View Full Version : Anxiety this early

03-31-2014, 10:13 AM
Stepping out of my comfort zone

So today im having a day out with my sister and cant stop being anxious and were not even out yet i have like this cut in my tongue causing a lol pain and my tongue feel like its swollen but its not you know i just cant stop thinking about i just hope today doesnt turn into me using a excuse like "i think im getting sick" or "im tired" a lot ahead of me today wish me luck (:

03-31-2014, 10:49 AM
Best of luck to you!!

03-31-2014, 10:56 AM
Good luck! Try to focus on having fun and enjoying the day with your sister.

03-31-2014, 11:08 AM
You've got this girl. I know you might be ify, but some breathing exercises might help. I've used the "I'm tired" excuse more than anyone probably should. (Lol) However, when it comes down to being anxious or hanging out with my brother, I try everything in my power to chill out. (Then again I don't see my brother much. He lives a few hours away)
If you had time, maybe even take a bubble bath to relax you. Coupled with some soothing breathing exercise might help to block out the anxious thoughts some so that you can focus on how much fun you will have with your sister.
Also, I assume that she know about your anxiety? If you start feeling anxious when you are out with her, calmly explain that you need to be excused to the restroom for a moment, then proceed to calm yourself whether you have 'as needed drugs', some breathing exercises, or even a short meditation. Hang in there girl. You're gonna kick your anxiety's ass one day!

03-31-2014, 11:17 AM
You've got this girl. I know you might be ify, but some breathing exercises might help. I've used the "I'm tired" excuse more than anyone probably should. (Lol) However, when it comes down to being anxious or hanging out with my brother, I try everything in my power to chill out. (Then again I don't see my brother much. He lives a few hours away) If you had time, maybe even take a bubble bath to relax you. Coupled with some soothing breathing exercise might help to block out the anxious thoughts some so that you can focus on how much fun you will have with your sister. Also, I assume that she know about your anxiety? If you start feeling anxious when you are out with her, calmly explain that you need to be excused to the restroom for a moment, then proceed to calm yourself whether you have 'as needed drugs', some breathing exercises, or even a short meditation. Hang in there girl. You're gonna kick your anxiety's ass one day! yes thank you so much i really appreciate this hopefully all goes well so fat so good just had a little car anxiety for a while because my sisters drives crazy lol but im calming down but thank you so much you really made my day a lot better !

03-31-2014, 11:17 AM
Good luck! Try to focus on having fun and enjoying the day with your sister. thank you will definitely try (:

03-31-2014, 11:18 AM
Best of luck to you!! Thank you very much may you have a good day (:

03-31-2014, 08:36 PM
yes thank you so much i really appreciate this hopefully all goes well so fat so good just had a little car anxiety for a while because my sisters drives crazy lol but im calming down but thank you so much you really made my day a lot better !

Glad to hear it. :)