View Full Version : Advice please

03-30-2014, 02:37 AM
This thread will probably just waste your time, so if you don't want to, don't read.
I always feel like I have no way of expressing myself. I hate burdening the people close to me with my problems and I'm bad at talking to others in general, so I stopped trying. Furthermore, every time I try to post here, it never sounds quite right. He'll, I've gone back and rewritten this multiple times already. I feel like I'm silently drowning in my anxiety and depression. No one knows about it because my friends never knew, and i told my mom I got over it. I don't know how much longer I can do this. I feel like I'm falling apart. What am I supposed to do?

03-30-2014, 04:57 AM
This thread will probably just waste your time, so if you don't want to, don't read. I always feel like I have no way of expressing myself. I hate burdening the people close to me with my problems and I'm bad at talking to others in general, so I stopped trying. Furthermore, every time I try to post here, it never sounds quite right. He'll, I've gone back and rewritten this multiple times already. I feel like I'm silently drowning in my anxiety and depression. No one knows about it because my friends never knew, and i told my mom I got over it. I don't know how much longer I can do this. I feel like I'm falling apart. What am I supposed to do? Help!

Hi Ingrid.

Im not sure if I have welcomed you to the forum, if I haven't I apologize and do bid you a warm welcome.

First thing you need to do is know that you have found a good place here. It doesn't matter to us how you express yourself, what matters is that you try and keep trying, if we don't quite understand what you are trying to say we will ask questions of you and draw out whatever we need to help you.

Second thing you need to know is that you are not alone! Every one of us have our own battles with either anxiety, depression or both. We understand the feeling that no one truly understands. We understand.

Third thing I would like you to do is read many many threads here. Not just the new threads, but also some older ones. By reading other peoples stories you may find strategies that may help you start to see the light.

Last thing I would ask you to do is talk to your Mom. Openly and honestly. Moms are amazing, they instinctively know when things aren't right with their children. I'm willing to bet she has a feeling that you are struggling, let her in to your world. After that maybe a trip to your doctor. He/she can help guide you in the right direction for some relief.

It will get better!

Pam. :)