View Full Version : Chest pain

03-29-2014, 04:05 AM
Hi everyone just a bit of advice needed,
I felt ok yesterday except the usual body aches n chest pains I get, well anyways I decided to have a takeaway with my sister at 7pm then about an hour after started getting a dull pain in the centre right between the breasts and or lasted all night till about midnight :( noticed it throughout the night too as I kept waking up. Its the first time it's happened for a few month. Does anyone get this? is this a symptom of reflux/wind or indegestion.

03-29-2014, 04:51 AM
Hi everyone just a bit of advice needed, I felt ok yesterday except the usual body aches n chest pains I get, well anyways I decided to have a takeaway with my sister at 7pm then about an hour after started getting a dull pain in the centre right between the breasts and or lasted all night till about midnight :( noticed it throughout the night too as I kept waking up. Its the first time it's happened for a few month. Does anyone get this? is this a symptom of reflux/wind or indegestion.

Hi itse,

Chest sensations are quite common with those with anxiety issues. More likely it is some mild acid reflux or indigestion from the takeaway you had.

Don't worry about it too much, but if it does continue to bother you, go to your doctor and get it checked out.

Good luck

03-29-2014, 07:53 AM
I get chest pain pretty often and I've been told it's probably acid reflux. (And both are probably induced by my anxiety.) If it's a pain that lasts for hours it's probably not related to the heart––although it doesn't hurt to go to the doctor and ask about it just to get some peace of mind.

03-29-2014, 08:14 AM
Thank you both :) I get chest pains a lot daily in different places usually more of a sharp pain but I rarely get pain in the centre. and wen I do it's dull pain, is that what pain you feel with reflux etc? Thanks

03-29-2014, 08:26 AM
Thank you both :) I get chest pains a lot daily in different places usually more of a sharp pain but I rarely get pain in the centre. and wen I do it's dull pain, is that what pain you feel with reflux etc? Thanks

Yup, that's acid reflux, burning or gnawing, not really sharp. At least that's what it feels like to me.


03-30-2014, 07:25 PM
Don't worry I get chest pain aswell. It's the anxiety! Don't worry. If not,go see a doctor that way you feel better :)

03-30-2014, 08:04 PM
Thank you both :) I get chest pains a lot daily in different places usually more of a sharp pain but I rarely get pain in the centre. and wen I do it's dull pain, is that what pain you feel with reflux etc? Thanks

Sharp pain is usually not heart pain, from what I understand. If it's sudden/brief and more of a pinching/stabbing pain on either side of the chest, it's probably due to anxiety and/or indigestion, or possibly some kind of muscular or chest wall pain. As for the dull pain in the center, yeah that could be reflux/heartburn. From what I've heard, heart pain is more of a crushing or intense squeezing feeling at the center of the chest, although it can vary from person to person. What you're describing sounds like anxiety-induced chest pain and I wouldn't be too worried. But as I said, it would be a good idea to ask a doctor just to get some reassurance. :)