View Full Version : bad anticipatory anxiety

03-29-2014, 04:22 PM
I have a convention coming up with my husband for his work. I've been kinda putting it out of my mind and keeping busy, but now I'm feeling really uneasy. Concerned of the triggers that may come up. I don't want to be nervous wreck, but I'm feeling that way. I think I need more calming techniques for when I'm in uncomfortable situations I can't get out of. Help?

03-29-2014, 05:09 PM
I have a convention coming up with my husband for his work. I've been kinda putting it out of my mind and keeping busy, but now I'm feeling really uneasy. Concerned of the triggers that may come up. I don't want to be nervous wreck, but I'm feeling that way. I think I need more calming techniques for when I'm in uncomfortable situations I can't get out of. Help?

Stop coping and start accepting

Just be there and let them come and they will eventually stop

When you try to fight or cope, anxiety realizes it's power and keeps coming

Accept what it is and that it won't harm you in anyway, anxiety loses it's power

Take it's power, you take away the negative feelings

03-29-2014, 05:14 PM
Stop coping and start accepting

Just be there and let them come and they will eventually stop

When you try to fight or cope, anxiety realizes it's power and keeps coming

Accept what it is and that it won't harm you in anyway, anxiety loses it's power

Take it's power, you take away the negative feelings

That makes sense. But it's easier said then done. When I start having an attack, my mind automatically goes to the worst thought possible. I think of everything bad that could happen, and think of bad things that have happened before. That thinking has been a struggle to reverse.

03-29-2014, 05:22 PM
That makes sense. But it's easier said then done. When I start having an attack, my mind automatically goes to the worst thought possible. I think of everything bad that could happen, and think of bad things that have happened before. That thinking has been a struggle to reverse.

What has happened in the past that sticks out in your mind that happened during an attack?

03-29-2014, 08:44 PM
What has happened in the past that sticks out in your mind that happened during an attack?
Usually just feeling ill. A couple of months ago I went to a new restaurant with some family, something I usually never do. And I don't know if it was the food or just my anxiety or a combination of both but I got sick and had to go to the bathroom probably 10 times while we were there. It was miserable and scary. A lot of the time during attacks I feel like I'm going to vomit so I start coughing or gagging and I fear if I'm at a place without a bathroom or a long line to the bathroom, basically anywhere crowded that I'm going to throw up in the middle of it. I have done that before. I have also acquired IBS in the past few years from anxiety so that also freaks me out probably more so than the vomiting. Whenever I go anywhere new the first thing I do is locate a bathroom so I don't have to look for one in a panic. But if I can't find one it causes an attack.... I could go on and on but I think you get the picture.