View Full Version : Toilet anxiety

03-31-2014, 03:39 AM
Hi every,

I am new to this site and this is my first post. Basically for about the past 8 years I have been living in fear of needing the toilet when there isn't one near me. It initially started out where I was paranoid about getting diarrhoea in oublic because I thought people would notices I was going to the toilet a lot and would talk about me. This has since moved on to becoming obsessed with making sure I am always near a toilet

This means I never go on motorways because I am so scared about getting stuck in a traffic jam and then suddenly need the toilet, I refuse to use trams and buses as they don't have toilets, I plan my routes everywhere and check to see how many toilets are available along there way- I could go forever, the list is endless!

I did try hypnotherapy a while ago but it didn't work. But I really want to overcome this fear as I now have a son and I can see that this is not only going to restrict my life but his as well. For example I would never be able to drive us to the seaside as it would involve going on a motorway

Has anyone else suffered with this phobia and does anyone recommend anything to help me?

Many thanks

03-31-2014, 06:08 AM
I have many toilet related phobias, cbt is supposed to be good for overcoming things like this. I haven't had any cbt tho.. I just kind of cope with it. I hear you though.. It is soooo hard.

03-31-2014, 12:07 PM
I have this fear as well. I'm always afraid of going somewhere and not being able to figure out where the bathroom is––and I want to avoid asking anyone because I find it embarrassing.

03-31-2014, 01:27 PM
I have this fear as well. I'm always afraid of going somewhere and not being able to figure out where the bathroom is––and I want to avoid asking anyone because I find it embarrassing.

Hey, thanks to both of you for commenting. It's reassuring to know its not just me who has these fears

I am thinking about going to see my doctor soon to discuss it- I will be really nervous and embarrassed but after having read today online that its a recognised phobia, I am hoping they have come across this before and don't just think I am crazy!! I hope I do go and see her because I can't see this ever going away and I don't want this to restrict my life anymore and don't want to possibly pass this on to my son

I've told my husband tonight that I am thinking of going to the docs and I think he's relieved that I'm final acknowledging I have an issue with it

Hope you both get this sorted too