View Full Version : Questions for the ladies!!!!

03-31-2014, 01:33 PM
Ok so I've been doing SO good with my anxiety I've been so happy and carefree like I used to be a couple months ago before my anxiety attacks all begun. Ive finally started looking forward to things again and overall just feel like me again.

UNTIL I got my period Saturday morning. Starting Friday night and still happening today, I've been having random breakdowns about absolutely nothing!! Ill just start bawling like a crazy person! And my mind will just race and ill think so negatively. Im worried about everything again and about my health. Its freaking crazy!!! Does your period heighten all of your moods and emotions and thoughts?!

Im so sad and mad and frustrated and disappointed (the list goes on) because Ive been doing so well:( I just want some reassurance that maybe it actually is your period that contributes to these feelings. I don't want to cry anymore because I'm so focused on getting myself better!

I do have my first session with a counsellor tomorrow which is good timing I guess but I would still like to talk to some of you with whats going on!

Any replies are very much appreciated!!!!

03-31-2014, 01:39 PM
Yeah happens to me just befor i'm awful sometimes during I cry for no reason to. But I'm definitely worse around the time I'm due on x

03-31-2014, 02:42 PM
Yes, my anxiety is always worse right before and during my time. I get really agitated and angry. I also get really sensitive and emotional, it's a nightmare! Ugh hormones....

03-31-2014, 04:36 PM
Ok so I've been doing SO good with my anxiety I've been so happy and carefree like I used to be a couple months ago before my anxiety attacks all begun. Ive finally started looking forward to things again and overall just feel like me again. UNTIL I got my period Saturday morning. Starting Friday night and still happening today, I've been having random breakdowns about absolutely nothing!! Ill just start bawling like a crazy person! And my mind will just race and ill think so negatively. Im worried about everything again and about my health. Its freaking crazy!!! Does your period heighten all of your moods and emotions and thoughts?! Im so sad and mad and frustrated and disappointed (the list goes on) because Ive been doing so well:( I just want some reassurance that maybe it actually is your period that contributes to these feelings. I don't want to cry anymore because I'm so focused on getting myself better! I do have my first session with a counsellor tomorrow which is good timing I guess but I would still like to talk to some of you with whats going on! Any replies are very much appreciated!!!!

Hormone imbalance nightmare!!! I live with this all the time. Talk to your doctor, may have some suggestions.

I'm looking into a supplement called maca. It balances hormones and some other cool stuff. No side effects. I've just started using it in my green smoothies, will let you know how the monthly meltdown goes next time.

I hear how frustrated you are with this but you are doing really well, this is just a few days speed bump!

Hang in there!

03-31-2014, 07:24 PM
I get the same way. Hormones are crazy beings. My Doc told me to take chaste tree berry and evening primrose oil everyday. I just started it so we will see how it goes.