View Full Version : Relationships, UGHHH!!!

03-29-2014, 11:26 PM
I need to vent!

Since I've been staying at my moms, it's been like a month & a week, my boyfriend has just been enjoying himself sooooo much!!!

I know he isn't doing anything wrong. He's in NA & goes to a meeting every night but since I've been gone, he's been hanging out with his friends from NA. He works graveyard so he sleeps during the day & as soon as he wakes up, he's gone.

I'm upset. He puts everything before me. & then I get upset with myself because if I didn't have this BS anxiety, I would be at home with him..

Okay.. I just needed to get that off my chest.

03-29-2014, 11:59 PM
I need to vent!

Since I've been staying at my moms, it's been like a month & a week, my boyfriend has just been enjoying himself sooooo much!!!

I know he isn't doing anything wrong. He's in NA & goes to a meeting every night but since I've been gone, he's been hanging out with his friends from NA. He works graveyard so he sleeps during the day & as soon as he wakes up, he's gone.

I'm upset. He puts everything before me. & then I get upset with myself because if I didn't have this BS anxiety, I would be at home with him..

Okay.. I just needed to get that off my chest.

Hi Brooke,

I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with your boyfriend. Have you tried telling him how you feel? Do you sometimes get upset because you wish you could do what he's doing but anxiety limits you some? I know I feel that way at times. It just discourages me So much that other people can go out and play without a care in the world and I feel stuck inside... inside my head, inside my house, trapped inside my own life.
I try to do one or two fun things each week to keep me going. I hope you can find some positive outlets too!

03-30-2014, 05:51 AM
Hey Brooke!!!

I think it's time for a perspective shift....let's turn this thing upside down for a minute.

You are upset that bf is not putting you first. Am I wrong??? He is thinking of himself, and doing stuff without you!

You miss him! Plain and simple. There is nothing wrong with that.

For the last 5 weeks you have had to think of yourself first to get control of the situation you are in. You are still working on it. Making spectacular progress I might add. But the process is a slow one.

My guess is that he misses you more than you know, and maybe he's thinking of himself first in an effort to give you the time and space you need to get well again. Sounds like a pretty great guy! Many guys would have bolted long ago, not willing to give you what you need to get well.

Hang in there Bella, it's going to be ok.
Treasure the time you do spend together and know in your heart you will be back with him all the time once you get better.

Baby steps Bella!

03-30-2014, 10:21 AM
Hi Brooke, I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with your boyfriend. Have you tried telling him how you feel? Do you sometimes get upset because you wish you could do what he's doing but anxiety limits you some? I know I feel that way at times. It just discourages me So much that other people can go out and play without a care in the world and I feel stuck inside... inside my head, inside my house, trapped inside my own life. I try to do one or two fun things each week to keep me going. I hope you can find some positive outlets too!

Yea I have told him. & he just says he loves me & he's sorry.

I think it does upset me because I wish I were able to be there with him, doing all the things he does..

Thank you!!

03-30-2014, 10:22 AM
Hey Brooke!!! I think it's time for a perspective shift....let's turn this thing upside down for a minute. You are upset that bf is not putting you first. Am I wrong??? He is thinking of himself, and doing stuff without you! You miss him! Plain and simple. There is nothing wrong with that. For the last 5 weeks you have had to think of yourself first to get control of the situation you are in. You are still working on it. Making spectacular progress I might add. But the process is a slow one. My guess is that he misses you more than you know, and maybe he's thinking of himself first in an effort to give you the time and space you need to get well again. Sounds like a pretty great guy! Many guys would have bolted long ago, not willing to give you what you need to get well. Hang in there Bella, it's going to be ok. Treasure the time you do spend together and know in your heart you will be back with him all the time once you get better. Baby steps Bella! Cheers Pam

Ahhhhh, you're so right!! Thank you so much Pam! :)