View Full Version : Will zoloft help with my air hunger

03-28-2014, 12:45 PM
I had this problem for about a month last year and it just went away for about 9 months and it's back unfortunately. It's all I can think about from the time I wake up until I go to bed. Everyone says just get your mind on off it and that's the hard part. I've been told that it is anxiety. I have had a complete cardiac workup done. Although I do believe it could be anxiety, I still think there could be something physical that just hasn't been found. Anyway, I have just started Zoloft about a week ago 25 mg. I also take Vistiril as needed. The vistiril calms me down to where I don't pay much attention to my breathing and I'm waiting for the zoloft to kick in. I'm really hoping that this goes away soon.

03-28-2014, 01:02 PM
Should do, if it's been diagnosed as anxiety. And it does sound like a classic anxiety symptom, doesn't it.

As far as getting your mind off of it goes, treat it as an obsession.

Label it as one, when you feel it, and put your attention into something else. Anything else that can take up your focus. Even video games. Whatever.

It won't make it go away, and actually the key is not to try and make it go, but it will get your mind off of what seems to have become a bit of an anxious obsession for it.

Keep gently taking energy away from any process you feel enhances that obsession to monitor the feeling of air hunger. You have to do this a lot, but it's worth it.

It's hard to get over your anxiety problem when you're very introspective, and look inwards at symptoms, or thoughts and feelings too much. The people who have DP/DR or get spaced out a lot know this all to well.

It's hard, but doable. As you put your attention elsewhere, you'll automatically stop feeding anxious symptoms with anxious energy. That'll be a big part of the problem solved.

The Zoloft should help with the rest, lowering your anxiety levels further, and rectifying any chemical imbalance you may have.

This is a system that is very effective for people with very strong Obsessions, so I think it will be effective for you too.

Hope it works for you.

03-28-2014, 02:26 PM
Can i ask ? Do you have reflux ??

It can cause the same feelings of air hunger .

You know. I was checked for GERD last year and was given Nexium or Prilosec to take prior to the endoscopy and soon after the endoscopy(which was negative for reflux) my breathing problem went away. May need to try prilosec again.

03-28-2014, 02:46 PM
You know. I was checked for GERD last year and was given Nexium or Prilosec to take prior to the endoscopy and soon after the endoscopy(which was negative for reflux) my breathing problem went away. May need to try prilosec again.

Might be worth a try :)