View Full Version : Muscle tension and aches

04-24-2008, 10:35 AM
I've been dealing with GAD for the last 4 months and recently developed a new symptom that had me in my GP's office on monday.

Basically my right arm and leg seem to feel tired, and a tiny bit achy in a vague, non-specific way. I also was convinced that my right arm felt weak in comparison to my left (I'm right handed). I am constantly aware of this and it can be very distracting. Obviously my anxiety caused me to worry that I had some terrible neuromusculer or brain condition.

My GP tested my strength and reflexes and said that objectively there was nothing unusual and no difference between them.

I've had aches before which I assume are caused by persistent muscle tension, particularly in my thighs, groin and back.

Do the symptoms that I have described above sound like a result of muscle tension? Is it possible to experience muscle tension and aches in one particular limb or is it always both?

Some reassurance would be very much appreciated!!

04-25-2008, 01:12 AM
It could be muscle tension.

Do you exercise? Or stretch?

05-02-2008, 11:26 AM
I've had this problem for a few days now and I thought I was going mad!!!
been going round and round in circles in my head about what could be the problem but i'm now putting it down to my anxiety, glad someone else has experienced this and i'm not the only one!!!

05-10-2008, 09:00 AM
It could be muscle tension.

Do you exercise? Or stretch?

I do go to the gymn but haven't noticed much improvement from this.
In fact it was at the gymn that I first noticed this relative weakness.
I am aware of the fact that this sensation could be due to me analysing sensations too much, but its still a horrible thing to have at the back of my mind.