View Full Version : Does anyone else NOT believe in taking medication?

03-29-2014, 10:03 PM
Every time I read a post about someone taking or wondering about a medication, I have a lot that I'd like to say about it, but choose not to because I don't want to freak anyone out. But I personally believe that the medication intended to treat anxiety/depression actually causes it to be worse, thus causing you to rely on medical treatment more.
Since my husband and I have pledged to rid our lives of all artificial/GMO products, we have really done a lot of research on what we should or shouldn't be consuming. It seems that most things that seem to be too good to be true, are. Your body is intended to heal itself, with the right nutrition and lifestyle. I know it sounds easier than it truly is, which is why I still very much struggle with these issues but, I have learned that it's the process of undoing the damage that has been done by making the right choices for yourself.
It seems as though most doctors have been trained to treat everything with a pill, rather than find a legitimate solution for the problem. I try not to feed into conspiracies, but it doesn't seem to be a coincidence that every major corporation that are over pharmaceuticals, food, and skincare products are all connected, and their products are causing severe problems.
I could go on for hours on this matter, but I will spare anyone who reads this.
My point is, don't be someone's lab rat. Ask questions. It is your body and your life, if something doesn't make sense, have it be explained until it does. If you're not comfortable doing something, don't do it. Get a second opinion until you are satisfied. Don't allow them to make you into a shell of yourself. What good is life if you don't feel alive?

03-29-2014, 11:13 PM
I think it boils down to a point where individuals need to do what they feel is best for them. I was very much against taking meds and tried my best to deal with issues my self .. I grew more sick and more tired .. Living in constant fear that I won't be around to raise my children.. It got to a point where I felt that I could no longer handle this issue on my own, I accepted the medication and help from my doctor, I don't feel numb and I don't feel perfect but I can honestly say that I am in a much better place then what I was a few weeks ago. If you can handle the issues with out any medication then that is really awesome and great to hear,, everyone is different. I feel that the meds were my only option at this point, get my self to a calm enough point so I can find new ways of coping with my personal issues.

03-29-2014, 11:16 PM
Long post:

Sup Britt

Clocks changed here in the UK tonight. Everytime they do, I can never seem to sleep. Don't worry, I don't plan on taking a pill for it. ;) I'll probably exercise pretty hard tomorrow and sleep like a baby Sunday night.

Are you in the USA? I'll be honest, the healthcare system over there baffles me. It truly baffles me. I'm not saying things are great in Europe, we have the same problems as over there in the US, but it's toned down a fair bit here.

How drugs can be run for such a profit the way they are in the world is just so wrong.

How they can be advertised, how they can sponsor things, and how they can have such an influence in the medical field, when these companies have so much to gain by being biased, scares me. It really does.

How can you ever get proper treatment, when somebody is trying to sell you a 'cure' as if it were a magazine subscription?

Drugs most certainly are over prescribed. Though, I suppose in part that is because people don't want to do the hard work. A lot of blood sugar, blood pressure and weight and stomach problems are reversible with lifestyle changes, but people don't want to do that, or they don't have the energy.

I think the old 'rule' for antidepressants is a pretty good one.

If your life is altered too much by your condition, then taking a pill is the best way to go.

If your life is just inconvinienced by your condition, then it's best to use them as a last resort, and give yourself a bit of a kick up the butt to make yourself healthier physically and mentally.

A lot do turn to pills easily, no doubt about that. Not on this forum so much, but many a suburban house wife I've met has turned to antidepressants simply because she's had to take a pay cut.

I don't believe antidepressants cause dependability in the same way that benzos do. Benzos are the ultimate band aid, whereas antidepressants do at least have some role to play in soothing a persons nervous system. Part healing, in any instance, is taking away that which aggravates your sickness. If a person has continual stress, on a day to day basis, then, holistic methods usually aren't going to be anywhere near as effective as they would be if that stress was reduced, and the nervous system could really make use of the holistic healing to bolster it's healing efforts.

I'm a big fan of collectivism.

I think the NHS write on their website, that overcoming mental health issues like depression is broken up into categories, and each category is worth a third, in regards to your overall recovery chances.

Drugs are worth a third.

Psychotherapy a third.

And your own therapies, such as spirituality, nutrition, socialising, excersise, self actualisation etc, are worth a third.

And when all of these things are put together, studies have shown these people have by far the best recovery rates, compared to those who just use one, or two of those treatment options.

It's a tough world though, as in the west it's very easy to get the first treatment type. You can get drugs whenever you want them. Then it gets a little tougher; therapy isn't as cost effective, there are long waiting lists, it's time consuming, sessions are short - you get less help with this from the medical establishment/government, but you do get it.

Then there's the last treatment plan. You get no help with that most of the time. Doctors barely ask if you exercise. The modern FDA approved food guidelines are controversial at best. Nobody will teach you meditation/ yoga unless you read from a book and get help online. Doctors don't often prescribe supplements. Food intolerance testing has only recently become something medicine will listen to. Gut health is all but ignored despite it being as crucial as oxygen to well being. Nobody will help you financially to buy better quality food. Holistic therapies aren't often covered by insurance of healthcare plans.

You can very quickly find yourself stuck, with just the option of trying drugs.

Many people have come onto this forum, ideal candidates for lifestyle changes, or extensive CBT, but they've just been unable to afford it due to anxiety affecting their work life. In the end I've just recommended they talk to their doctor about taking a pill to at least help them back into work, and hopefully get some further help later down the line.

It's very sad how many people fall into that black hole of not being able to get the right treatment they need. I'd even put myself in that category, especially during my early life when I was a broke 19 year old.

I do believe in meds though. Unfortunately they aren't perfect, nowhere close. In fact I'd say they were still more of an art, than a science.

They do work. Sure, certain ones aren't massively more successful than a placebo, but that doesn't include tailored treatment for an individual, that's just the result of a random drug trial. When taking Prozac, I'd have had more luck eating M&Ms. That drug to me was a failure. However when trying Remeron, it would have been far more effective than Placebo treatment.

And I do believe they're quite safe too. Just because the drug companies were scumbags, and didn't reveal risks to pregnancy, and increased suicidal ideation, I don't think that's the drugs fault. Of course certain drugs raise certain risks, and can cause certain problems, but, when you consider these drugs are used to treat societies most volatile people, and sick people, I don't think they do too badly. People suffer more from taking medication to treat broken bones than they often do taking meds to treat their mind.

The drugs have lots of problems associated to them, and they sure aren't a perfect method. But I am glad we have them :)

It's a subject I like to debate. If you wanna talk about certain things, that's no problem, maybe just write MEDICATION TRIGGER at the top of your post, so those who want to can look away.

03-29-2014, 11:19 PM
I agree with you completely. I've actually said these things on here several times and try to advise people to look into homeopathy before prescriptions.
Some people need meds. That's undeniable. But it should be a last resort. We live in the "pill for every ill society."
I'm choosing natural remedies for my anxiety and depression. It's prolly more difficult but at least it won't create more problems like dependency and withdrawal.

03-30-2014, 12:22 AM
I agree with you completely. I've actually said these things on here several times and try to advise people to look into homeopathy before prescriptions. Some people need meds. That's undeniable. But it should be a last resort. We live in the "pill for every ill society." I'm choosing natural remedies for my anxiety and depression. It's prolly more difficult but at least it won't create more problems like dependency and withdrawal.

With you 100 percent. Docs and Tv etc.....say take this pill and everything will be flowers and sunshine. It's not ! Some people need Meds.....most do not...but that doesn't sell the product or raise the stock prices of a said pharmaceutical company. Yes ...I used them too...but they made me a shell of my former self.....so I told my doc....help me get off these Meds. I used them as a crutch to get to the other side ....once there through CBT and learning a lot ......it was time to say bye to the Meds. I know people that have been on them for umpteen years......that's not being a doctor or advising properly IMHO.

Please understand.....it's my opinion and not law...lol.


03-30-2014, 05:11 AM
Jesse, Frankie and David have summed up my thoughts well.

I see meds as the cast that gets put in that broken arm or leg. Initially it can be important to get the healing process under way, but the cast does come off and there is still much work to do to rehabilitate the arm or leg.

Much the same with anxiety or depression.


03-30-2014, 09:09 AM
Here's a random thought of the morning.

Larry Page from google briefly spoke about someday making everyone's medical history files public but anonymous so doctors can do more wide range studies on people's drug history outside the confines of controlled studies and consumer reviews.
I'm all for it, especially when it pertains to antidepressants and anti anxiety meds. There's just not enough information on what these things are actually doing to people in comparison to how often they're prescribed.

I also believe that when someone is prescribed a potential addicting substance there should be a very detailed plan on how to safely taper off of it.
It's not enough to say "may cause suicidal thoughts when decreased dosage." That's slavery. But of course that's the hidden agenda of pharmaceutical companies. They want people to keep filling those scripts.

03-30-2014, 11:17 AM
Here's a random thought of the morning.

Larry Page from google briefly spoke about someday making everyone's medical history files public but anonymous so doctors can do more wide range studies on people's drug history outside the confines of controlled studies and consumer reviews.
I'm all for it, especially when it pertains to antidepressants and anti anxiety meds. There's just not enough information on what these things are actually doing to people in comparison to how often they're prescribed.

I also believe that when someone is prescribed a potential addicting substance there should be a very detailed plan on how to safely taper off of it.
It's not enough to say "may cause suicidal thoughts when decreased dosage." That's slavery. But of course that's the hidden agenda of pharmaceutical companies. They want people to keep filling those scripts.

They may as well. An anonymous medical record isn't anything that a person should worry about being used for study. As long as they could keep it private.

I'd go googling all of my ex gfs otherwise, spotting the crazy ones.... And giving them a call to hang out again :D

You're right about the potential of being a slave to your drug. That is a massive down side.
Ive read many horrifying stories on drug withdrawal forums.
I've always gone for the longer half life drugs personally, just so withdrawals theoretically wouldn't be as bad. I know not everybody has that option though. It's sad how many people get caught up in that brutal withdrawal cycle. Especially with benzos and Paxil.

The withdrawal aspect is a lot better publicized now, at least. Compared to what it was anyway. Info is there for people online, and inside the packaging of these drugs, which can warn them of withdrawals. It was just criminal in the olden days when the drug companies denied withdrawals from anti-ds and benzos existed. You'd get off of your drug, have withdrawals, and diagnosed with resistant depression or anxiety and have your dose whacked back up. Damn.

So many people going through hell, when the drug companies knew about it all along, but didn't want to admit it and damage their sales figures.

It really is quite hard to put your faith in getting well into these people hands, when many would leave you out to die for a profit.

On the industry as a whole; They've done an amazing job of making depression an everyday issue that needs medicating. They really have. I guess theyve had the money to do so.

It's quite silly that antidepressants don't really do anything more than the placebo does in instances of mild depression, and yet so many people are prescribed them for mild depression. They're basically setting themselves up for a potential rollercoaster ride of start up effects, side effects and withdrawals, for what? For something minorly more useful than a sugar pill.


03-30-2014, 01:41 PM
Thank you all for your replies. I will have to sit down later to read them more thoroughly.
I have been medicated before. I started antidepressants when I was 12 years old. I wasn't even depressed. My parents divorced and I started counseling to deal with it, my therapist thought it best I be mediated. I had no say in the matter, and my mom made me take them.
I eventually convinced my mom that I didn't need them and stopped.
Then when I was 18 or 19, I had been living with severe anxiety for several years, until I had a break down, I got a bacterial infection in my stomach, probably from being so mentally ill for so long, my eating habits were horrible and I probably had no immunity. I begged the doctors to give me medication in the hospital because I was a wreck. I then went to my GP and got a prescription for paxil and ativan. Which helped eventually, but one weekend I had a lapse in my insurance and couldn't get a refill. I couldn't even lift my head up. When I finally got out of bed, I threw up. I had a babysitting job then, and I slept on the couch the whole time!!! I couldn't function!! I know every experience is different, but my true self became worse. I only felt ok, but really wasn't. I want to be a vulnerable human being, and not NEED anything to be ok.

03-30-2014, 02:22 PM
To add on to that, I don't in ANY WAY want to speak negatively toward those that are on medication. I've been there and I understand. I think if I were to talk to a professional about it, they would recommend I be mediated because it does affect my everyday life. I struggle leaving the house everyday, and a lot of the time I don't leave. I have just decided for myself, because I have been struggling with this for as long as I can remember, that if I want to rid myself of it once and for all, I need to do it myself. A lot of the time I wish I could have something to take during my bad moments. But I'm sticking it out, and believe it will be worth it one day.

