View Full Version : Chest Breathing

03-30-2014, 12:33 PM
I've noticed over the past few days I get aching in my chest. It comes and goes and moves around. Anywhere from the middle to the breasts to closer to the arms. I've also noticed that I tend to tighten my stomach muscles so that it seems I'm breathing with my chest and not my stomach. Would this cause the chest to ache like that? I've also been taking Zantac and omeprazole and mucinex in case it's related to reflux, which I know it could be because I'm having a lot if post nasal drip right now. Anyway I just had that thought and wondered if the breathing could be causing the discomfort?

03-30-2014, 12:42 PM
It could be caused by tension, yeah.

Hard to say for sure, but it wouldn't surprise me one bit. So many peoples pains come from a tense chest cavity.

03-30-2014, 01:05 PM
I've noticed over the past few days I get aching in my chest. It comes and goes and moves around. Anywhere from the middle to the breasts to closer to the arms. I've also noticed that I tend to tighten my stomach muscles so that it seems I'm breathing with my chest and not my stomach. Would this cause the chest to ache like that? I've also been taking Zantac and omeprazole and mucinex in case it's related to reflux, which I know it could be because I'm having a lot if post nasal drip right now. Anyway I just had that thought and wondered if the breathing could be causing the discomfort?

I used to get this a lot!

I found when I really took the time to focus I realised the tension started in my neck, upper back and tensing my shoulders, then the chest and stomach muscles.

It was self perpetuating as well, I would feel a weird twinge/shooting pains across the pectoral muscle towards the centre of the rib cage) thinking it was a sign of something terrible) then tense up as a result. So the poor muscles never got a chance to rest and neither did my thoughts.

It then felt like I couldn't breath well/get enough air on top and it just kept going.

It all went away once I took a benzo, and at that point I realised it had to be related to stress rather than illness. Which helped to manage the thoughts and then ultimately the tension in the muscles.

I prefer valerian root these days (small amount each day) just keeps me ticking along (minor bumps every now and again). But I prefer to take it rather than conventional sedatives.

03-30-2014, 03:11 PM
Thanks for the replies! I really do think it's because I tense everything up. My neck and shoo idles and back are always tense and I've noticed for awhile that I hold my stomach in all the time. I'm trying not to worry though. I do occasionally when I get the feeling like someone punched me in the center of my chest. It goes away fairly quickly but still worrisome at times

03-30-2014, 04:03 PM
Oh my hell not shoo idles, shoulders lmao

03-30-2014, 04:28 PM
You were tensing your shoo idles?

Well no wonder you feel so bad! ;)

Where are you from MK? I've never heard anybody say that. 'Oh my hell'

03-30-2014, 05:17 PM
You were tensing your shoo idles? Well no wonder you feel so bad! ;) Where are you from MK? I've never heard anybody say that. 'Oh my hell'

Lmao! I know right? I'm from Las Vegas but live in Utah now so the oh my hell thing has rubbed off. My usual language is a bit racier!!

03-30-2014, 05:35 PM
Lmao! I know right? I'm from Las Vegas but live in Utah now so the oh my hell thing has rubbed off. My usual language is a bit racier!!

Lol you're badass.

How does that sit with Mormons?

Can't imagine they like when you stub your toe and shout **** that ****. Oh my hell that hurts :D!

03-30-2014, 06:32 PM
Lol you're badass. How does that sit with Mormons? Can't imagine they like when you stub your toe and shout **** that ****. Oh my hell that hurts :D!

Oh they avoid us non Mormons haha. We lived in the same neighborhood for 7-8 years and the Mormons wouldn't have anything to do with us! Every time the missionaries go around to the doors my husband says he's going to tell them to come in and have a beer! Haha

03-30-2014, 06:59 PM
Yes it's def gas/acid reflex. I'm struggling with that myself .mine travels from left to right. Feel it in the back aswell. but I know it's gas cuz I burp and feel relieved .