View Full Version : really need some help and answers please

03-30-2014, 01:53 PM
Hey all. My name is jenni and im new. Let me give you a little background. About 3 months ago i decided to come off my medicine for panic disorder. 2 weeks ago i had a major panic attack and have been bad ever since. I started my meds again. Waiting for them to work. My question is my head feels funny. Kinda like im dreaming. I dont sleep well so what the hell is going on? Anyone exoeriance this and have advise?

03-30-2014, 01:55 PM
Hey jenni, welcome to the site :)

Sounds a little like derealization. Have you ever heard of that term before?

03-30-2014, 01:57 PM
No ive been experiancing it for two weeks. Will it go away? My anxiety has lowered some. Thank you btw!

03-30-2014, 02:03 PM
You're welcome!

Derealization is a pretty common symptom of anxiety. Even on this site at the moment, many are experiencing it. It's something I've had a lot of experience with too.

It's a symptom of high anxiety. Which makes sense, as that's why we've all found our way on this site. At once point or another, we've all had higher anxiety than normal.

It does go. It isn't a permanent symptom, meaning no damage is taking place, or will take place. It's completely reversible and disappears. When that happens, depends mainly on your condition.

As your stress levels reduce, you'll find this symptom goes too.

Unfortunately there isn't too much you can do during a flare up of it. Understanding it is very helpful. Distraction is helpful too. Paying less attention to it always helps.

Medication does usually get rid of it, so as your meds settle, they should help eliminate it.

Do you have it all day long, or does it come on for periods?

03-30-2014, 02:10 PM
Hey jess its consistant but so is my anxiety. I am in therapy. I was told i have gad, panic disorder and add. Its very hard to distract myself. Do you have any suggestions? Also my panic attack happened at work so mow when i go to work the dr gets crazy. I feel like myself. I feel real. i still have my personality i just feel like, ok you know when you have a dream and you wake up you still kinda feel like your dreaming? Thats what it feels like. I dont feel fake or like anything else is. I just feel funny. Does any of this make sence?

03-30-2014, 02:42 PM
Do you live with people that you can hang out with to sort of take your focus off of things for a little bit? That can help.

One of the best ways out of this mess, is through. :)

As hard as that is.

Try and live life as closely to normal as you can. Try as much as you can not to make allowances for your condition, and try and keep up with things, like work, as you would normally. Fake it till you make it kinda thing.

Every fibre of your being will probably want you to run away, or hide, or be afraid, and that's normal, panic attacks are meant to make you do those things.

But it's so good for you when you don't give into those things.

Using coping statements along the way, such as 'I'm ok, these are JUST harmless sensations' can help. Make your mind believe that. This condition can't hurt you.

If there's anything persistent that stands out, or repeats over and over again, it's always good to write it down, and get your therapist to help you with some CBT in order to overcome it, or reframe it.

A lot of people on here use Facebook, and chat to other members, or make some friends and have somebody who they can relax and talk to. That can help.

Others just pick up a hobby, or try and learn a small skill, and dedicate their time and energy to that.

Those things can all be helpful!

03-30-2014, 03:11 PM
Ok. One more thing jess if you dont mind. Is this something you get use to or is it getting better? I cant tell if its better or the same

03-30-2014, 04:32 PM
I guess you get used to it. You learn to live whilst it's there, and it disappears into the background usually, and vanishes.

Many find when they get really distracted by something, like going out for the evening with a friend, that it disappears, and they realize how much they've been focusing on it, and stressing, and try to relax.

Not paying attention to it is a big thing, but I know it's quite hard to do.

Recently Alias from this forum has had a similar problem. If you search his posts, you can read about him. He seems to be doing much better.