03-30-2014, 02:31 PM
I got your back on this one too Jesse!!! Dorrie Girl!!!

03-30-2014, 02:33 PM
Wow Britt, that is a young age to go on meds!!

Your story sounds a lot like mine actually. My body got pretty damaged when I was young, and I experienced a lot of stress too. Ended up in depression and panic attack avenue. I think the meds were a band aid for me, as I didn't have the money or know how to help heal myself naturally.

Actually even after all that time, it's only something I've begun doing very recently.

I never got the impression you were judging those who take meds. I don't think anybody else did either, it's cool :)

What therapies do you do at the moment to help yourself along?

03-30-2014, 02:35 PM
I got your back on this one too Jesse!!! Dorrie Girl!!!


With your seductive pic!

Where's your thread at these days, I need to read an update on your opiate situation.

03-30-2014, 03:17 PM
Although i understand where you are coming from i think the debate should have nothing to do with drugs or no drugs .

It should be about education on a condition and nothing more .

For example your case , you say that you were placed on drugs at 12 years old because your parents divorced and this had a effect on you . This is not as uncommon as you may think. I would say that a huge percentage of people are placed on drugs for very simply things that would have been sorted a better way . I also dont think that the drugs did you any harm . What did you harm is the way they where used , they were used to try and get you solely over a problem that should have been dealt with . Even then they may have been used but let me ask you this , Have you dealt with this problem or did you just learn to deal with it over time ? If so then the drugs delayed this . The problem is that life sucks at time and there is things we have to deal with , these drugs delay that healing but its not the drugs themselves but that they make you feel like you have no problems . IT amounts to nothing more than having 5 whiskeys a day to forget your problems . It is also not uncommon for someone to go on drugs to help handle a death of a loved one and then when those drugs are removed the problem is still there and instead of seeing that, they are given drugs again and again each time for what amount to a simply problem that should have been addressed weather with the aid of drugs or not . But the simply fact is the drugs are never going to fix the problem weather it in 6 months or 6 years . It needs facing . Drugs are a tool and should be used if needed but only as a tool .

Honestly i do not believe that these drugs should ever be used in anyone who's brain is still growing . These drugs effect the brain , the way it works and while they are in place the brain will not need to learn to do things and will not grow as it should . But again this is not to say that they would not need use in some but this would be a very small amount .

But then on the other hand we may have someone that has had 20 years of shit in there childhood and their brain has developed in a way that a normal brain should not . This should be seen as a different case and also treated as such . This person may need drugs all their life . Maybe not , i am a firm believe that you can get over pretty much anything in life . But for this person drugs may play a huge part and a long term part in this recovery . But it should never as with other cases be the only thing in place.

I believe that drugs are over used . I believe they work and you can not debate this when you look at the facts of how they change peoples lives . The problem is they are used for so much that they should not . One example would be OCD and social anxiety . The first should be addressed as a habit and worked on as such . The second is a bullshit disorder to make someone money . I mean maybe they are just shy and need help to learn to interact with other people . To be honest i would fall into this category but f&*( them i am me and yes i dont interact with people well but a big percentage of people are self cented assholes so i am happy with that . Trying to make me into something i am not because you want to label and drug me is not going to happen .

Do you know why there is so many disorders now ? When a pharmaceutical companies sells a drug they patent it lets say for depression . Over that time they are the ones solely making money off of it . Now it works for depression but they notice that it works for other things . So when the patent runs out and others can make money , they change it a bit , recolor it , re box it and rename it and then patent it again for something else they can make money on . But this is business and i will not complain , it would be like complaining that someone is selling a program on recovering from anxiety . They are all tools , you decide if you want to sit and bitch of buy some more tools for your tool box . They are selling them , not twisting you arm to buy them.

So as far as drugs or no drugs . Do and use what you want to to get to where you want to . But the simply fact is that it is YOU that needs to do that and it is you that needs to do it with a open mind. Gone i think are the days where you can trust , or in fact should trust anyone with your health . Yes see a doctor , a psychologist , or who ever but these people are there to guide you , not heal you . Then it is up to you . Google ( oh no not the evil google) , yes Google and find your own information , information not based in bullshit statistics of your doctors medical book , some person with a hidden agender selling you the next quack pill but in real people sharing their stories .

One more thing . The hidden agenda of pharmaceutical companies. They are not allowed to do that here . But this is not something new . Coke is the biggest selling drink in the would . Have you thought why , is it because it is so good for you ? No its because they advertise it so much . You see theses great ads and your brain thinks that this drink will bring you happiness . This is classic psychology working in advertising and is in every thing from beer to smokes and Mc Donald . Seeing this is a important way of just how brainwashed we are into killing ourselves and paying someone else for doing it .

Oh and don't even get me started on the whole psychologist, these people would find a fault with the pope and they have no , zero training in the pysical workings of the body . Use them but if you think they will fix you , your very wrong . Most of them want to mound you into a mini me or their beliefs and nothing more .
Wow forwells.
Yeah I see where you're coming from on most things.. I still don't know where your stand is on the matter really though?
It's the side effects of the drugs that concern me the most, they can cause problems that are beyond worse than what they're treating, that may be irreversible.
For instance:
My grandmother is a typical hypochondriac, and every time she goes to the dr. She is put on a new med. Now in her early 70's she is in the early stages of dementia. I truly 1000% believe this is caused from years of doing what the drs tell her. She has high blood pressure and blood sugar, is addicted to artificial sweeteners because she was told she had to use them for her blood sugar. Which cause diabetes AND Alzheimer's. She has a whole pharmacy she takes daily. For blood pressure, swelling, neck pain, sleep, they even have her on antidepressants. She is the ideal patient for most drs, she takes what they give, asks no questions, and always comes back with more problems to medicate.
Drs get promotions from pharmaceutical companies which is why they push meds.
If we were all healthy, they would make no money. The FDA wants us to be sick. Cancer research/treatment is the highest money making business, and the FDA will have nothing to do with any alternative treatments for cancer, even ones that have been proven successful. If none of us had psychological disorders, obesity, or were at risk for cancer, a lot of companies would stop making $. That's why it is a vicious cycle that has to be stopped by us. Just be cautious of what you're putting in your body.

03-30-2014, 04:39 PM
The problem is that many of these thing are used as a means to a end and not a tool . Jess will agree that they helped him but because he used them as something that would heal him instead of adding other tools that when they were removed nothing really changed . I was the same . 16 years on one meds for no other reason than i was given it and not told when to stop it .

Its all side effects and the thing to work towards is getting the right side effects . In fact everything you feel now is a side effect of your body being out of balance . Being irreversible would be rare , but it would also be when used long term . These meds are not meant to be long term in most cases .

Yes but she could also be dead . Sorry but this is a fact . I would say some of those meds caused other problems but some of those meds are helping her in some way also . She also comes from a different generation when you could trust things a little more .

This is a myth , most doctors are smart enough to make up their own minds . I think the problem is they have little time to find what could work for you . This is why i say you need to take control . The part that would be more correct is they are dinned to use one brand rather than another but this happens in all business .

But we are not are we , these companies are doing what they do . Its fixing or at less trying to fix sick people . But in all honest it is us making us sick . This is a very complicated problem . But as you said it is up to you what you chose to place in your body but again do it with the knowledge of where you want to end up . You are young , all the information is out there for you to research .

My thoughts ? You do what you need to do , but you also look at things now and long term and you do this without fear . You have a lot of underlying fear i can see .

You dont want to spend your life at home right ? So address this . If you have to take a drug then research it and do it . Use it as a tool , 6 months . 12 months . Use it to improve your life .

Honstly i wish i had never taken a med when i was 20 but then i wish i had taken one 5 years ago . The problem is i let others inferences my thinking and this has done me great harm .

Over all you do whats right for you , but as i said do it with a open mind and no fear . Its your life , live it .

Honestly at your age i would take a med , have a plan of where i want to get to , use it to help and have all the information on what it is going to do and when to stop it .

Do not be scared of using meds , you should be scared of going in blind like main do including myself .

I am currently starting meds again and wish i had a few years back instead of putting up with something i had no control over .

You're right my grandmother could be dead.. but honestly I would rather her pass younger than prolong her life and live as unhealthy as she has. I do not believe her meds have helped her. Perhaps in the sense that they have lowered her blood sugar/pressure. But so can minimizing salt and sugar from her diet. My husband had high blood pressure, and not once did he use any form of medication. he drinks a cup of loose leaf hibiscus tea daily and I only add a minimal amount of pink Himalayan salt while cooking, which has the lowest amount of sodium. And he is alive and well, and has a healthy blood pressure. I'm not complaining about what people do for themselves. I'm annoyed that there are not enough resources and options. We are not being told healthy ways to fix these problems. I feel like especially in the U.S. desperate people are being taken advantage of on a regular basis. Drs should be learning in school to address nutrition before anything else. And it's sad that people go to them because they need help and help can't always be given. It's the system that upsets me..

03-30-2014, 04:42 PM
I apologize, but I am just passionate about this matter. It is not my intention to offend anyone, this is just how I feel. If anyone has had a good experience with what I speak of, I would love to hear it. I understand medication can be used for a short period in the aid of recovery, but only that. I just want people to understand there's more out there and to do everything with caution.

03-30-2014, 04:44 PM
Oh and btw forwells, you have officially given me my first bout of anxiety via the forum. Thank you. Lol ;)

03-30-2014, 04:52 PM
I apologize, but I am just passionate about this matter. It is not my intention to offend anyone, this is just how I feel. If anyone has had a good experience with what I speak of, I would love to hear it. I understand medication can be used for a short period in the aid of recovery, but only that. I just want people to understand there's more out there and to do everything with caution.

How come you have forum anxiety Britt? :) I hope it wasn't cos of this.

Nobody gets offended by these chats, people just have their own opinions. Personally I love a good drug debate LOL. Been in a few here over the years, I could debate in them all day.

They're the ones that sort of get peoples backs up a little, but you are most certainly not one my dear!

I think your points carry a lot of truth. The pharmaceutical industry is very shady at times, but they're all we have, so like Kev says - take the bits you need, and do your own study.

My own story - My psychical condition has gone to shit over the last few years. I'm finally doing an inflammation reducing program, as recommending by a forumite here. It's been a missing link for me. I've medicated over issues with meds, and they've been pretty useful, but full recovery will never come until my physical condition has improved. So I hear exactly what you're saying there.

The medical field has been somewhat useful. Although I've had my symptoms medicated, more than the condition treated far too much, but they've been helpful in their diagnostic ways. Every gain I've made though has come through self study, and self awareness. I think it's the nature of the beast, you leave a lot to chance when you don't take healing into your own hands, and accept a band aid as full treatment.

03-30-2014, 05:09 PM
How come you have forum anxiety Britt? :) I hope it wasn't cos of this.

Nobody gets offended by these chats, people just have their own opinions. Personally I love a good drug debate LOL. Been in a few here over the years, I could debate in them all day.

They're the ones that sort of get peoples backs up a little, but you are most certainly not one my dear!

I think your points carry a lot of truth. The pharmaceutical industry is very shady at times, but they're all we have, so like Kev says - take the bits you need, and do your own study.

My own story - My psychical condition has gone to shit over the last few years. I'm finally doing an inflammation reducing program, as recommending by a forumite here. It's been a missing link for me. I've medicated over issues with meds, and they've been pretty useful, but full recovery will never come until my physical condition has improved. So I hear exactly what you're saying there.

The medical field has been somewhat useful. Although I've had my symptoms medicated, more than the condition treated far too much, but they've been helpful in their diagnostic ways. Every gain I've made though has come through self study, and self awareness. I think it's the nature of the beast, you leave a lot to chance when you don't take healing into your own hands, and accept a band aid as full treatment.
Thank you. You made me feel better. I just don't want to step on anyone's toes. I agree with everything you've said and am glad you are using it as a tool and not a solution. I just HATE HATE HATE(big emphasis on the hate) that people aren't be told while truths about everything. And maybe a lot would choose alternatives if they knew they could. I had a good friend kick a heroine addiction, then die a methadone addict. I hate seeing people replace one problem with another. There is a lot of responsibility that goes along with taking any medication.
That's all.

