View Full Version : Resting heartrate question!!

03-28-2014, 12:22 PM
Ok so I know an adult resting heart rate should be in the 60-100 bpm range however last night laying in bed mine was 56 bpm. I know this isn't a drastic range below 60 but I'm still kind of worried..

Now I've read up on it a bit and athletes resting heart rates can fall pretty low and be into the 40's. From what Ive read if you have a healthy athletic heart the 50's range is fine. I do workout regularly and have a job that requires me to walk around and be on my feet for most of the day.

BUT I've also read that resting heart rates should not at all be under the 60's mark. So I guess what I'm asking is for advice or reassurance that my resting heart rate is ok? I know everyone is different but what does everyone think about a RESTING heart rate being under 60?

Thanks for any replies!!

03-28-2014, 12:28 PM
Your resting heartrate is not good, it's PERFECT. Mine is around 55-60. If it's under 40, then you should go and see a doc.

03-28-2014, 02:09 PM
^^^^ this . But the question is why you checking it in bed anyway ? Dont you have better things you could be doing there . ba ha ha ha!!! I'm laughing cause it's funny but I too check my heart rate in bed ..... Bad girl!!!

03-28-2014, 02:11 PM
I know it's crazy cause 60 is reellllllyyy great resting heart rate, but if mine goes to 60 then it worries me. Crazy things our minds