View Full Version : Is it bad to be intelligent..?

03-31-2014, 04:02 AM
Hey all

Hope you all are doing great...I told about my anxiety condition in previous thread and thanks for all your replies. But I wanna ask a few things...

I have always been a good student during my education and always scored top grades. Am ambitious and outgoing but for some reasons...I have suddenly become anxious and over concerned about myself after my graduation. I m considered an intelligent girl, and I always think about things strategically, but at the same time am very sensitive too...

Now am over thinking about myself now...and even worrying about my anxiety...??? Do u think people with higher IQ are more prone to being anxious..? Why is this soo...? Any remedies to overcome such anxiety..


03-31-2014, 05:33 AM
I believe that people with higher IQ are more likely to get anxiety, why? good question.. Probably because they see more and overthink more then regular IQ.

03-31-2014, 05:34 AM
I think I remember reading somewhere that intelligent people struggle with anxiety more. But the term intelligence is relative as well. One can be academically intelligent but socially inept. Hence such a person is intelligent academically but not socially.

03-31-2014, 05:39 AM
Hey all Hope you all are doing great...I told about my anxiety condition in previous thread and thanks for all your replies. But I wanna ask a few things... I have always been a good student during my education and always scored top grades. Am ambitious and outgoing but for some reasons...I have suddenly become anxious and over concerned about myself after my graduation. I m considered an intelligent girl, and I always think about things strategically, but at the same time am very sensitive too... Now am over thinking about myself now...and even worrying about my anxiety...??? Do u think people with higher IQ are more prone to being anxious..? Why is this soo...? Any remedies to overcome such anxiety.. Thanks...

Type A personality types lead the charge for anxious folks

Creative, imaginative and perfectionist

3 qualities that allow us to propel our careers and student life are the same qualities that tend to lead us to a road of anxiety

The list of actors, artists and musicians with anxiety is staggering

Keep in mind, your creative mind got you here

You can have it work for you as well to lead you out

We just have to understand the type of mind we are dealing with

03-31-2014, 06:51 AM
Hey all Hope you all are doing great...I told about my anxiety condition in previous thread and thanks for all your replies. But I wanna ask a few things... I have always been a good student during my education and always scored top grades. Am ambitious and outgoing but for some reasons...I have suddenly become anxious and over concerned about myself after my graduation. I m considered an intelligent girl, and I always think about things strategically, but at the same time am very sensitive too... Now am over thinking about myself now...and even worrying about my anxiety...??? Do u think people with higher IQ are more prone to being anxious..? Why is this soo...? Any remedies to overcome such anxiety.. Thanks...

Personally I think mental health is indiscriminate, if we were to consider academic ability as a leaning trait towards anxiety, the majority of hospital surgeons would be on Benzos.

Although some people are more resilient, it can happen to anyone.

04-01-2014, 11:37 AM
Yeah I think the real factor is sensitivity.