View Full Version : Weigh in on my anxiety please

03-29-2014, 10:43 PM
Hi so I am new here but am really looking for some guidance about my anxiety.
So I am 20 years old in college and I have never really struggled with anxiety before. In high school I had an eating disorder (i'm now recovered) and I have felt it before but nothing too extreme or nothing that was ever a consistent problem. However, my twin sister does/has for the past 4 years and is on lexapro.
About a month ago I woke up in the middle of the night in a complete panic, I went to the bathroom but got so overwhelmed by my racing heart I practically ran back to my room. My whole body was tingling and my mind was racing. My sister told me it was a panic attack and helped work me through it. Ever since then I have noticed my anxiety a little more. Sometimes my chest just gets weird and fluttery. The past two weeks though its gotten worse and my throat feels like its closing and sometimes I jolt up in the middle of the night trying to catch my breath.. I also have the worry that I am dying or have some kind of sickness. I'll feel some flutter in my body and then my mind races and I start to get light headed and it just escalates from there.
I am just super confused though because I have never really had anxiety before so I feel like it's not anxiety and that I actually am sick or something.
Is this anxiety?
Can anyone offer me some advice, experiences, anything?

03-29-2014, 11:03 PM
any dramatic changes in your life?

03-29-2014, 11:08 PM
There are a lot of people (myself included) who have their first panic attacks out of no where. And then you become aware of everything your body is doing Which causes more stress and anxiety and perpetual thoughts. It ends up being a cycle. This forum and other places have good thoughts and tips on how to help manage anxiety and panic attacks.

Sometimes it can be a nutritional imbalance. So it never hurts to get your blood work done to see if you are lacking anything specific such as potassium or b vitamins things of that nature.

I'm sure there will be plenty of other people who weigh in with their thoughts. (: if you ever want to chat feel free to private message pretty much anyone on the site. :)

03-30-2014, 12:27 AM
There are a lot of people (myself included) who have their first panic attacks out of no where. And then you become aware of everything your body is doing Which causes more stress and anxiety and perpetual thoughts. It ends up being a cycle. This forum and other places have good thoughts and tips on how to help manage anxiety and panic attacks. Sometimes it can be a nutritional imbalance. So it never hurts to get your blood work done to see if you are lacking anything specific such as potassium or b vitamins things of that nature. I'm sure there will be plenty of other people who weigh in with their thoughts. (: if you ever want to chat feel free to private message pretty much anyone on the site. :)

Yep....my first attack...came out of nowhere....and it does scare you. Once you get all the work ups done by your doc.....relax and understand what it is....anxiety. Educate yourself or visit a p doc. It can't hurt you...it's adrenaline working overtime.

Hang in there !

03-30-2014, 12:41 AM
The first panic attack is so scary! Mine came out of nowhere while at a baseball game. And then I noticed every sensation in my body, every heartbeat, every tingle. It's rough at first, and still gets to me sometimes (like today), but overall reading the stories here and learning more about it has really helped. Hope you are doing well soon!

03-30-2014, 05:21 AM
Hi so I am new here but am really looking for some guidance about my anxiety. So I am 20 years old in college and I have never really struggled with anxiety before. In high school I had an eating disorder (i'm now recovered) and I have felt it before but nothing too extreme or nothing that was ever a consistent problem. However, my twin sister does/has for the past 4 years and is on lexapro. About a month ago I woke up in the middle of the night in a complete panic, I went to the bathroom but got so overwhelmed by my racing heart I practically ran back to my room. My whole body was tingling and my mind was racing. My sister told me it was a panic attack and helped work me through it. Ever since then I have noticed my anxiety a little more. Sometimes my chest just gets weird and fluttery. The past two weeks though its gotten worse and my throat feels like its closing and sometimes I jolt up in the middle of the night trying to catch my breath.. I also have the worry that I am dying or have some kind of sickness. I'll feel some flutter in my body and then my mind races and I start to get light headed and it just escalates from there. I am just super confused though because I have never really had anxiety before so I feel like it's not anxiety and that I actually am sick or something. Is this anxiety? Can anyone offer me some advice, experiences, anything? Thanks.

Hi Gina,

Welcome to the forum!

We've all been where you are! You are very lucky to have a sister who understands what you are going through.

You can rest assured that this is likely anxiety related, you have a lot on your plate with school etc.

Best thing I can suggest is you start with a visit to your doctor. Tell him/her everything that is going on with you. Don't keep anything back.

It does get better, try not to think of the attack you had. It sounds easy but I know it is not. The more you feed your brain that scary scenario, the more it will continue to perpetuate your fears.

Good luck Gina!
Keep posting if you have any other questions.

03-30-2014, 06:20 AM
Thank you everyone. After reading your responses and symptoms thread I feel a lot more relieved. Everything I have been feeling is on there and its reassuring to know others have felt the same way.