03-30-2014, 05:13 PM
I agree with you completely. I've actually said these things on here several times and try to advise people to look into homeopathy before prescriptions.
Some people need meds. That's undeniable. But it should be a last resort. We live in the "pill for every ill society."
I'm choosing natural remedies for my anxiety and depression. It's prolly more difficult but at least it won't create more problems like dependency and withdrawal.

To start, I honestly haven't read much further then this post because I was wanting to ask before I forgot. What kind of natural remedies are you doing?

03-30-2014, 05:26 PM
To start, I honestly haven't read much further then this post because I was wanting to ask before I forgot. What kind of natural remedies are you doing?

I've been taking 5htp (12 weeks on, 6 weeks off.)
Just started St. John's Wort.
Bach flower rescue remedy and peppermint oil on my temples for anxiety.
Kundalini meditation.
Less coffee. More tea.
CBT therapy.

03-30-2014, 05:27 PM
I've been taking 5htp (12 weeks on, 6 weeks off.) Just started St. John's Wort. Bach flower rescue remedy and peppermint oil on my temples for anxiety. Kundalini meditation. Less coffee. More tea. CBT therapy.

Is that working for you?

If so, how does it compare to how meds treated you if you used them?

03-30-2014, 06:09 PM
Is that working for you?

If so, how does it compare to how meds treated you if you used them?

Of course prescriptions worked fabulously for me at the time...until I tried to stop. I had some weird side effects. Like Klonopin made my hearing extremely sensitive to the point of headaches. Xanax made me aggressive after a few weeks of regular use.

The things I'm using now seem to be working nicely (SJW is new, so I can't really say yet.)
I know alot of it is placebo, but sometimes that's all I need to get through a panic attack.
I've definitely noticed a more consistent improvement of my mood after I started 5htp.
And everything I use, I don't notice any weird side effects and don't get agitated if I miss a dose.

03-30-2014, 06:11 PM
Of course prescriptions worked fabulously for me at the time...until I tried to stop. I had some weird side effects. Like Klonopin made my hearing extremely sensitive to the point of headaches. Xanax made me aggressive after a few weeks of regular use.

The things I'm using now seem to be working nicely (SJW is new, so I can't really say yet.)
I know alot of it is placebo, but sometimes that's all I need to get through a panic attack.
I've definitely noticed a more consistent improvement of my mood after I started 5htp.
And everything I use, I don't notice any weird side effects and don't get agitated if I miss a dose.

5htp made me happy. It really did. It didn't do enough for my anxiety to stay on it, I had to go for prescription pills, but I felt happy on it, which was weird. Weird as I'm never happy :)

How are you juggling the 5htp and SJW?

03-30-2014, 06:38 PM
5htp made me happy. It really did. It didn't do enough for my anxiety to stay on it, I had to go for prescription pills, but I felt happy on it, which was weird. Weird as I'm never happy :)

How are you juggling the 5htp and SJW?

I ended my 12 weeks of 5htp, took 8 days off all supplements, then started SJW this past Monday. Trying to work with my natural body chemistry to give it a break, reset a bit, and introduce a new one. Luckily, I haven't had any negative or exacerbated depression. But significant improvement which is what I was going for. Staying the same.
The best proof I've seen is that I haven't fallen into a manic depression that lasts several days where I can't eat or sleep (which is how I was at my worst) since I started this regimen.
I still get depressed and anxious, but it's manageable.

03-30-2014, 06:46 PM
No significant improvement I meant*

04-01-2014, 01:11 PM

With your seductive pic!

Where's your thread at these days, I need to read an update on your opiate situation.

Dorrinator!! Ha Ha!! Well, I have been posting a bit here and there. This is week two, and I just got back from the doctor!!! This is a weird thread to be answering this question in. Before I answer though... definitely changing the avatar. I didn't MEAN it suductive at all, but now I really look at it, it does look a bit that way. NOT my goal. I saw it and instantly loved it. Part of my moms name is Rose, My favorite memories, one anyway, was our huge flower bush in our front yard, that I would pick roses off of and take to all the neighbors, especially the elderly, It's my favorite flower, and One of my favorite songs is The Rose from Bette Middler. I'm doing ok. Off all narcotics. I have to figure out how I'm going to handle this Chronic Pain narcotic free now. My body is still going through a lot, but I will get through it. Speaking of roses... as a child, she always told me "No one ever promised life would be a bed of Roses. And if it were...Roses have thorns"!! Interesting. Just for grins and giggles, pull up the lyrics to the song The Rose by Bette Middler, and read them real quick, and see just how powerful that song is. I miss your humor Jesse. You make me smile. I've read a lot of what your talking about. And Forwells. You guys are very bright. I admire you greatly. Not just you two either. My mom never took a pill, drank, smoke, nothing. But when my sister died of that year long battle of cancer... I watched my mom take a pill for everything. She turned into a... Brain fog... sorry. Someone who thinks their always sick, or somethings always wrong with them. It was very very sad. She lived that way until she died two weeks after I turned 21. of a sudden stroke. I can relate to what you are talking about soooo much. I lived it. On a happier note... "HOW YOU DOING"????

04-01-2014, 06:14 PM
I'm a strong believer of natural treatment.

I was on Cipralex for almost 2 weeks then I got off and I'm feeling fine. It is true that the body and mind can cure itself of anxiety/depression, but in order to do so you need to make large sacrifices and completely change your lifestyle most of the time - and put simply, people either cant find the motivation (because of their condition or otherwise) or they literally cant afford to do what they need to in order to get better; for example, taking time off work or going from a hard and stressful job to much lighter work, because they have families to support and what not. For similar reasons, not everyone can find the time or energy to excercise adequately and eat properly on a structured schedule, along with proper sleeping habits.

I for one, being 19, was able to take time off both school and work. I got a small job, working three or four times a week just to support going out and having fun with friends. Getting my social life expanded and having a lot of good friends is a must, good company will always make for good laughs and a good time, and that is the best medicine to keep your mind off crap.

That being said, I also went to the gym 5 times a week for an hour and a half - 2 hours since the very beginning of my anxiety. Because I minimized my responsibilities (school and work) I'm also always able to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night and I make sure I do or I don't get out of bed for any reason.

I also fixed my diet, eating foods high in L-Tryptophan which is a natural precursor to regulating Serotonin levels in the brain, which meant I added a lot of eggs,bananas,sunflower seeds etc. to my diet. Along with eating overall very healthy of course.

My Pure OCD and hypochondria has gotten better with each passing day. I will admit that a psychologist and a few people on this forum were also great helps to me, but the above mentioned stuff is also pretty necessary. After having gotten progressively better and better, I'm finding that the last 2 perhaps 3 weeks I've felt perfectly normal. No anxiety, a few scary thoughts that go away very quickly and dont come back, and I'm able to relax again.
Yoga is also helpful.

Once I got out of this hell I realized that all the scary crap I was contemplating on was all just because of my anxious mind. Anything that causes your anxiety is just completely normal to think about, the only difference is that people with normal anxiety levels dont dwell on them, they are able to dismiss them in a split second, in fact, so quickly that they wont even remember the thought a few minutes or even seconds later.

04-01-2014, 06:18 PM
I'm a strong believer of natural treatment.

I was on Cipralex for almost 2 weeks then I got off and I'm feeling fine. It is true that the body and mind can cure itself of anxiety/depression, but in order to do so you need to make large sacrifices and completely change your lifestyle most of the time - and put simply, people either cant find the motivation (because of their condition or otherwise) or they literally cant afford to do what they need to in order to get better; for example, taking time off work or going from a hard and stressful job to much lighter work, because they have families to support and what not. For similar reasons, not everyone can find the time or energy to excercise adequately and eat properly on a structured schedule, along with proper sleeping habits.

I for one, being 19, was able to take time off both school and work. I got a small job, working three or four times a week just to support going out and having fun with friends. Getting my social life expanded and having a lot of good friends is a must, good company will always make for good laughs and a good time, and that is the best medicine to keep your mind off crap.

That being said, I also went to the gym 5 times a week for an hour and a half - 2 hours since the very beginning of my anxiety. Because I minimized my responsibilities (school and work) I'm also always able to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night and I make sure I do or I don't get out of bed for any reason.

I also fixed my diet, eating foods high in L-Tryptophan which is a natural precursor to regulating Serotonin levels in the brain, which meant I added a lot of eggs,bananas,sunflower seeds etc. to my diet. Along with eating overall very healthy of course.

My Pure OCD and hypochondria has gotten better with each passing day. I will admit that a psychologist and a few people on this forum were also great helps to me, but the above mentioned stuff is also pretty necessary. After having gotten progressively better and better, I'm finding that the last 2 perhaps 3 weeks I've felt perfectly normal. No anxiety, a few scary thoughts that go away very quickly and dont come back, and I'm able to relax again.

Yoga is also helpful.

Thank you for that post Michael. It helps to know there are people out there trying to do the same things I am, and are successful. Please keep me posted on your journey. :)

04-01-2014, 10:02 PM
You welcome :) Sorry .

The fact also with natural stuff is it is very very complicated to work out what is best when dealing with mental health . Often problems are not what they seem and the wrong treatment can do more harm than good .

I think another problem with it is there is no regulations . My doctor has no problem with natural stuff but because every batch is different you never really know what you are getting .

For example st johns worked for me the first time and the second time made me worse . This could be something that happened but i do question if it was because they were both different batches . Prozac which i have just started works the same way but i know that each and ever pill is the same .

I agree natural is good but i would say in my opinion it is better at smaller problems or preventive action rather than a larger problem . I did pretty much 5 years of natural stuff and except for st johns for a few months it did nothing . I also still take up to 20 supps a day most days . It amazes me just how complex the brain is the the amount of natural products that could effect it . There is good research on amino acids helping the brain repair itself but there is 20 odd of them and its like winning the lotto to get the right combination .

I am also very passionate about this matter but also a realist in that i think a lot of it is rubbish , a lot is no different than the marketing that drug complies do .

The other problem with it , doing it alone this way is the cost and the time . I personally think that this is one thing i never took into it when i tried it . I have a business , two girls , a house and many other things that need me to be on board for . Again its not about taking drugs for ever but about using then as a stepping stone to where i what to get . I think to look at it as stepping stone rather than a band aid is a better way . Band aid sort of means you put it on do nothing and take it off and all is well .

I love reading the stuff you and Jesse write. I judge NO ONE, for pretty much anything, opinion wise,. We have free will. Free speach. So, I really understand her passion. And I don't judge it. I just know MY OWN REALITY!! I hate, and I mean hate taking any medicine... But... I couldn't walk across the floor If I TOOK NOTHING!!! Here's where drugs come into play with me. What I wouldn't give to be able to take natural remedies and exercise AT ALL right now. But if I tried this I would be in so much extreme pain it's ridiculous. All I have to say is ENJOY being young!! When I was young I didn't take medications. Lived a completely different kind of lifestyle that wasn't anything to brag on. but I remember waking up every morning exercising with Denise Austin!! I had a rock hard body. Didn't drink then. I had it going ON!! Boy have my opinions changed over the years regarding medicine. forwells, you're right about the evils it can be!! And also about the band aid that saves us when we Have to turn to it. Very Interesting. As usual! Keep up the good work guys. D.

04-01-2014, 10:45 PM
Thank you Dorrie for posting. I appreciate hearing others' opinions as I do not wish to be ignorant. I'm sorry you have come to a place where you have little options. Ultimately I hope that you will be able to find peace and comfort in anything that you do, regardless of what that is.

04-01-2014, 11:23 PM
No problem, I will definitely keep you posted, but things are going fine.. I wont allow myself to go back either.

Medications have some nasty side effects, which mean they cant be too good for your health either. They are technically a last resort, if SSRI's dont work too well, then something like Seroquel XR at 100mg will just turn off your brain completely. That's fine, some people can choose to take medication if their condition gets to the point where they simply cant stand it anymore.

BUT, medication will not heal you, I strongly believe. And you can be cured, no matter what BS you read on the internet or what others who say otherwise will tell you. Have fun, make every good moment last in your head, I found that to be extremely useful for me. Every laugh or good night at a club or bar I had, I tried to make things like that what my anxious mind could obsess over, instead of thoughts that make the anxiety worse.

At the end of the day, brittany, you're making a great decision by healing naturally. My psychologist also told me that most people, once their anxiety levels go back down to normal, end up enjoying life 100x more than they did before the anxiety, and that's because of all the positive changes they were forced to making. Most people who really want to cure the condition look at the short term, and not the long term. They want to be better right away, and anything they try that doesn't work within a month isnt good enough. The people who make long term changes, like leaving a job that they don't like to fulfill something they will enjoy, (even if that means getting loans and going back to school at 40 years old and downgrading your lifestyle at the same time), get to the gym and get in great shape, eat healthy every day etc., these people and up being truely happy and looking better than they ever did.

