View Full Version : Us as sufferers

03-29-2014, 01:53 PM
Anxiety cripples us. No one who does not suffer can understand. It brings you down makes you think you're going crazy. You get some highs. But they fade really quick. Anxiety sufferers unlike normal people, we stop counting the bad days. Because for us everyday is a drag your feet day. We count the good days. Writher it's one or two a week. Or one or two a month. We usually give up finding for a "cure" because we know that there is no "final solution" to our problem. We must live with it every waking day of our lives. Not live for us. But live for what we can be and what we can accomplish. So all anxiety sufferers like myself. Do not give up, I tell you this it will get better. Smile even though you wanna lay down and cry. Walk when you feel like you are gonna faint. And push on when you wanna stop and call life quits. Because when you can't believe in yourself. There is always someone who will. Maybe not now but defiantly in the future.
-John T