View Full Version : I know they're gone, so why do I always think of them?

03-28-2014, 08:55 PM
Thanks for the advice.

03-28-2014, 09:17 PM
I had the same problem when I was in high school. I was the odd nerd in my class that everybody hated. I was made fun of by both guys and girls. I basically withdrew myself from reality and plugged myself on the internet. But the internet can only help for so long. Reality is annoying because I had to wake up every day of my life and face it. My only solution was reminding myself that I needed to go to college and to screw everybody and everything. I always imagined my bullies to be drug addicts or pregnant with kids and no chance at a future. Is it wrong to wish them evil? Maybe but it was the only thing that got me through life. I saw one of the guys who used to bully me work at Walgreen the other day. He's my age making minimum wage while I'm making a good salary with benefits. little things like that makes me happy. Is it dark? yes but it helps me go through life. I know this wasn't much help but this was my honest opinion.