View Full Version : Stuck

03-31-2014, 11:19 AM
I am stuck in a rut! I think it's the silliest thing ever but I cannot seem to get past it. I guess it would be considered an intrusive thought but it's just weird.

I am constantly obsessing over reality. I question if my life is real all day long. Of course there are so many other thoughts that stem from it, but that's the main one.

There are moments that I'm like, this is stupid, of course my life is real. Then I'm like, wait, how do I know it's real, what if it's all in my head and from that point doubt takes over completely.

Does anyone have ANY advice for me?

I feel weird too, like not myself at all. I know I posted about this recently, and I apologize for the annoyance, but I feel lost and lonely.

03-31-2014, 12:39 PM
Still taking Kpin Mel, or did you stop?

03-31-2014, 12:42 PM
Still taking Kpin Mel, or did you stop?

I took them for a week straight and felt good. Thoughts were still present but I didn't get anxious about them. It helped with that part of it, I been taking one or two a week now before I get physically anxious. It's the stupid thought process that gets me! It makes me depressed.

03-31-2014, 06:01 PM
No one else can relate?

03-31-2014, 06:25 PM
No one else can relate?

I went through that phase for a while. The first time I got derealization I was pretty sure my mind was slipping. I began to question if things were real. It's hard to focus on anything outside of ourselves when we are so focused on what's going on inside our mind and body. I think that's probably why things outside of our bodies don't seem real because we're so over focused on what's going on internally. If that makes sense.

03-31-2014, 08:01 PM
I went through that phase for a while. The first time I got derealization I was pretty sure my mind was slipping. I began to question if things were real. It's hard to focus on anything outside of ourselves when we are so focused on what's going on inside our mind and body. I think that's probably why things outside of our bodies don't seem real because we're so over focused on what's going on internally. If that makes sense.

Thanks for responding, I guess that's what I'm going through, derealization.

03-31-2014, 08:07 PM
No one else can relate?

I get the same thought/feeling a couple times a day. I've noticed that I usually start thinking that way when I feel like I'm not the one piloting my body. I get this feeling like I know it's me controlling my body, but it's like I can't feel the sensation that I am. Idk if that makes any sense. Anyways, I wish that I had some advice for you because I just kinda try to not think about it.. so if you get any good advice, please relay the message.

(Derealization was the word I was looking for)

03-31-2014, 08:08 PM
I get the same thought/feeling a couple times a day. I've noticed that I usually start thinking that way when I feel like I'm not the one piloting my body. I get this feeling like I know it's me controlling my body, but it's like I can't feel the sensation that I am. Idk if that makes any sense. Anyways, I wish that I had some advice for you because I just kinda try to not think about it.. so if you get any good advice, please relay the message.

It's a scary feeling.

I'm afraid I'll start to believe life isn't real :( I think about it so much, I'm sure that's what will happen.

03-31-2014, 08:14 PM
It's a scary feeling.

I'm afraid I'll start to believe life isn't real :( I think about it so much, I'm sure that's what will happen.

It is a scary feeling. At first, I get a little panicky because it just kinda washes on you like a hot flash (but without the heat?).. but after a second, it feels like you're dreaming because you don't feel floaty-ish. Idk if that how you'd describe it, but that's how it goes for this crazy bat. It really. Is nice to be able to have someone who can understand. My mom just get frustrated because she doesn't understand, and my fiance feels bad because he doesn't know how to react to my anxious ramblings and awkward breathing (I get a lot of chest tightness).

03-31-2014, 08:18 PM
It is a scary feeling. At first, I get a little panicky because it just kinda washes on you like a hot flash (but without the heat?).. but after a second, it feels like you're dreaming because you don't feel floaty-ish. Idk if that how you'd describe it, but that's how it goes for this crazy bat. It really. Is nice to be able to have someone who can understand. My mom just get frustrated because she doesn't understand, and my fiance feels bad because he doesn't know how to react to my anxious ramblings and awkward breathing (I get a lot of chest tightness).

I have those physical feelings too, but not as much, basically for me it's all thoughts. A little brain fog. My husband understands because he has it too,but that actually makes things worse because we both go through it at the same time.

03-31-2014, 08:19 PM
Mel, how many kids do you have? I forgot :)

Think it's 2??

Has your harm OCD been completely replaced by this new type of OCD?

03-31-2014, 08:34 PM
Mel, how many kids do you have? I forgot :) Think it's 2?? Has your harm OCD been completely replaced by this new type of OCD?

I have one little girl.

Yea I guess you could say that it's replaced the harm ocd. I still get the violent thoughts, they just don't bother me as much.

03-31-2014, 08:41 PM
I have one little girl.

Yea I guess you could say that it's replaced the harm ocd. I still get the violent thoughts, they just don't bother me as much.

Oh the one girl. My memory's going it seems!

Which would you say is worse, this or harm?

03-31-2014, 08:58 PM
Oh the one girl. My memory's going it seems! Which would you say is worse, this or harm?

Lol that's ok, you only talk to about a million of us everyday :)

I'd say they are both equally agonizing in different ways. This is probably easier to manage because it's not focused on my baby. But the doubt that follows what I know to be true is overwhelming. I don't know if that's typical of ocd, but it seems like a pattern with me, no matter the obsession.

I'm obsessed with reality because no one can prove or disprove what reality is. It's a philosophical thing I think. I dunno. Hard to explain.

Niicole Lynne
03-31-2014, 10:16 PM
I get this too
It's very new to mee and I don't really know how to handle it
My Effexor has taken away most of my panic and anxiety attacks but the intrusive thoughts are still there
I don't know if distraction is dealing with it but that's basically what I do and try to trust in my beliefs

03-31-2014, 10:43 PM
I get this too It's very new to mee and I don't really know how to handle it My Effexor has taken away most of my panic and anxiety attacks but the intrusive thoughts are still there I don't know if distraction is dealing with it but that's basically what I do and try to trust in my beliefs

You have intrusive thoughts about reality?

Niicole Lynne
03-31-2014, 10:47 PM
You have intrusive thoughts about reality?

Yes. It's kinda like my physical symptons dispersed so now I have these thoughts
It really sucks when I'm trying to focus on work and such

04-01-2014, 10:11 AM
Yes. It's kinda like my physical symptons dispersed so now I have these thoughts It really sucks when I'm trying to focus on work and such

I know exactly what you mean