View Full Version : Feeling dizzy

03-31-2014, 09:37 PM
Does anyone feel dizzy constantly?
My dr said it's my anxiety
An that's what stops me from leaving my house

I left my home today for the first time in 2 weeks an I was super dizzy I thought I was going to faint
It's the most uncomfortable feeling because if I dwell on it it leads to a horrible panic attack :(

Has anyone actually ever fainted?
It goes away when I'm walking back to my car
Which I'm not driving! :/
Because I know I'm going home to my safe zone???

I still haven't started meds
Can the dizziness go away on its own...

03-31-2014, 10:07 PM
When i was starting off with severe anxiety i was constantly dizzy to a point it was hard to go to school or i cried about it but somehow as you realize it anxiety and u start to take your mind off things it leaves and changes to another symptoms or goes away
Try you best to wear flat shoes help u be balanced , try eating constantly ever 3-4 hrs low blood sugar levels could cause this , also try to control your breathing it may not be under control and all the blood may be rushing to your head .. It will pass just remember that dont do the same thing i did which was let it affect me and make my anxiety worse it will pass dont forget to stay hydrated , and take vitamins if it helps (: dont worry your not alone i have my days too

03-31-2014, 10:10 PM
Does anyone feel dizzy constantly? My dr said it's my anxiety An that's what stops me from leaving my house I left my home today for the first time in 2 weeks an I was super dizzy I thought I was going to faint It's the most uncomfortable feeling because if I dwell on it it leads to a horrible panic attack :( Has anyone actually ever fainted? It goes away when I'm walking back to my car Which I'm not driving! :/ Because I know I'm going home to my safe zone??? I still haven't started meds Can the dizziness go away on its own...

I've had anxiety for about 2 years & like 2 months ago, I would get really dizzy at work. It was in the morning. It just, went away.

Usually I would drink cold water when I started feeling like that. It helps! :)

03-31-2014, 10:29 PM
Yes I been there too. Anxiety can manifest in so many ways! It's amazing!! Just hang in there.. try your best everyday!! don't let it win! I know it's easier said then done but we must .. :)

04-01-2014, 10:37 PM
When i was starting off with severe anxiety i was constantly dizzy to a point it was hard to go to school or i cried about it but somehow as you realize it anxiety and u start to take your mind off things it leaves and changes to another symptoms or goes away Try you best to wear flat shoes help u be balanced , try eating constantly ever 3-4 hrs low blood sugar levels could cause this , also try to control your breathing it may not be under control and all the blood may be rushing to your head .. It will pass just remember that dont do the same thing i did which was let it affect me and make my anxiety worse it will pass dont forget to stay hydrated , and take vitamins if it helps (: dont worry your not alone i have my days too

Thanks for replying
An thanks for the advice I def have to learn to mentally tell my self it's anxiety an hope it passes
Sometimes i feel like I'm walking on waves
It even feels like I'm walking down stairs an I miss a step
My stomach constantly drops
But I know it's anxiety because I'm fine when I'm at home or my other comfort zones

04-02-2014, 12:19 AM
Yes, I had bouts with dizziness. I was even prescribed some meds as they thought I had Vertigo. But I have zeroed it down to being Anxiety. As whenever I dont have any feelings I am just fine. But when I am anxious it happens even more.

Hang it there, find a way to calm down and eventually the dizziness will subside! You can do it!

04-10-2014, 08:36 AM
do you feel dizzy almost all the time?
I feel dizzy all the time and it sucks. it makes me feel something is wrong with me. It's almost been 7 weeks :(

04-10-2014, 08:57 AM
I have been suffering dizziness for about a year I can't leave my house because I feel like I will faint and it sets me off in a panic attack, I wish I knew how to stop being dizzy its ruined my life

04-10-2014, 09:47 AM
do you feel dizzy almost all the time? I feel dizzy all the time and it sucks. it makes me feel something is wrong with me. It's almost been 7 weeks :(

Yes everyday! :(
My dr has checked my blood
I've done diff tests
It's all anxiety he says
I think I've been dizzy constantly for about 6 months... I'm so convinced something is wrong too... I just have to trust my dr an believe its anxiety. he prescribed me medication but I fear side effects so I don't think I will be taking them anytime soon :(

04-10-2014, 09:52 AM
I have been suffering dizziness for about a year I can't leave my house because I feel like I will faint and it sets me off in a panic attack, I wish I knew how to stop being dizzy its ruined my life