The worst thing to do is mope around about your condition and research miracle cures. Excercise,diet,yoga,meditate,job&lifestyle you enjoy is the cure, but it gets tiring and sometimes overwhelming, but these minor setbacks will mean nothing when you're anxiety free and looking great. You'll all be fine anyhow, stay positive.

04-02-2014, 12:25 AM
No problem, I will definitely keep you posted, but things are going fine.. I wont allow myself to go back either.

Medications have some nasty side effects, which mean they cant be too good for your health either. They are technically a last resort, if SSRI's dont work too well, then something like Seroquel XR at 100mg will just turn off your brain completely. That's fine, some people can choose to take medication if their condition gets to the point where they simply cant stand it anymore.

BUT, medication will not heal you, I strongly believe. And you can be cured, no matter what BS you read on the internet or what others who say otherwise will tell you. Have fun, make every good moment last in your head, I found that to be extremely useful for me. Every laugh or good night at a club or bar I had, I tried to make things like that what my anxious mind could obsess over, instead of thoughts that make the anxiety worse.

At the end of the day, brittany, you're making a great decision by healing naturally. My psychologist also told me that most people, once their anxiety levels go back down to normal, end up enjoying life 100x more than they did before the anxiety, and that's because of all the positive changes they were forced to making. Most people who really want to cure the condition look at the short term, and not the long term. They want to be better right away, and anything they try that doesn't work within a month isnt good enough. The people who make long term changes, like leaving a job that they don't like to fulfill something they will enjoy, (even if that means getting loans and going back to school at 40 years old and downgrading your lifestyle at the same time), get to the gym and get in great shape, eat healthy every day etc., these people and up being truely happy and looking better than they ever did.

The worst thing to do is mope around about your condition and research miracle cures. Excercise,diet,yoga,meditate,job&lifestyle you enjoy is the cure, but it gets tiring and sometimes overwhelming, but these minor setbacks will mean nothing when you're anxiety free and looking great. You'll all be fine anyhow, stay positive.

I appreciate you taking the time to expound on your experiences and beliefs. You have said what I feel, in a much better way. it's comforting to me because lately I have been very discouraged, almost to the point of giving up on doing things the way I have. I have fallen out of my routine of nutrition and activity, and I know that's why I feel so terrible, but the longer I go without doing it, the harder it is to start it all back. But surprisingly, reading your post makes me believe in this process so much more, and remember why I was following it.
Can't say thank you enough, but thank you. :)

04-02-2014, 08:28 AM
Because my sister suffered from what would eventually be diagnosed when she was 17 as bipolar disorder, I've seen first hand how life-saving medications can be. There are too many horrific experiences to go into here regarding her mental state, but I will say that I was convinced we were going to have to commit her. Her brain was disfunctioning; she was delusional in the extreme, paranoid, and suicidal. She had been seeing a psychologist in her teens, but the therapy made no difference during those periods when she lost touch with reality. So, after her 3rd time in one summer at a NYC psych ward, she was finally given lithium. And, within two weeks, she was back to normal. Night and day. No joke. It worked. She had relapses and continues to take drugs (though not lithium). When she relapses, her mind just stops functioning correctly -- either she's in a manic stage (much more dangerous because she believes she's invincible) or she's depressed (easier to control her). Now, she's improved greatly over the years. It is said that bipolar disorders can decrease in intensity over time.

My point here is that for highly dysfunctional mentally ill persons, drugs are the first line of treatment. They are, in my opinion, naturally correcting an unnatural imbalance in the brain. Lithium is a metal with its own secure place on the periodic table. One can read all about it on Wikipedia. It's used in a wide variety of industrial and military applications. It's as natural as things come and yet it's not.

Now, this is really an observation on my sister's situation, not mine, that I just wanted to throw into the mix. I think my situation is more murky. No question that I could be one of those people that just pops my little benzo pill and my anti-depressant because, well, they are crutches that I'm too dumb or lazy or mind-fogged to ween myself off of.... The nice thing about these forums is that they are a place where one can honestly engage others on these issues, others who feel similarly and have different methods and philosophies for self care.

04-02-2014, 09:05 AM
Thank you Dorrie for posting. I appreciate hearing others' opinions as I do not wish to be ignorant. I'm sorry you have come to a place where you have little options. Ultimately I hope that you will be able to find peace and comfort in anything that you do, regardless of what that is.

Brittany, don't you dare give up on what you believe, and what you have been doing? Everyone has an opinion. It may not be the same as yours, but you still have a right for your opinion. I don't think your ignorant at all hon. lol. Contrary to that... you are very intelligent. And I admire you for what you believe. Not everyone's going to agree with you 100%. Or me!! Don't let that get you down and stop you from being strong minded!!! Once again, I admire that. I got off my narcotic pain medicines, because I didn't want to be on them anymore. They fogged my head completely, I stayed tired and depressed all of the time. I cannot tell you how many weekends in a row, I stayed home all Sunday, while my hubby and little guy went to the store and to the park, or a movie. They begged me to go, but I didn't have any strength or want to in me to go. That was missing out on memories with my family. My two older boys begged me to get off of them. My family, and ME too, hated seeing me like that. So, I don't mean this in a prissy kind of way AT ALL, but I'm pretty proud of myself for being able to do that. My mind is clear. Oh, does that feel good. I have energy. I'm soo excited. My little guy is off school all next week, and I actually feel like taking him to a movie. To the park. Am I on ANY medicine.. Yes! When you have proof you need surgery on your knees, I have a tare in both ACL's and etc..., neck, and back, you need something for that kind of pain. But, I'm looking into more of, well, things not hard on your body, like they were mine. I want to get to the point one day I don't HAVE to take it. I've been given a couple of options, but not sure. I have a pretty good size bulging disc pressing against some nerves. You know how one tooth feels, if the nerves are touched... imagine your whole back effected by it. It's been suggested to me, to have someone go in and burn those nerves. With a probe, not open my back up. A Spinal Cord Stimulator has been recommended. Have heard good and bad about those. But at least I'm trying to get my body in better shape some how. And it's working, because I already feel so much better off of those pain meds. I appreciate you responding back and your kind words greatly, Brittany. Just remember... you are not me. You are you. You're probably not into country music. lol. But theres a song "You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything"!! Theres nothing wrong at all standing behind your OWN beliefs, hon. Don't you go anywhere either. Hang around here. You joined, and have to stay...period. lol. Okay, you can do what you want, but I'm glad you got yourself back up!! And please, do stay. Have a marvelous day, Brittany. D.

04-02-2014, 10:13 AM
Because my sister suffered from what would eventually be diagnosed when she was 17 as bipolar disorder, I've seen first hand how life-saving medications can be. There are too many horrific experiences to go into here regarding her mental state, but I will say that I was convinced we were going to have to commit her. Her brain was disfunctioning; she was delusional in the extreme, paranoid, and suicidal. She had been seeing a psychologist in her teens, but the therapy made no difference during those periods when she lost touch with reality. So, after her 3rd time in one summer at a NYC psych ward, she was finally given lithium. And, within two weeks, she was back to normal. Night and day. No joke. It worked. She had relapses and continues to take drugs (though not lithium). When she relapses, her mind just stops functioning correctly -- either she's in a manic stage (much more dangerous because she believes she's invincible) or she's depressed (easier to control her). Now, she's improved greatly over the years. It is said that bipolar disorders can decrease in intensity over time.

My point here is that for highly dysfunctional mentally ill persons, drugs are the first line of treatment. They are, in my opinion, naturally correcting an unnatural imbalance in the brain. Lithium is a metal with its own secure place on the periodic table. One can read all about it on Wikipedia. It's used in a wide variety of industrial and military applications. It's as natural as things come and yet it's not.

Now, this is really an observation on my sister's situation, not mine, that I just wanted to throw into the mix. I think my situation is more murky. No question that I could be one of those people that just pops my little benzo pill and my anti-depressant because, well, they are crutches that I'm too dumb or lazy or mind-fogged to ween myself off of.... The nice thing about these forums is that they are a place where one can honestly engage others on these issues, others who feel similarly and have different methods and philosophies for self care.

Hey there, I'm so sorry to hear about your sis. You know it's amazing how things happen, and how it changes you. Or forms the way you think possibly. When I was young, I witnessed one extreme to another. I had a chronic alcoholic father, who valued his life so little, he either binged drank for a couple of weeks, while we stayed with relatives until he was done, or I watched him open up his pill cabinet, and take a handful out of just one bottle, and get on a pill drunk. Not high, he took too many, drunk! To turn around and have my sister diagnosed with a rare form of cancer at 6 months pregnant. The doctors said it was caught so quickly... she could take chemotherapy and possibly catch the cancer, but it would kill the baby. I watched her die of cancer over a years time, because she fought like hell to keep her child. Said no to the chemotherapy, thinking she could beat it, yet knowing she may not. I came from a very disfunctional home. Duh! lol. No, it's not funny. Everyone knows a bit of humor Helps me in the darkest valley. If you can make me smile or laugh... It feels great and I love it. Even though it may not be over a laughing matter, it still helps me stay sane. But, yes, having an abusive alcoholic father, then after years, my mom Had to leave. He brought home another woman from off shore. Lol. She turns around and finds another alcoholic. Mean as hell. I stayed the weekend at my boyfriends house to stay away from him. She told me I couldn't and wouldn't spend the night with someone at 16. and not be married. I told her she better sign for me to get married then, because I didn't trust him, and wouldn't live with him (step dad). She did. Signed me away. Just for him to have an affair on me 8 months into the marriage, and I had to move in with a girlfriend. I was 17, had no parental figures, mad at the world. Why me? Why me? I lived here and there, for a year. Mainly where there were drugs and alcohol. If you think I wasn't a mental mess, let me inform you that I was. Was taken to the hospital once, due to alcohol poisoning. I was in my own room with IV's in me for two days, then shipped to the mental ward, because they thought I was trying to drink myself to death. I've been told I have a magnetic personality. I make friends real easy. But this one lady told me her name and address over and over. After about the 50th time, I told her to sit down and stop. That I wanted OUT of there, not STAY longer. lol. And after all of that, I still denied any kind of mental illness, and kept drinking. Needless to say, I had to visit that place a couple of more times before it was all said and done. Some people have lives that are pretty smooth sailing for the most part.. Some have lives where one thing after another happens. My life has been the second one. And when you have that kind of life, IT can leave scars!! I don't dwell on the scars, but their there. A lot of them!!! As a result, it's made me a very jumpy, edgy, nervous person with an anxiety disorder and depression. I'm getting a lot better, but there's no way in hell I would stop taking my benzo or antidepressant NOW!!! I tried. With the Benzo. I was soo panicky I called my husband 50 times a day at work. Crying, asking him to come home. He's never taken medicine. Only Ibuprofen. And used to be so against Klonopin it was crazy. Told me I would Never take it. Things change. After a week of calling him at work like that, and calling because the dog was barking at something, and I felt like my heart was going to jump right out of my chest, he told me to make an appointment asap, and get back on my anxiety medicine, before he lost his job. Just like I was told by a relative growing up. "It's wrong to take medicine if you Dont need it, but just as wrong to NOT take it when you need to. I have an extremely large extended family. Most immediate family are gone. They all know I suffer with Mental Illness. They all love me to death, and are proud it's approaching almost ten years since I drank, and finally did something for my Mental Illness. It is an Illness. Yes, there are lots of people who take benzo's and all kinds of other stuff too, that might not need to, and Dont need to. But there are people like me, who do need it. I'm not ashamed of my Mental Illness anymore. I've had several Psychiatrists ask me on my first visit to tell them about myself from when I could first remember. I didn't get past age 14, with their mouths not dropping. Until you've walked in someone elses shoes, you don't know how their mind, brain, or body has been damaged or what they went through. However, if you haven't walked in those shoes, and your views are different, thats okay and understandable too. There's nothing wrong with doing absolutely whatever you can to better yourself, and keep yourself in fit condition, and NOTHING wrong with having an opinion. Especially when it's a very tasteful opinion, not a nasty one. The opinions, so far, have been very tasteful. We can learn from others. I know I want to get better and can. That's my goal. Well, one of them. :) Perces, thanks again for your post. I think any opinion can help someone. Many blessings to you. All of you. May we all have a great day. I need one. lol. The last two were rough. Take care guys. D.

