View Full Version : is this normal? please help

03-29-2014, 11:00 PM
After a few alternatives (anti-depressants) to my anxiety my psychiatrist has finally decided to give me Ativan 0.5mg for my anxiety.
The only problem is.... I take it as prescribed and I am still having attacks. its not working.

Is this normal?

What do I tell my psychiatrist? I dont want it to seem fishy but I dont want to take something that isnt working for me if its not going to help

Heres a back story of my self. College full time, work full time, and active Crohns disease 24/7. Along with crohns disease I am newly diagnosed to Ulcers, Hemorrhoids, a gaping fissure, 3 bleeding fistulas, arthritis, a skin disorder with bloody pimples, and bloody stools.

03-29-2014, 11:26 PM
I think you just calmly tell whoever prescribes your meds that it isn't working as you'd like, and explain how you're getting breakthrough panic attacks, and tell them how often and severely you get them - then you should be ok.

They may tell you to just stay at that dose, they may tell you that you can increase that dose. Depends who you see.

Doubt they'll see it as anything bad though. .5 of Ativan is a decent sized amount of benzo, but far from a big one!

03-29-2014, 11:27 PM
You may get to switch to another benzo too, depends on what your doctors style is. Another type of benzo may be more effective for you.

03-29-2014, 11:43 PM
I think you just calmly tell whoever prescribes your meds that it isn't working as you'd like, and explain how you're getting breakthrough panic attacks, and tell them how often and severely you get them - then you should be ok.

They may tell you to just stay at that dose, they may tell you that you can increase that dose. Depends who you see.

Doubt they'll see it as anything bad though. .5 of Ativan is a decent sized amount of benzo, but far from a big one!

what is the average number for sufferers for how many times a week they get anxiety and severe attacks?

For me, I feel anxious throughout the entire day and get sever attacks 4 times a week

03-30-2014, 12:45 AM
How long have you had these attacks? For me, I had that many in the beginning and then again when they tried to increase my meds too quickly. They never seem to completely go away, but that nancy a day doesn't sound like coping well yet. Hope they are able to help!