View Full Version : New here!!! Does anyone feel like have chest pains all day every day?

03-31-2014, 04:08 PM
Hey guys I am a newbie here but unfortunately not new to anxiety. I have had it for about 10 years now...yay....(sense my sarcasm) Anyways I feel like my anxiety symptoms change. For a few months I will feel like Im light headed and get body tingles, then after that I will get brain zaps and think I have a brain tumor...my latest bout has been chest pains. I cant describe the pain though its not sharp pains but more like a dull pain or pressure, sometimes like its being squeezed. Like someone is sitting on my chest. But I feel this way pretty much all the time. All day everyday. I also have this weird thing where I cant burp out of my mouth (I physically cant) so when I get gas bubbles they pop in my chest...its so weird but Im wondering if that could be it. Of course my first instinct was to go to the doctor and he said he didn't think it was anything and would likely go away over time but this started in December and I am still dealing with it. The logical part of my mind tells me its just anxiety and I feel it all the time because I think about it ALL THE TIME. But then there is the other part of my mind that is telling me no there is really something wrong. I feel like a crazy person. I have gone to my doctors office so many times for "aches and pains" that he just ends up contributing to anxiety but I just feel off all day every day... in the past it used to go away after a few days but this has been 3 months now and I just don't know if its normal....does anyone else have this kind of experience?

03-31-2014, 08:31 PM
Hey guys I am a newbie here but unfortunately not new to anxiety. I have had it for about 10 years now...yay....(sense my sarcasm) Anyways I feel like my anxiety symptoms change. For a few months I will feel like Im light headed and get body tingles, then after that I will get brain zaps and think I have a brain tumor...my latest bout has been chest pains. I cant describe the pain though its not sharp pains but more like a dull pain or pressure, sometimes like its being squeezed. Like someone is sitting on my chest. But I feel this way pretty much all the time. All day everyday. I also have this weird thing where I cant burp out of my mouth (I physically cant) so when I get gas bubbles they pop in my chest...its so weird but Im wondering if that could be it. Of course my first instinct was to go to the doctor and he said he didn't think it was anything and would likely go away over time but this started in December and I am still dealing with it. The logical part of my mind tells me its just anxiety and I feel it all the time because I think about it ALL THE TIME. But then there is the other part of my mind that is telling me no there is really something wrong. I feel like a crazy person. I have gone to my doctors office so many times for "aches and pains" that he just ends up contributing to anxiety but I just feel off all day every day... in the past it used to go away after a few days but this has been 3 months now and I just don't know if its normal....does anyone else have this kind of experience?

Hey. I deal with the chest tightness almost constantly, and when I start getting anxious & worked up.. it tightens. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to suffocate. I'm not really sure about the not being able to burp though. I do get acid reflux a lot when the tightness isn't as bad.. Other than that, I'm not really sure. I wish that I could be of more help, but my reply was mostly to let you know that you're most definitely not alone on some of these issues. I do hope you can figure out what's going on.

04-01-2014, 08:14 AM
Thanks for your input!!! Im sure its just anxiety but it bothers me that I feel it all the time. But I guess that's just part of it.

04-01-2014, 09:55 AM
Thanks for your input!!! Im sure its just anxiety but it bothers me that I feel it all the time. But I guess that's just part of it.

I'd say that it could just be part of it because I almost always have a tight feeling chest.