04-02-2014, 10:30 AM
Long post:

Sup Britt

Clocks changed here in the UK tonight. Everytime they do, I can never seem to sleep. Don't worry, I don't plan on taking a pill for it. ;) I'll probably exercise pretty hard tomorrow and sleep like a baby Sunday night.

Are you in the USA? I'll be honest, the healthcare system over there baffles me. It truly baffles me. I'm not saying things are great in Europe, we have the same problems as over there in the US, but it's toned down a fair bit here.

How drugs can be run for such a profit the way they are in the world is just so wrong.

How they can be advertised, how they can sponsor things, and how they can have such an influence in the medical field, when these companies have so much to gain by being biased, scares me. It really does.

How can you ever get proper treatment, when somebody is trying to sell you a 'cure' as if it were a magazine subscription?

Drugs most certainly are over prescribed. Though, I suppose in part that is because people don't want to do the hard work. A lot of blood sugar, blood pressure and weight and stomach problems are reversible with lifestyle changes, but people don't want to do that, or they don't have the energy.

I think the old 'rule' for antidepressants is a pretty good one.

If your life is altered too much by your condition, then taking a pill is the best way to go.

If your life is just inconvinienced by your condition, then it's best to use them as a last resort, and give yourself a bit of a kick up the butt to make yourself healthier physically and mentally.

A lot do turn to pills easily, no doubt about that. Not on this forum so much, but many a suburban house wife I've met has turned to antidepressants simply because she's had to take a pay cut.

I don't believe antidepressants cause dependability in the same way that benzos do. Benzos are the ultimate band aid, whereas antidepressants do at least have some role to play in soothing a persons nervous system. Part healing, in any instance, is taking away that which aggravates your sickness. If a person has continual stress, on a day to day basis, then, holistic methods usually aren't going to be anywhere near as effective as they would be if that stress was reduced, and the nervous system could really make use of the holistic healing to bolster it's healing efforts.

I'm a big fan of collectivism.

I think the NHS write on their website, that overcoming mental health issues like depression is broken up into categories, and each category is worth a third, in regards to your overall recovery chances.

Drugs are worth a third.

Psychotherapy a third.

And your own therapies, such as spirituality, nutrition, socialising, excersise, self actualisation etc, are worth a third.

And when all of these things are put together, studies have shown these people have by far the best recovery rates, compared to those who just use one, or two of those treatment options.

It's a tough world though, as in the west it's very easy to get the first treatment type. You can get drugs whenever you want them. Then it gets a little tougher; therapy isn't as cost effective, there are long waiting lists, it's time consuming, sessions are short - you get less help with this from the medical establishment/government, but you do get it.

Then there's the last treatment plan. You get no help with that most of the time. Doctors barely ask if you exercise. The modern FDA approved food guidelines are controversial at best. Nobody will teach you meditation/ yoga unless you read from a book and get help online. Doctors don't often prescribe supplements. Food intolerance testing has only recently become something medicine will listen to. Gut health is all but ignored despite it being as crucial as oxygen to well being. Nobody will help you financially to buy better quality food. Holistic therapies aren't often covered by insurance of healthcare plans.

You can very quickly find yourself stuck, with just the option of trying drugs.

Many people have come onto this forum, ideal candidates for lifestyle changes, or extensive CBT, but they've just been unable to afford it due to anxiety affecting their work life. In the end I've just recommended they talk to their doctor about taking a pill to at least help them back into work, and hopefully get some further help later down the line.

It's very sad how many people fall into that black hole of not being able to get the right treatment they need. I'd even put myself in that category, especially during my early life when I was a broke 19 year old.

I do believe in meds though. Unfortunately they aren't perfect, nowhere close. In fact I'd say they were still more of an art, than a science.

They do work. Sure, certain ones aren't massively more successful than a placebo, but that doesn't include tailored treatment for an individual, that's just the result of a random drug trial. When taking Prozac, I'd have had more luck eating M&Ms. That drug to me was a failure. However when trying Remeron, it would have been far more effective than Placebo treatment.

And I do believe they're quite safe too. Just because the drug companies were scumbags, and didn't reveal risks to pregnancy, and increased suicidal ideation, I don't think that's the drugs fault. Of course certain drugs raise certain risks, and can cause certain problems, but, when you consider these drugs are used to treat societies most volatile people, and sick people, I don't think they do too badly. People suffer more from taking medication to treat broken bones than they often do taking meds to treat their mind.

The drugs have lots of problems associated to them, and they sure aren't a perfect method. But I am glad we have them :)

It's a subject I like to debate. If you wanna talk about certain things, that's no problem, maybe just write MEDICATION TRIGGER at the top of your post, so those who want to can look away.

Jessinator, once again, thumbs up to your post. You didn't answer me back a couple of days on the site!! Are you mad at me? Is something wrong? Is it because I never put up a sock puppet?? lol. lol. I did make that puppet. Finished it about three weeks after everyone took theirs down. Ha Ha. Went to the doc. yesterday. He gave me some samples of a med called Vascepa. They look like fish oil capsules. But it's for people with severe Hypertriglycerdemia. I'm type IV. And Lipitor. I have to take them for three weeks, for my blood disorder, and he's ordered a ton of blood work for me to have in three weeks. My platelets are high now too. That not good Jesse. But, it's all good. I'm optimistic more than ever now. Take care bro. Dorrie Girl

Irish Sammie
04-02-2014, 12:00 PM

You guys are awesome. It's so nice to see a forum where people are genuinely caring and wanting to help other people out. I guess there's an unwritten disposition people take about anxiety related issues, that you're naturally sympathetic towards other people with the condition because you know just how debilitating it can be!

My 2 cents on the matter:

I've just recently started taking Inderal, and for me? I think it's already having an effect. When I take it, it slows my heart beat down, but I also feel there's a bit of a placebo effect too, knowing that my heart won't race a million miles an hour thus removing the physical symptom synonomous with panic attacks. It gives me comfort that I won't have an attack, no matter how shitty I feel when I'm out and about.

Today, I left my house feeling a bit apprehensive, and the closer I got to a busy part of my town, I just analysed everything around me..."that's just a car, that's just a person going about their daily routine....there's nothing scary here at all" and I went, I did my shopping, I got what I needed to get and I went home. I think that part of the healing process is exposing yourself to what it is that makes you scared and building up that re-inforcing mindset that you can deal with these situations and just pounding that into your mind until you start believing it again and fully convincing yourself that you're fine through whatever method you feel works for you.

Inderal puts me more at ease so I can tackle the issues I want to work on. Is it a permanent cure? Of course not. Will it help my current situation? Absolutely. Do I still have a long way to go? I think so.

I was very much against meds before I took Inderal, but knowing it's not addictive, nor interferes with you mentally made it more acceptable to me!

Sam :)

04-02-2014, 12:19 PM
Jessinator, once again, thumbs up to your post. You didn't answer me back a couple of days on the site!! Are you mad at me? Is something wrong? Is it because I never put up a sock puppet?? lol. lol. I did make that puppet. Finished it about three weeks after everyone took theirs down. Ha Ha. Went to the doc. yesterday. He gave me some samples of a med called Vascepa. They look like fish oil capsules. But it's for people with severe Hypertriglycerdemia. I'm type IV. And Lipitor. I have to take them for three weeks, for my blood disorder, and he's ordered a ton of blood work for me to have in three weeks. My platelets are high now too. That not good Jesse. But, it's all good. I'm optimistic more than ever now. Take care bro. Dorrie Girl

Lol I'm not mad at you Dorrie. Why would I be! Sometimes I can't read your posts. If I'm on my phone, they're so long they don't fit on my screen properly. You are one talkative chica Dorrie Girl ;)

So I miss stuff.

That apple fruit girl got booted so, no more sock puppet pics. Turtle pics are gonna be the new thing. Started by Frankie!

Slow and steady recovery.

I'm glad you're optimistic about things. Life seems quite stressful for you now. (Understatement or what). But you're like Eman. You have amazing spirit. You guys just keep battling, and swinging away, no matter what life gives you.

I take a lot from you guys. I was feeling quite frustrated and down at Christmas time, but just seeing the way you guys approach your problems rubbed off on me. Gave me some of my own fighting spirit back, and now we're in to April, I'm kicking ass!!!

I hope you get this health stuff sorted. Your doctor sounds like he's got your back. We've all got your back.

Keep trucking Dorrie Rose ;)

04-02-2014, 12:47 PM
Lol I'm not mad at you Dorrie. Why would I be! Sometimes I can't read your posts. If I'm on my phone, they're so long they don't fit on my screen properly. You are one talkative chica Dorrie Girl ;)

So I miss stuff.

That apple fruit girl got booted so, no more sock puppet pics. Turtle pics are gonna be the new thing. Started by Frankie!

Slow and steady recovery.

I'm glad you're optimistic about things. Life seems quite stressful for you now. (Understatement or what). But you're like Eman. You have amazing spirit. You guys just keep battling, and swinging away, no matter what life gives you.

I take a lot from you guys. I was feeling quite frustrated and down at Christmas time, but just seeing the way you guys approach your problems rubbed off on me. Gave me some of my own fighting spirit back, and now we're in to April, I'm kicking ass!!!

I hope you get this health stuff sorted. Your doctor sounds like he's got your back. We've all got your back.

Keep trucking Dorrie Rose ;)

I know! I know! Dee Dee told me the good news. Man.. I don't mean to make them long. I have this intense passion to help people, and I start writing, and well... I may need to make them shorter. lol. forwells gave me a hard time, not really, about that too. You get pretty lengthy yourself buddy!! lol. I was joking about you being mad at me. I know you wasn't. Well, Jesse... all I can say about your very kind compliments of me having a fighting spirit is... You know the condition I was in when I first joined. Being that serious about wanting to commit suicide scared the hell out of me later. And I wasn't JUST thinking about it. I made a decision. I'm either going to fight like hell for not only myself to get better, but for me to get better for my family too, or play around and somehow get back to the place I was when I joined. I choose to fight. I have a little one getting ready to be home from school, and I'm not bragging, but that child loves me more than anything. What was I thinking?? I wasn't. I guess that's why I get a little lengthy sometimes when I write. Sometimes I feel like all I am is a stay at home mom. When I get on here, and say something and it helps just one person, I feel like I've done something. I might sound Dorky. Dorky Dorrie!! lol. It's been sooo much of a better day. I'm honored actually, that you said I helped YOU in some way. I'm just Not all about the Drama you just had to endure. I'm like... go somewhere else. We need to support each other, and we sure the hell do don't we Jesse. Well, I'm going to have to go now and play with my little guy. Yeah!!!! Later Dorrie Rose? You goof!! You know I like it. lol. Later, bro. thanks for everything by the way. You helped me too, especially in the beginning. I mean you still do!! I'm going to go take my ADHD medicine. Ha Ha Ha D.

04-02-2014, 12:49 PM
Brittany, don't you dare give up on what you believe, and what you have been doing? Everyone has an opinion. It may not be the same as yours, but you still have a right for your opinion. I don't think your ignorant at all hon. lol. Contrary to that... you are very intelligent. And I admire you for what you believe. Not everyone's going to agree with you 100%. Or me!! Don't let that get you down and stop you from being strong minded!!! Once again, I admire that. I got off my narcotic pain medicines, because I didn't want to be on them anymore. They fogged my head completely, I stayed tired and depressed all of the time. I cannot tell you how many weekends in a row, I stayed home all Sunday, while my hubby and little guy went to the store and to the park, or a movie. They begged me to go, but I didn't have any strength or want to in me to go. That was missing out on memories with my family. My two older boys begged me to get off of them. My family, and ME too, hated seeing me like that. So, I don't mean this in a prissy kind of way AT ALL, but I'm pretty proud of myself for being able to do that. My mind is clear. Oh, does that feel good. I have energy. I'm soo excited. My little guy is off school all next week, and I actually feel like taking him to a movie. To the park. Am I on ANY medicine.. Yes! When you have proof you need surgery on your knees, I have a tare in both ACL's and etc..., neck, and back, you need something for that kind of pain. But, I'm looking into more of, well, things not hard on your body, like they were mine. I want to get to the point one day I don't HAVE to take it. I've been given a couple of options, but not sure. I have a pretty good size bulging disc pressing against some nerves. You know how one tooth feels, if the nerves are touched... imagine your whole back effected by it. It's been suggested to me, to have someone go in and burn those nerves. With a probe, not open my back up. A Spinal Cord Stimulator has been recommended. Have heard good and bad about those. But at least I'm trying to get my body in better shape some how. And it's working, because I already feel so much better off of those pain meds. I appreciate you responding back and your kind words greatly, Brittany. Just remember... you are not me. You are you. You're probably not into country music. lol. But theres a song "You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything"!! Theres nothing wrong at all standing behind your OWN beliefs, hon. Don't you go anywhere either. Hang around here. You joined, and have to stay...period. lol. Okay, you can do what you want, but I'm glad you got yourself back up!! And please, do stay. Have a marvelous day, Brittany. D.

