View Full Version : neck pain

03-30-2014, 01:39 PM
Does anyone have advice on what to do to ease the pain in the right side of my neck? Its sore when i move my head.

03-30-2014, 01:50 PM
Your anxiety must be pretty bad lately idocherty?

Nowhere near being a rule, but I've always found most people their condition severity can be judged on where they hurt. I.e. shoulder, chest, neck.

Shoulder pain/tension being quite common and a sign of stress. Chest pain is often a symptom of pretty problematic anxiety in a person. And finally neck pain being a symptom of pretty intense anxiety.

Probably works that way as tension starts off in a couples of places, then keeps moving culminating and moving onto affect other areas more, if left unchecked.

Some light progressive muscle relaxation can help relieve tension in certain problematic areas like the back, and the neck, and the chest. Go slow if you're sore.

Bathing helps. Taking an ibuprofen too, especially if you're concerned by your pains and they worsen your anxiety.

Lowering stress levels is the ultimate answer though. If you havent already, try and find a meditation or relaxation video on YouTube, and try and do it daily. :)

03-30-2014, 01:51 PM
Sore and tense muscles can take a little time to work through.

I remember when I first started medication after my panic attacks begun, I was so stressed and so sore I couldn't move my head. My neck was in agony.

03-30-2014, 02:01 PM
Your anxiety must be pretty bad lately idocherty?

Nowhere near being a rule, but I've always found most people their condition severity can be judged on where they hurt. I.e. shoulder, chest, neck.

Shoulder pain/tension being quite common and a sign of stress. Chest pain is often a symptom of pretty problematic anxiety in a person. And finally neck pain being a symptom of pretty intense anxiety.

Probably works that way as tension starts off in a couples of places, then keeps moving culminating and moving onto affect other areas more, if left unchecked.

Some light progressive muscle relaxation can help relieve tension in certain problematic areas like the back, and the neck, and the chest. Go slow if you're sore.

Bathing helps. Taking an ibuprofen too, especially if you're concerned by your pains and they worsen your anxiety.

Lowering stress levels is the ultimate answer though. If you havent already, try and find a meditation or relaxation video on YouTube, and try and do it daily. :)

My anxiety has actually calmed down alot recently, i think my meds are working. My necks kinda worrying me though, any ache or pain worrys me. I tried to rub the muscle but i can't find the pain,

03-30-2014, 02:07 PM
My anxiety has actually calmed down alot recently, i think my meds are working. My necks kinda worrying me though, any ache or pain worrys me. I tried to rub the muscle but i can't find the pain,

The pain could be radiating to your neck but not necessarily the source. Try rubbing your shoulders see if that eases the problem.

Don't worry however, sounds like muscle strain. A session or 2 of massage therapy can be very beneficial.

Pam :)

03-30-2014, 02:11 PM
My anxiety has actually calmed down alot recently, i think my meds are working. My necks kinda worrying me though, any ache or pain worrys me. I tried to rub the muscle but i can't find the pain,

^ Still sounds like there's enough stress there to say that what you're feeling is severe anxiety. :)

These pains are often felt more frequently during the hypochondria phase. The more you do to overcome fear of this stuff, the less you'll have these pains.

The problem neck wise usually comes from the back of the neck around your shoulder, near where that bone is that you'll feel. That's where a lot of tension lives. That's why PMR works great, it helps ease some of that tension that gets trapped in those areas. Your whole jaw area can contribute too, if that's tight.

Dunno if you take magnesium, that's also a good muscle relaxer, and can help prevent tension accumulating.