View Full Version : bodyaches after taking lexapro? HELPPP

03-29-2014, 12:50 PM
I have only takin two 5mg tablets since thursday so one thursday night and one friday night and ever since yesterday I have been having crazy body aches in my back muscles and stomach muscles. With on and off nausea and headache. I called my dr and they said I might have coincidentally gotten the flu the same night I took my first pill. And they also acted like I cant have side effects this quick. I just dont have the general sick feeling without the muscle aches I would feel generally ok with my normal amounts of anxeity. What does everyone recommend?????? They said ER??? But im feeling like ER cant and wont do shit. HELPPPP MEEEEEE. THANKS!!!!!

03-29-2014, 01:02 PM
I don't know your body, you may have caught a virus or something at the same time, but I'd be much more inclined to believe the drugs were causing this problem. You can have side effects very quickly after taking an antidepressant, so to say it's too early to have side effects is rather short sighted of your doctor.

Here's the honest truth. The muscle aches may go, they probably will. But, they may not. Some drugs just don't agree with some people. I hope that doesn't concern you or put you off.

I only mean to say, don't wait forever if this particular side effect doesn't go. I waited months on a bad drug, just because my doctor told me to. When I eventually switched, my next drug was far easier.

Give it a couple of weeks, and if it's still around, consider changing.

If it gets too much, stop immediately.

You aren't wasting time on this drug, even if it doesn't work out. It will still make the next drug work quicker.

Not sure what going to the hospital would solve, unless you have any other symptoms that are worrying.

Hope it works out for you soon shawty!

03-29-2014, 01:07 PM

This is an extremely low dose of Lexapro. It def could be an effect of the medicine, but it is prob something else.

ER for muscle and back aches?

lol, sometimes its better to be safe than sorry, but in this situation i think you should prob avoid the ER. If back and muscle pain was a sure-fire sign of a imminent and dangerous illness, 95% of the population would not be with us right now.

03-29-2014, 01:16 PM
It was nurse at the dr office and i guess she doesnt wanna be held accountable if it is a bad reaction. Really im just hoping that this will pass soon and this med will work. I have to go on a teip mid April and I cant go with the amount of anxiety I have. Was soooooo hooing that this lexapro would work and work fast. Guess thats not gonna be the case. Guess ill b a agoraphob forever cuz Im not going to continue to waste money on these meds that give me awful side effects and dont work I will just stick with the Klonopin. These meds are pricey for someone with no insurance and no job :(. The place I go to see the dr is free cuz I have no insurance. Ahhhhh never ending nightmare.

03-29-2014, 02:11 PM
[QUOTE="shawty;177516"]It was nurse at the dr office and i guess she doesnt wanna be held accountable if it is a bad reaction. Really im just hoping that this will pass soon and this med will work. I have to go on a teip mid April and I cant go with the amount of anxiety I have. Was soooooo hooing that this lexapro would work and work fast. Guess thats not gonna be the case. Guess ill b a agoraphob forever cuz Im not going to continue to waste money on these meds that give me awful side effects and dont work I will just stick with the Klonopin. These meds are pricey for someone with no insurance and no job :(. The place I go to see the dr is free cuz I have no insurance. Ahhhhh never ending nightmare.[/QUOTE

All SSRIs have some side effects when you start them. I was on Lexapro for 12 years and it relieved my anxiety. I just switched to Viibryd and the first two weeks were horrible nausea and diarrhea but it last maybe 2 weeks and now I feel great. Benzodiazepines are not the answer to long term treatment in my opinion. Hang in there and give it some time.

03-29-2014, 04:39 PM
Yes thats why im going to continue to take it. I dont wven really like the kolonpin. All it does is make me sleep. Im gonna give a few more days and see how I feel. Thanks.

03-29-2014, 05:28 PM
Glad to hear shawty. Like MA mentioned, 5 mg is a low dose, so you should get used to it pretty soon.

03-29-2014, 09:56 PM
Thanks everyone. I actually took a nap with some tylenol and the aches are gone! I hope when this medication works I will stop with the worrying about having anxiety attacks. Even tho I havent had any recently, I have to go on a trip to a banquet for my mother in law and go shopping for a dress and stuff mid April. And im am worrying because I dont go in stores now, I dont really go anywhere. Just doing all those things around all those people is stressing me ouy. I just hope this Lexapro does the trick and makes me "normal" again.

03-30-2014, 07:30 AM
Thanks everyone. I actually took a nap with some tylenol and the aches are gone! I hope when this medication works I will stop with the worrying about having anxiety attacks. Even tho I havent had any recently, I have to go on a trip to a banquet for my mother in law and go shopping for a dress and stuff mid April. And im am worrying because I dont go in stores now, I dont really go anywhere. Just doing all those things around all those people is stressing me ouy. I just hope this Lexapro does the trick and makes me "normal" again.

Don't lose hope with it. It takes at least 4 weeks to build up in your system so you're getting the full affect. Plus if your only on 5mg you have plenty of room to increase until you are anxiety free. I'm telling you I was panic attack free for 12 years while on Lexapro. I decided with my pdoc that we would wean me off as I was on 40mg. I was completely off in October and felt great until 3/3/14 and I had a panic attack. Then one week later a 2nd one. So I'm trying Viibryd only because of the sexual side effects I experienced with Lexapro. So don't give up on it.