Thank you :)
I definitely will not stop believing, for myself, that medication is not the answer. But I have a 4 year old, and its so hard. Just like you have said, going to the movies, park, and store, is a very big challenge. I feel like he's missing out. Then there's days where I'm 100% motivated and up for any challenge, and feel like he will benefit from my will to be better and give him the life he deserves. I do admit I'm taking the rougher road. And sometimes I doubt that I'm capable of doing it. I would love very much to have a little magic pill that could take this all away, I know that I won't take it, but the thought does cross my mind. When I've gone 2 months at being in this stand-still, what the hell is there for me? It's like somewhere something went off inside of me and it made me feel like I wasn't strong enough anymore. And now I feel like a failure. I know what I need to do, but I can't get myself to do it. I'm back to being in this shell I've created for myself and am afraid of everything outside of it again. It sucks. Sorry for venting.. just needed to get it out.

04-02-2014, 12:50 PM
Even though it was a few days ago that the comment was made, I want to say that the healthcare system in the United States sucks! I hate it. You get punished for not having insurance but the insurance isn't affordable and you don't qualify for state health care so you have to pay for everything out of pocket. If you do have to go to the dr and don't pay the whole bill you get sued. And also dr's blame everything on anxiety/depression. I have a real, but still undiagnosed medical condition but 2 dr's have told me it's anxiety and depression and have asked why I am trying to convince myself that I'm sick?? Bullshit! I do have prescriptions for anxiety because I do have it due to whatever it is I have, but I only take it when needed. Sometimes that's often and others it's not. I don't like having to rely on drugs to help because they tend to make me sleepy and I have kids so that's not ideal. It's really just a vicious circle for me. I have something wrong with me but I don't know what so that makes me anxious and causes my high blood pressure and rapid heart beat and palpitations and headaches and in order to feel better from all that I have to take something to help. If I didn't I would be sitting in pain everyday unfortunately.

04-02-2014, 12:55 PM
Even though it was a few days ago that the comment was made, I want to say that the healthcare system in the United States sucks! I hate it. You get punished for not having insurance but the insurance isn't affordable and you don't qualify for state health care so you have to pay for everything out of pocket. If you do have to go to the dr and don't pay the whole bill you get sued. And also dr's blame everything on anxiety/depression. I have a real, but still undiagnosed medical condition but 2 dr's have told me it's anxiety and depression and have asked why I am trying to convince myself that I'm sick?? Bullshit! I do have prescriptions for anxiety because I do have it due to whatever it is I have, but I only take it when needed. Sometimes that's often and others it's not. I don't like having to rely on drugs to help because they tend to make me sleepy and I have kids so that's not ideal. It's really just a vicious circle for me. I have something wrong with me but I don't know what so that makes me anxious and causes my high blood pressure and rapid heart beat and palpitations and headaches and in order to feel better from all that I have to take something to help. If I didn't I would be sitting in pain everyday unfortunately.

That sounds horrible. I'm sorry you are going through this. Have you tried multiple doctors for a diagnosis?

04-02-2014, 12:59 PM
Britt, have you ever tried a natural SSRI, like St Johns?

I can't remember if you said you had or not. That could help if you haven't.

04-02-2014, 12:59 PM
That sounds horrible. I'm sorry you are going through this. Have you tried multiple doctors for a diagnosis?

Yes. My primary was the one that dismissed my physical symptoms. My internist was more concerned but I have an appt with my rheumatologist the end of this month. There was a 4 month wait to get Into see him. So in hoping I get somewhere with him at least. The problem is I have some sort of autoimmune disease and those can take years to get diagnosed with but I at least need acknowledgment that something is going on and hopefully something to help treat my body until we do know what I have especially since I have kids and I need to know if they can develop something. It's all very tiring lol

04-02-2014, 01:05 PM
Britt, have you ever tried a natural SSRI, like St Johns? I can't remember if you said you had or not. That could help if you haven't.

I do have St. John's but haven't taken any yet just because I thought I read that people with autoimmune shouldn't take it, but I could be very wrong because I have read so many things about dos and donts with those disorders. I've thought about trying it though, believe me and also the 5htp but boy that stuff is pricey haha!

04-02-2014, 01:08 PM
Britt, have you ever tried a natural SSRI, like St Johns?

I can't remember if you said you had or not. That could help if you haven't.

No I'm scared to take it :(

04-02-2014, 01:09 PM
Britt, have you ever tried a natural SSRI, like St Johns? I can't remember if you said you had or not. That could help if you haven't.

I didn't see you said Britt haha. I answered that question lol!!

04-02-2014, 01:11 PM
I didn't see you said Britt haha. I answered that question lol!!
I was thinking maybe your name was Britt too...

04-02-2014, 01:16 PM
No I'm scared to take it :(

It's pretty good as far as side effects and everything go, and can give you a bit of a boost. It's not really chemical either, so easier to withdraw and start up.

Or there's 5htp, which I kinda like too. You can just take that whenever, it's an amino, and not an antidepressant as such.

04-02-2014, 01:18 PM
I do have St. John's but haven't taken any yet just because I thought I read that people with autoimmune shouldn't take it, but I could be very wrong because I have read so many things about dos and donts with those disorders. I've thought about trying it though, believe me and also the 5htp but boy that stuff is pricey haha!

Lol. I'm calling you Britt now, just for that!!

Oh my hell Britt, stop answering other people's posts ;)


Autoimmune is a bitchhhhh. Found out about mine end of last year, I've gone gung-ho on it, inflammation free diet and everything to try and reverse it. I feel a lot of different already.

It just keeps everything alive whilst you have it. You can just never find peace until it's under control. I feel bad for you suffering.

Hope they find yours soon. They do dismiss a lot as anxiety once you're diagnosed with it.

04-02-2014, 01:23 PM
It's pretty good as far as side effects and everything go, and can give you a bit of a boost. It's not really chemical either, so easier to withdraw and start up.

Or there's 5htp, which I kinda like too. You can just take that whenever, it's an amino, and not an antidepressant as such.

I was reading about them, and they seem scary, some people say bad things about them.

04-02-2014, 01:24 PM
Lol. I'm calling you Britt now, just for that!! Oh my hell Britt, stop answering other people's posts ;) Jk. Autoimmune is a bitchhhhh. Found out about mine end of last year, I've gone gung-ho on it, inflammation free diet and everything to try and reverse it. I feel a lot of different already. It just keeps everything alive whilst you have it. You can just never find peace until it's under control. I feel bad for you suffering. Hope they find yours soon. They do dismiss a lot as anxiety once you're diagnosed with it.

Lmao, I kind of like Britt too!! I really want to start using tumeric as I hear it helps with inflammation. Do you mind if I ask what you have? There's so many of those damn autoimmune disorders!

04-02-2014, 01:38 PM
I was reading about them, and they seem scary, some people say bad things about them.

They're minor, at best. :) Im afraid of many meds, but I've taken both of them without fears.

St Johns will alter your serotonin levels, which is a good thing, but it's very hard to do that without some side effects like a little dizziness and some nausea, but it's helping you in the long run And it's far easier to take than say Prozac most if the time.

5htp is fine if you don't take it with alcohol. It's much more likely not to work, than to do anything bad. And there's no withdrawal or anything, if you don't like it, you just don't take any more.

04-02-2014, 01:43 PM
They're minor, at best. :) Im afraid of many meds, but I've taken both of them without fears.

St Johns will alter your serotonin levels, which is a good thing, but it's very hard to do that without some side effects like a little dizziness and some nausea, but it's helping you in the long run And it's far easier to take than say Prozac most if the time.

5htp is fine if you don't take it with alcohol. It's much more likely not to work, than to do anything bad. And there's no withdrawal or anything, if you don't like it, you just don't take any more.

Right now the only thing I use is Bach Rescue Remedy... I'm just always nervous about trying new things... :(

04-02-2014, 01:43 PM
Lmao, I kind of like Britt too!! I really want to start using tumeric as I hear it helps with inflammation. Do you mind if I ask what you have? There's so many of those damn autoimmune disorders!

What's your actual name btw?

Everytime I see your username, I wonder if you mean: Mykids12, or my kid is 12 years old. Random I know.

I have celiac disease, which is kinda minor as far as autoimmune stuff goes, it's controllable with diet and reversible. But before I was diagnosed, I was all over the place with weird symptoms, anxiety like symptoms. Nasty.

04-02-2014, 01:43 PM
Thank you :)
I definitely will not stop believing, for myself, that medication is not the answer. But I have a 4 year old, and its so hard. Just like you have said, going to the movies, park, and store, is a very big challenge. I feel like he's missing out. Then there's days where I'm 100% motivated and up for any challenge, and feel like he will benefit from my will to be better and give him the life he deserves. I do admit I'm taking the rougher road. And sometimes I doubt that I'm capable of doing it. I would love very much to have a little magic pill that could take this all away, I know that I won't take it, but the thought does cross my mind. When I've gone 2 months at being in this stand-still, what the hell is there for me? It's like somewhere something went off inside of me and it made me feel like I wasn't strong enough anymore. And now I feel like a failure. I know what I need to do, but I can't get myself to do it. I'm back to being in this shell I've created for myself and am afraid of everything outside of it again. It sucks. Sorry for venting.. just needed to get it out.

I so want to call you Britt, after Jesse said he was calling you that. lol. Brittany, I think this right here is helping you. I can tell just by the conversation. And Jess is like a big bro to me. He knows how to make anyone feel better. He just has a way. I'm so envious and mad!! Not!! lol. Wouldn't be the same around here without our Jesse. The reason I mentioned that I thought this was helping, because I know when I get on here, I start to feel better, which leads me to my next question. It's regarding the kids and the park, etc.. Do you have any friends, or a friend, that you do anything with? I'm asking that because, we've had to move around due to the kind of work my hubby does, and it's made it hard to make friends. Before we moved here, a few short yrs. ago, I had several friends, was always doing something. A little miss Extrovert. I had lived there my whole life, and thought it would be kind of neat to move, do something different, when he got the job offer. But then my back got worse and never felt like getting out. And we moved several times. I think? we're going to be here for a bit, and I know one of my worse vices are having no "real life" friends here. Sure Sure, we talk all the time on the phone, but it's not the same as having a friend you can talk to in person. Now that I feel better, my hubby strongly encourages me to make myself get out and go to the park. He says every time he goes he meets other people there with there kids. And he's not a talker away from work. So, I'm going to set a goal, and make myself take my little guy to the park next week. At least one day. He's out of school the whole week. And it made me think to ask you the same question. Do you have anyone to talk to, hang out with... with your little one...at all? I just know thats played a huge part in my depression. Having no friends here. But I havent gotten out anywhere yet either. D.

04-02-2014, 01:56 PM
I so want to call you Britt, after Jesse said he was calling you that. lol. Brittany, I think this right here is helping you. I can tell just by the conversation. And Jess is like a big bro to me. He knows how to make anyone feel better. He just has a way. I'm so envious and mad!! Not!! lol. Wouldn't be the same around here without our Jesse. The reason I mentioned that I thought this was helping, because I know when I get on here, I start to feel better, which leads me to my next question. It's regarding the kids and the park, etc.. Do you have any friends, or a friend, that you do anything with? I'm asking that because, we've had to move around due to the kind of work my hubby does, and it's made it hard to make friends. Before we moved here, a few short yrs. ago, I had several friends, was always doing something. A little miss Extrovert. I had lived there my whole life, and thought it would be kind of neat to move, do something different, when he got the job offer. But then my back got worse and never felt like getting out. And we moved several times. I think? we're going to be here for a bit, and I know one of my worse vices are having no "real life" friends here. Sure Sure, we talk all the time on the phone, but it's not the same as having a friend you can talk to in person. Now that I feel better, my hubby strongly encourages me to make myself get out and go to the park. He says every time he goes he meets other people there with there kids. And he's not a talker away from work. So, I'm going to set a goal, and make myself take my little guy to the park next week. At least one day. He's out of school the whole week. And it made me think to ask you the same question. Do you have anyone to talk to, hang out with... with your little one...at all? I just know thats played a huge part in my depression. Having no friends here. But I havent gotten out anywhere yet either. D.

