remember. My first attack that I can remember was in the first week of second grade. (I was scared about learning cursive because I'm a lefty.) I was so scared thinking that everyone was going to make fun on me, and think that I was stupid for it. It was embarrassing though, my teacher refused to teach a lefty because it was too hard. Anyways, back to my point.. I think that my problem is just that I'm so used to constantly worrying about everything, being frightened, having a cloudy/cluttered mind, or just anxious in general that I almost feel like it is who I am. Like I should accept it and call it a day.