View Full Version : how do u manage or challange your symptoms??

03-30-2014, 10:28 AM
Just curious what methods people have to deal with there symptoms.
My biggest symptoms are chest aches and pains which I get everyday, lightheadedness and short of breath. I am starting to exercise more to challenge the thoughts of heart issues butits difficult. So any methods or natural remidies would be cool

03-30-2014, 10:48 AM
Hey James,

Symptoms are really scary sometimes and they can be really annoying. But remember that they're all from the anxiety. Ideally, what you need to do is learn to deal with your anxiety. Learn to cope with it. As your anxiety gets lower, your symptoms will slowly fade away. Some symptoms won't go away until you have your anxiety under control completly. So, I'd suggest you to start learning about your anxiety and finding methodes and techniques to deal with it.

Chest pain and short of breath: Hyperventilating - learn to breath right. Deep breathing. Also, meditation is really good, you should try it.

Here's a test you can do: http://www.buteykoclinic.com/test-your-breathing.php - Follow the instructions. If you're number is under 13, it means you're hyperventilating.

Here's a little meditation "guide": http://faculty.weber.edu/molpin/healthclasses/1110/meditationguidelines.htm

Wish you the best! :)


03-30-2014, 11:00 AM
Thank you I will look at both of them :)

03-30-2014, 11:08 AM
Hey James,

Symptoms are really scary sometimes and they can be really annoying. But remember that they're all from the anxiety. Ideally, what you need to do is learn to deal with your anxiety. Learn to cope with it. As your anxiety gets lower, your symptoms will slowly fade away. Some symptoms won't go away until you have your anxiety under control completly. So, I'd suggest you to start learning about your anxiety and finding methodes and techniques to deal with it.

Chest pain and short of breath: Hyperventilating - learn to breath right. Deep breathing. Also, meditation is really good, you should try it.

Here's a test you can do: http://www.buteykoclinic.com/test-your-breathing.php - Follow the instructions. If you're number is under 13, it means you're hyperventilating.

Here's a little meditation "guide": http://faculty.weber.edu/molpin/healthclasses/1110/meditationguidelines.htm

Wish you the best! :)


Is this a certified professor deReal post?

There are many imitators, but we like to make sure we get authentic professor deReal posts on this forum.

Even in your avatar, I can see you pondering 'How do I cure the whole world of DR'

03-30-2014, 11:18 AM
Is this a certified professor deReal post?

There are many imitators, but we like to make sure we get authentic professor deReal posts on this forum.

Even in your avatar, I can see you pondering 'How do I cure the whole world of DR'

Haha. This guy is my source btw^^^^