It's very hard for me to leave my house too
I rarely do and when I do I have to wait in the car while my boyfriend does grocery shopping
It's really depressing
I feel like all this has ruined the past year of my life too
I now feel I can't even go back to my normal life!
I'm on the same boat as you
That being said I literally constantly feel like I'm walking on a boat over some strong waves it's really scary

04-10-2014, 09:54 AM
Did you get an mri or anything done? I didn't and that bit scares me that I don't even know if my brain's ok. my doctor just tested my blood and I got an audiometry...which was all fine..
but the fact that I haven't been tested extensively scares me that what if there's something happening that I don't even know about. my doctor and my parents seem to think it's anxiety too.
I'm only 20 but I can't seem to enjoy anything anymore in this fear

04-10-2014, 10:02 AM
It's very hard for me to leave my house too I rarely do and when I do I have to wait in the car while my boyfriend does grocery shopping It's really depressing I feel like all this has ruined the past year of my life too I now feel I can't even go back to my normal life! I'm on the same boat as you That being said I literally constantly feel like I'm walking on a boat over some strong waves it's really scary

I can't even wait in the car I have to get my food shopping delivered to my house, I have a 3 year old son and I feel so guilty for not taking him anywhere. Yep that's like me I can't walk properly my eyes go blurry and I get pains in my head it is like your walking in a boat with really strong waves I feel like I need to hold on to something when I walk

04-10-2014, 10:03 AM
Did you get an mri or anything done? I didn't and that bit scares me that I don't even know if my brain's ok. my doctor just tested my blood and I got an audiometry...which was all fine.. but the fact that I haven't been tested extensively scares me that what if there's something happening that I don't even know about. my doctor and my parents seem to think it's anxiety too. I'm only 20 but I can't seem to enjoy anything anymore in this fear

I didn't do a MRI
I've been trying but my dr said I'm looking for things to be wrong with me
I seen a neurologist though an she did a test
Where she pulled my toes did something with my fingers and hers
She said if something was wrong with my head
I would have failed all of those tests
She refereed me to a psychologist

I'm going to be 26 in a few weeks and I've been going through this since 24
But severely the past almost year
I'm scared I'm going to waste more years
In my house filled with dizziness worries an fears
Do you take medication for anxiety?

04-10-2014, 10:07 AM
no nothing.
actually I used to be pretty normal before all this. i was a bit of a hypochondriac thats all. but I had a health scare ( with my eyes) and I worried about my eyes so freaking much that I got dizzy and to date I still am.
I went to 3 eye doctors and got checked thoroughly. I even had my retina checked. it was all fine. but now I'm dizzy :(

04-10-2014, 10:08 AM
I can't even wait in the car I have to get my food shopping delivered to my house, I have a 3 year old son and I feel so guilty for not taking him anywhere. Yep that's like me I can't walk properly my eyes go blurry and I get pains in my head it is like your walking in a boat with really strong waves I feel like I need to hold on to something when I walk

I have a 2 1/2 year old an I feel the same way!
Constantly guilty because the dizziness
Keeps me home when I could be doing things with him :(
Do you take any medication
I'm sorry you are going through the same thing as me
I thought I was the only mom feeling this way :(

04-10-2014, 10:18 AM
I have a 2 1/2 year old an I feel the same way! Constantly guilty because the dizziness Keeps me home when I could be doing things with him :( Do you take any medication I'm sorry you are going through the same thing as me I thought I was the only mom feeling this way :(

Ahh same I thought I was the only mum going through this aswell I feel so guilty, nope I'm not on any meds I refuse to take them are you?

04-10-2014, 10:22 AM
Ahh same I thought I was the only mum going through this aswell I feel so guilty, nope I'm not on any meds I refuse to take them are you?

No I refuse to also
I'm convinced I can find a way to get rid of the dizzy/light headedness naturally
Are scared of medication like me or do you just prefer to not take prescriptions?

04-10-2014, 10:31 AM
No I refuse to also I'm convinced I can find a way to get rid of the dizzy/light headedness naturally Are scared of medication like me or do you just prefer to not take prescriptions?

I'm scared it will make me worse and I don't want to rely on them and all the nasty chemicals in them I like natural meds so I take rescue remedy which is made from herbs.

04-11-2014, 09:56 AM
have any of you guys been diagnosed of an anxiety disorder?

04-11-2014, 10:04 AM
have any of you guys been diagnosed of an anxiety disorder?

Yeah I have

04-11-2014, 10:21 AM
have any of you guys been diagnosed of an anxiety disorder?

I have been diagnosed as a manic depressive with anxiety disorder and severe cycling PTSD.