I am friend-less. We also moved due to my husband's work 4 years ago. I have a couple of friends from my hometown I can talk to occasionally... but here nothing. And it's not like the attempts weren't made. I have made friends here, do play dates, have dinner, go to their house or they come to mine. But one way or another they never stick. It's really taken its toll on my self esteem.. always feel like something's wrong with me, that once people get to know me, they don't like me. It's especially hard because my son doesn't have any friends either for that reason. Every time he's gotten attached to someone, the parents stop talking to me, so when he asks for his friend, what do I say?? Mommy f#@!ed it up?

04-02-2014, 02:06 PM
Lol I'm not mad at you Dorrie. Why would I be! Sometimes I can't read your posts. If I'm on my phone, they're so long they don't fit on my screen properly. You are one talkative chica Dorrie Girl ;)

So I miss stuff.

That apple fruit girl got booted so, no more sock puppet pics. Turtle pics are gonna be the new thing. Started by Frankie!

Slow and steady recovery.

I'm glad you're optimistic about things. Life seems quite stressful for you now. (Understatement or what). But you're like Eman. You have amazing spirit. You guys just keep battling, and swinging away, no matter what life gives you.

I take a lot from you guys. I was feeling quite frustrated and down at Christmas time, but just seeing the way you guys approach your problems rubbed off on me. Gave me some of my own fighting spirit back, and now we're in to April, I'm kicking ass!!!

I hope you get this health stuff sorted. Your doctor sounds like he's got your back. We've all got your back.

Keep trucking Dorrie Rose ;)

Ok, Jesse, Tell you what's going on. I'm on pins and needles right now with my anxiety. This morning was my sons Final Court Date. The Judge either told him he gets out with time served, or the Judge told him how much more time he'll do period!! I DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER, because I haven't received a call from ANYONE yet. Not him, my ex, my sister that lives there, Nothing. It's been just over a month since I have talked to him. This whole past year he has called two times a week every week, and wrote. It's been a month. He wrote my ex, and said he accidentally spent too much of the money my ex gave him on personal items, and had just enough for a piece of paper to write him telling him he accidentally spent too much, and to tell us he wasn't going to waste money on a calling card, if he got out today. So he wouldn't be calling us until now. I know to be calm, and to just relax, I'll know something sooner or later. But I'm not going to lie to you either. I'm upset I havent talked to him. I know theres people who go a lot longer than that, and all that stuff. I know!! But it's a little bit hard, when you're USED to twice a week every week. I just want this nightmare to end. And to add to that... our lease is up in a couple of months, and we have to move because we cannot afford this home anymore, with all my medical costs. Now, I'm whining. At least I'm being truthful. I've been sitting at this computer typing and emailing all day, to keep my mind occupied, until I get a phone call from somebody. It's been hours since court. And I just hope he's got it this time. Life did land him a crappy deal by him almost losing his leg in the service, just to find out he made "Special Forces". but he Has to put that behind him. He says he has. I'm upset, because I want him here, not with my ex where he's surrounded by playmates and places. But I have NO control over what HE does. He'll either tell himself he's through with jail, and walk the straight and narrow, or play the poker hand, and end up right back in. Sorry...Please say something to make me feel just a bit better. Make me laugh... anything. I sure need it right at the moment. I'm not as strong as you think sometimes. I still struggle hard.

04-02-2014, 02:19 PM
I take 14 different medications, and I feel fantastically amazing!
Its not to say that medications are the way to go for everyone, unless you choose to go to a knife fight with a loaf of bread...persay.
Especially with such high and intense anxiety....from what I can see...
and alot to say too!!!..YAY!!!
I do hope you find that magical natural solution to your mental disorders with all due respect and compassion...
If it weren't for my medications, I wouldn't be here today typing...gleefully!!

Have a great day all!!!

Enduronman.. :)

04-02-2014, 02:22 PM
I am friend-less. We also moved due to my husband's work 4 years ago. I have a couple of friends from my hometown I can talk to occasionally... but here nothing. And it's not like the attempts weren't made. I have made friends here, do play dates, have dinner, go to their house or they come to mine. But one way or another they never stick. It's really taken its toll on my self esteem.. always feel like something's wrong with me, that once people get to know me, they don't like me. It's especially hard because my son doesn't have any friends either for that reason. Every time he's gotten attached to someone, the parents stop talking to me, so when he asks for his friend, what do I say?? Mommy f#@!ed it up?

I kind of sensed that. And, Brittany, the same thing has happened to me. "Heres my number. Give me yours and I'll call you." I hope you know it's not YOU. Unfortunately people do that all of the time. I think it's a habbit for people to be nice. Do you know how many times that's happened to me too?? It hurt my self esteem too. We're going to be moving, and I sure am hoping we find a house in a kid friendly neighborhood. My little guy got EXTREMELY ATTACHED to my older son, 22, before he moved back home, got in trouble, and is jail at the moment. He lived with us for two years. My 22 yr. old, regardless of being in jail, is a one in a million guy. He did everything with him. They constantly did everything together for two yrs. My older son treated him like he was his little boy instead of his much younger brother. They went swimming, to the park, my little guy spent hours on his lap watching him play Zelda. It's sad. My little boy has to give thanks over his snack every afternoon. He always says he hopes his brother gets out of jail soon. The other day, he asked my husband if we could adopt a little boy, so he would have a brother to play with!! That was a shocker. lol. And NOT happening. lol. Just hang in there right with me. We'll hang in there together. I'm here... always. D.

04-02-2014, 02:24 PM
I take 14 different medications, and I feel fantastically amazing!
Its not to say that medications are the way to go for everyone, unless you choose to go to a knife fight with a loaf of bread...persay.
Especially with such high and intense anxiety....from what I can see...
and alot to say too!!!..YAY!!!
I do hope you find that magical natural solution to your mental disorders with all due respect and compassion...
If it weren't for my medications, I wouldn't be here today typing...gleefully!!

Have a great day all!!!

Enduronman.. :)

Hey, big bro. how did your visit go with your daughter, and hows she doing? And you?? Dorrie Girl

04-02-2014, 02:29 PM
Hey DorrieGirl!!!
It went great, she just wants to come home of course but it wont be long..
I'm trying to hang in there without my youngster messing things up all the time, house, cars, troubles,, LOL!!
I feel ok today, back ache is manageable so I'm hanging out with everyone here for awhile..
Great to see you and hope that you're doing as well as can be!!

E-Man.. :)

04-02-2014, 02:59 PM
Hey DorrieGirl!!!
It went great, she just wants to come home of course but it wont be long..
I'm trying to hang in there without my youngster messing things up all the time, house, cars, troubles,, LOL!!
I feel ok today, back ache is manageable so I'm hanging out with everyone here for awhile..
Great to see you and hope that you're doing as well as can be!!

E-Man.. :)

That's awesome. I'm glad she's well. Today was my sons Final Court Day, to find out if he got Time Served and gets to leave, or the Judge will tell him how much more time period.
No phone call from anyone, so I still have no Idea what happened.
Dr. put me on Cymbalta for Depression, Fibro, and Nerve Damage. It must be a superantidepressant. lol. LMAO, as you say. lol
Also on Lyrica. I'm shocked at how well it's helping!! This is good big bro!!
This is the 2nd week off Narcotics. One of my smarta-- friends said technically I'm still on one. I used Suboxone to help detox off that pain med. I'm off it now, so I don't mind
sharing what I was on. I was on Brand name Fentanyl...Duragesic 150mcg, I wore two 75mcg patches every 48hrs. Plus, Dilaudid 4mg three times a day for breakthrough pain. I know most people on here don't know a lot about pain meds, and I'm not trying, and dont want to, spark up a conversation on them. Just saying what I was on.
That's why everyone, in my family, wanted me to go into the hospital, in case my Bp got too high, etc... I said screw this. I know a few people who got off opiates using Suboxone, and it went much smoother. It has an amount of narcotic like subtance to help with withdrawls. Some docs. prescribe as pain med. too.
It was Very expensive, so he prescribed me the cheaper one Subutex. which has a generic. So this is the start of week two. The doctor said it's up to me how long I want to be on it. It was a lifesaver dealing with the withdrawls. Some people view it as a narcotic. Some view it as a med to help people stay clean. I don't know how I feel. I know it is helping my pain some. I'm on the very lowest dose there is. It can go a ways up more than what I'm on. My Md dr. was going to prescribe Tramadol for me yesterday, and i declined!!
I'm taking Depakote at the moment for the daily migraines. Its working. We talked about Topamax, and Verapamil Er ???
On an end note, gotta play with the little guy now, overall, I feel great. My head is cleared up from all of that fog. I have tons more energy. I wished i would have done this so much sooner.
Shoulda Coulda Woulda. lol. Take care, big bro. Was great to chat with ya. I'm super happy you're doing good. And I'm certain we'll cross paths in the near future!!! hee hee. :) DorrieGirl

04-02-2014, 05:59 PM
i like goning the natural route like teas and st john wort

04-02-2014, 06:08 PM
i like goning the natural route like teas and st john wort

What experiences have you had with these things? What kind of tea have you used?

04-02-2014, 06:25 PM
linden leaves help calm u u can find them in the spice section of grocery stores and st johns wort is like natural prozac also walking and exercise helps ut burns off the bad endorphins in the brain

04-02-2014, 06:28 PM
linden leaves help calm u u can find them in the spice section of grocery stores and st johns wort is like natural prozac also walking and exercise helps ut burns off the bad endorphins in the brain

Yeah exercise has definitely been something that helps. As far as linden leaves, do you steep them like a tea ?

04-02-2014, 06:36 PM
you can boil em them just leave in cup or take leaves out

04-02-2014, 06:36 PM
you can boil em them just leave in cup or take leaves out

Interesting... I'll have to check that out. Thank you :)

04-02-2014, 06:46 PM
"5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is a chemical by-product of the protein building block L-tryptophan."

Like I said, some 5-HTP supplements have been found contaminated. The amino acid L-Tryptophan is found in foods like I mentioned previously (eggs,bananas,sunflower seeds etc., look up a list for more). The whole theory behind 5-HTP supplements is that they give you the amino acid in much larger doses, but if you wanted to take the supplement risk-free and naturally, just revolve your diet a lot around foods that contain it.

St John's Wort didn't do anything for me personally. Recent studies also show that it actually provides very minimal aid for anxiety, but is seen as somewhat effective in helping depression.

04-02-2014, 06:56 PM
"5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is a chemical by-product of the protein building block L-tryptophan."

Like I said, some 5-HTP supplements have been found contaminated. The amino acid L-Tryptophan is found in foods like I mentioned previously (eggs,bananas,sunflower seeds etc., look up a list for more). The whole theory behind 5-HTP supplements is that they give you the amino acid in much larger doses, but if you wanted to take the supplement risk-free and naturally, just revolve your diet a lot around foods that contain it.

St John's Wort didn't do anything for me personally. Recent studies also show that it actually provides very minimal aid for anxiety, but is seen as somewhat effective in helping depression.

See I read that about 5htp, which is why I'm apprehensive. I can try the diet but, it's tough because when my anxiety is bad I don't have an appetite. :(

04-02-2014, 07:58 PM
Great to see you doing so well Michael. That was a pretty fast turn around!

5HTP is like Kava kava. They screwed with it. Same with Kava. They cheated on it too much, and it was made to look poisonous and got restricted. St Johns is having a similar problem now, too many people cheaping out, trying to max profits. What we get here is like taking oregano.

If you get really good batch, you have no problem. I don't know if Kava Kava is still banned over there, but the only reason that got a bad name is cos they started using the wrong parts.

I had fairly good success on an amino combo. I don't like taking just one, knocking others out of balance worries me. The thing I like about them, 5htp included, is you only really need to take them short term. 6 weeks on, 12 weeks off. And have a tight diet. There's really very little time for any problems to occur. Only problem is, for many of the aminos, it's hit and miss. You read people's stories on them, and they divide right down the board. 50% say they're great the other 50% call them scams and say they don't work. Like most things, you've got to try and see if you believe it's something that would help.

