View Full Version : Relationship issues

03-28-2014, 07:08 PM
I'm having a breakdown right now
My mom pissed me off this morning Shes so mean to me I can't have a relationship with her Shes awful

My boyfriend is pissed off because I'm always complaining about something
I feel really bad complaining but I can't control it I cant control all things i say in my mind an blurt out! He always does things that irritate the F outta me
I seriously am going crazy I'm in my closet crying
Normally I would call my mom an go to her house when we are arguing but I can't because we had a disagreement this morning too
I feel like everyone hates me and is so mean to me

I've become so dependent on everyone I can't even be alone

I want to just leave my boyfriends house I'm so tired of the way he treats me an the way he talks to me but I can't because of my crazy brain ill prob end up fainting walking down the street
Why me!!! :(

He left me by myself earlier
An I hyperventilated so bad because I was alone with my son
I've become so dependent I feel like such a horrible mom
3 years ago I was the best mom ever took my son everywhere and now I can't even be alone with him because I'm scared I'm going to pass out or die in front of him

I'm really scared
I can't see past this life I've been living the past 2 years
Why does this have to happen to me I loved my old life so much