View Full Version : Tired of symptoms ... Is this normal

03-30-2014, 11:24 PM
For the last day I have had a dull tender pain sort of behind my ear. It hurts to touch and lay on. It is very tender and sore. I'm used to headaches but not this type of head sensation. Anyone have these??

03-31-2014, 03:12 AM
For the last day I have had a dull tender pain sort of behind my ear. It hurts to touch and lay on. It is very tender and sore. I'm used to headaches but not this type of head sensation. Anyone have these??

Hi Anxietygirl,

Welcome to the forum!

It is possible that what you are feeling is stress related coming from your neck, shoulders and upper back. I know that when these muscles on me are out if wack I get pains all through my head.

If it doesn't let up however, a trip to your doctor would be a good idea. Also, if you are getting lots of headaches it wouldn't hurt to look into it. Stress and this muscle group can cause lots of head pain.

Good luck!