I'll be honest with you Britt. I really think you need something to help you get better. You're in a hole, and you need a bit of a leg up. Time can pass in the blink of an eye. Your daughters 4 I think you said, before you know it, she'll be 8, and you may still be in a similar position. I see you kinda struggling, and I look at what you're currently doing, and I just don't know if it's enough. I don't know. I hope it is for you, but, I don't know.

Long term Michael has pretty much got it nailed. Wrote a great post on the holistic nature of healing. But everybody needs that boost. That leg up to get them out of a hole. The longer you suffer, the harder it gets. I really hope you find it doing what you're doing.

04-02-2014, 08:21 PM
Great to see you doing so well Michael. That was a pretty fast turn around! 5HTP is like Kava kava. They screwed with it. Same with Kava. They cheated on it too much, and it was made to look poisonous and got restricted. St Johns is having a similar problem now, too many people cheaping out, trying to max profits. What we get here is like taking oregano. If you get really good batch, you have no problem. I don't know if Kava Kava is still banned over there, but the only reason that got a bad name is cos they started using the wrong parts. I had fairly good success on an amino combo. I don't like taking just one, knocking others out of balance worries me. The thing I like about them, 5htp included, is you only really need to take them short term. 6 weeks on, 12 weeks off. And have a tight diet. There's really very little time for any problems to occur. Only problem is, for many of the aminos, it's hit and miss. You read people's stories on them, and they divide right down the board. 50% say they're great the other 50% call them scams and say they don't work. Like most things, you've got to try and see if you believe it's something that would help. I'll be honest with you Britt. I really think you need something to help you get better. You're in a hole, and you need a bit of a leg up. Time can pass in the blink of an eye. Your daughters 4 I think you said, before you know it, she'll be 8, and you may still be in a similar position. I see you kinda struggling, and I look at what you're currently doing, and I just don't know if it's enough. I don't know. I hope it is for you, but, I don't know. Long term Michael has pretty much got it nailed. Wrote a great post on the holistic nature of healing. But everybody needs that boost. That leg up to get them out of a hole. The longer you suffer, the harder it gets. I really hope you find it doing what you're doing.

:( I'm glad you keep coming back, I've needed your guidance today. I know I NEED something, but I don't really have a support system. There is a new holistic dr. In town and I very much would like an appt. with her, but of course like everything else, the thought of the initial meeting causes a lot of anxiety, so much so that I've stared at the clinic's phone number on many occasions for the past few months but have lacked the courage to dial.
I just need someone to tell me what to do. And I hear what you say, but I fear if I start a regimen, and start second guessing it, who will tell me it's ok? I'm in constant need of reassurance. A couple of years ago I started using an estrogen cream because I thought my anxiety may be caused by a hormone imbalance, and it started making me feel weird, and caused abdomen pain, so I just stopped, but I don't even know if it would've ever worked or not, if the side effects were normal. I don't have anyone to "guide" me through. And I'm certainly not looking things up on the internet anymore....

And yes I have a son. His name is also Jesse :) I think all the time, what if I don't get ahold of myself when he's old enough to understand what's going on... So I am determined to get well ASAP. I am willing to try new things, but how do I know if what I'm getting is the good kind or not? Can you message me specific brands or something?

04-02-2014, 08:36 PM
Can't fault your attitude or heart :)

It is a bit of a minefield out there.

Most of the stuff I've mentioned has just been, ya know, an idea.. You don't really need anything I've mentioned, people just take that stuff to try it, like Michael said, the results are hit and miss.

He's a very aware guy. I'm shocked at how fast he kicked that nasty pure O stuff in the ass. I think he wrote a great post above. Something that tackled the fundamentals.

I mean, before you start taking anything, or going onto any treatment plan, how are your fundamentals?

When you say you want to tackle anxiety naturally, do you have a plan for that? Like exposure maybe, or a really nutrient rich diet? Or are you getting up and kinda free riding it a bit? Can be good for the mind having an outlined plan. Feels reassuring really.

04-02-2014, 08:36 PM
And your son has a bad ass name ;)

04-02-2014, 08:47 PM
Can't fault your attitude or heart :) It is a bit of a minefield out there. Most of the stuff I've mentioned has just been, ya know, an idea.. You don't really need anything I've mentioned, people just take that stuff to try it, like Michael said, the results are hit and miss. He's a very aware guy. I'm shocked at how fast he kicked that nasty pure O stuff in the ass. I think he wrote a great post above. Something that tackled the fundamentals. I mean, before you start taking anything, or going onto any treatment plan, how are your fundamentals? When you say you want to tackle anxiety naturally, do you have a plan for that? Like exposure maybe, or a really nutrient rich diet? Or are you getting up and kinda free riding it a bit? Can be good for the mind having an outlined plan. Feels reassuring really.

No I do need to try something different, the things I have mentioned that i had used aren't strong enough, they take the edge off, but for my really bad days fall short.
The most I have done is exposure, I got to a point where on a daily basis I was facing some sort of fear, and was doing well... But all good things must come to an end I suppose. So here I am.
I really just need specifics. If I start something, what can you tell me about it that I couldn't find out for myself. What to expect, etc.?

04-02-2014, 08:57 PM
And your son has a bad ass name ;)
I know right. Lol :)

04-02-2014, 09:05 PM
Do you need any reading material? I have most of it really. Claire Weekes, Linden Method, panic away, Amelia Linsdale etc

Linden method is quite similar to what Michael talked about above. It's a pretty decent read if you haven't read it. All in e bok format.:)

Have you heard that song from the 80s or whatever. Jessies girl.

Jesses are one fine species!!

04-02-2014, 09:17 PM
Do you need any reading material? I have most of it really. Claire Weekes, Linden Method, panic away, Amelia Linsdale etc Linden method is quite similar to what Michael talked about above. It's a pretty decent read if you haven't read it. All in e bok format.:) Have you heard that song from the 80s or whatever. Jessies girl. Jesses are one fine species!!

Yes my fiancé's name is Jesse, too. So I am indeed Jesse's girl, don't think any of his friends are secretly fantasizing over me, but anyway...

Yeah anything informative would be helpful. But if I were going to start using 5htp, for instance, how would i go about doing that? Like I asked before, is there a certain brand that is better than the rest?

04-02-2014, 09:22 PM
Do you need any reading material? I have most of it really. Claire Weekes, Linden Method, panic away, Amelia Linsdale etc

Linden method is quite similar to what Michael talked about above. It's a pretty decent read if you haven't read it. All in e bok format.:)

Have you heard that song from the 80s or whatever. Jessies girl.

Jesses are one fine species!!

Jesse, just want to say thanks for totally ignoring my post to you in this thread, but answering all of Brittany's!! I suppose she's more special. But... I'm used to you not answering most of my posts!!! Thanks a lot. For all your help!!! You are a true friend. Not one today, but not tomorrow. Your awesome. Well... bye!

p.s. Brittany, if you read this...I'm totally just messing around and joking with Jesse!! Lol. I wasn't serious, not one bit. :) Just had an opportunity to mess with him, and took it. LOL!!
Hey, If he can dish it out, he can take it!! Anyways.... you guys have an awesome evening, and Brittany, don't you feel so much better having all of this support. You didn't sound that great earlier today, but you started having a bit of fun. Thats allowed here, sometimes, too. Makes you feel better. Well me!!! Later Jessinator!!! Take care to all, D.

04-02-2014, 09:28 PM
Jesse, just want to say thanks for totally ignoring my post to you in this thread, but answering all of Brittany's!! I suppose she's more special. But... I'm used to you not answering most of my posts!!! Thanks a lot. For all your help!!! You are a true friend. Not one today, but not tomorrow. Your awesome. Well... bye!

p.s. Brittany, if you read this...I'm totally just messing around and joking with Jesse!! Lol. I wasn't serious, not one bit. :) Just had an opportunity to mess with him, and took it. LOL!!
Hey, If he can dish it out, he can take it!! Anyways.... you guys have an awesome evening, and Brittany, don't you feel so much better having all of this support. You didn't sound that great earlier today, but you started having a bit of fun. Thats allowed here, sometimes, too. Makes you feel better. Well me!!! Later Jessinator!!! Take care to all, D.

I am totally willing to fight you for him!!! ;) lol

Yes I am feeling better, thanks for noticing. :)

04-02-2014, 10:53 PM
I am totally willing to fight you for him!!! ;) lol

Yes I am feeling better, thanks for noticing. :)

You're too much, when you get to feeling better!! lol. Thats a good thing Brittany. Yep, Jesse is a keeper. To lots of us. You have a good evening. Off to bed for me. Hopefully we'll chat tomorrow. So glad to have gotten to know you a bit. You'll fit in just fine. It's not about fitting in. I'm playing. Seriously, I'm glad this site helped you, you met some people, talked, shared, and started feeling better. You probably wasn't even expecting that. I wasn't at first. But theres great people here. With some awesome advice, stories to share, etc... Take what you can from it, and leave the rest. But theres a lot you'll want to take, I imagine. Take care new friend. D.

04-02-2014, 10:55 PM
You're too much, when you get to feeling better!! lol. Thats a good thing Brittany. Yep, Jesse is a keeper. To lots of us. You have a good evening. Off to bed for me. Hopefully we'll chat tomorrow. So glad to have gotten to know you a bit. You'll fit in just fine. It's not about fitting in. I'm playing. Seriously, I'm glad this site helped you, you met some people, talked, shared, and started feeling better. You probably wasn't even expecting that. I wasn't at first. But theres great people here. With some awesome advice, stories to share, etc... Take what you can from it, and leave the rest. But theres a lot you'll want to take, I imagine. Take care new friend. D.

Thanks :) good night

04-02-2014, 10:56 PM
@jessed Most of my healing is thanks to you man, thanks a lot again. I'm not 100% but I feel like it compared to a month ago.

@britt, I needed Cipralex to get me out of my hole I was in, because a few days before I went on it I knew what I needed to recover but I thought I needed the help of meds. I'm not sure if they worked because I was only on them for two weeks, it could have been placebo, but either way they did help. I was so symptom free that I stopped them abruptly (I know this is not recommended at all).

But jessed is right. You need something to feel at least a decent amount of relief - enough to get you up and ready to beat the crap out of your anxiety. I know I needed Cipralex, or at least the idea of having it to help me get on my feet, and jesse can vouche for that as well. Anyhow, I would recommend to just take his advice.. I had over 7 seshions with a psychologist and a few days of keeping in contact with him helped me 10x more. I'd give meds a try, you can ask anyone who posted on my thread, I was having horrible anxiety attacks about taking meds but I did, I don't regret it, I don't think you need them long term, but short term it could be a great help.

I found that the hardest part of getting on a solid path to starting to recover was getting out of my darkest moment. Once you're there, its hard to get out, I needed medication because I went a month straight of absolute hell.

Depending on how bad your anxiety and/or depression is you could just try some natural supps and see how they work.. that kava kava stuff,some teas, st johns etc.

04-02-2014, 11:02 PM
Most of my healing is thanks to you man, thanks a lot again. I'm not 100% but I feel like it compared to a month ago.

@britt, I needed Cipralex to get me out of my hole I was in, because a few days before I went on it I knew what I needed to recover but I thought I needed the help of meds. I'm not sure if they worked because I was only on them for two weeks, it could have been placebo, but either way they did help. I was so symptom free that I stopped them abruptly (I know this is not recommended at all).

But jessed is right. You need something to feel at least a decent amount of relief - enough to get you up and ready to beat the crap out of your anxiety. I know I needed Cipralex, or at least the idea of having it to help me get on my feet, and jesse can vouche for that as well.

I know I do. I also understand it's mostly trial and error. I just don't know where to start.

04-03-2014, 12:02 PM
I know I do. I also understand it's mostly trial and error. I just don't know where to start.

If you PM me your email, I'll send you a copy of LM. It's a good book about overcoming anxiety without the use of medication.

What do you think you need Britt. Something to help soothe your system a bit, or something to pick up your mood?

04-03-2014, 12:13 PM
If you PM me your email, I'll send you a copy of LM. It's a good book about overcoming anxiety without the use of medication. What do you think you need Britt. Something to help soothe your system a bit, or something to pick up your mood?
I think staying calm is the hardest thing for me, and I'm very pessimistic, so it's like once I start feeling a little uncomfortable, I just get flooded with different fears and emotions, and at that point it's really out of my control.