View Full Version : Some news from me. Please read!!!

03-28-2014, 06:36 AM
Whenever I feel like I'm in a good mood there are people constantly bringing me down. My stupid mother is constantly bringing me down, all because I told her I liked dark weather, she said I was strange, I answered her back! She told me to go away and for me to just leave the house forever. I told her to fuck off and now here I am.

Before any of you think I am trolling, just please go away, I'm not in the mood, I'm still unsure coming back here again was a good idea for me! There are a lot of good people here but I'm fed up of certain people bringing my name up because of a stupid mistake I did on here.

I want to move on, I'll leave if people want me to leave. It's just I don't get any kind of support in my life, My mother never compliments me on anything, she just moans at me and screams at me.

My therapist is useless, I've only seen him once so far and that was a month ago, He was ill the second time and the doctor told me she would phone me whenever he's available. I've been trying to get to a therapist since frigging October and all I've had is one session.

I've always been a calm and quiet person but I just like all stress in my life is getting to me, and I think I'm just going to blow up. My temper has increased over the past couple of weeks. If you hate me on't bother commenting on my post.

03-28-2014, 06:51 AM
Thats life really. Lots of assholes everywhere.

03-28-2014, 06:55 AM
Kyle so your mother, therapist, and everyone around is an asshole? You are perfect though. Do not make me laugh, still trying the same tricks, now mom is the bad guy....Get a life young , maybe not so young man

03-28-2014, 07:06 AM
Kyle so your mother, therapist, and everyone around is an asshole? You are perfect though. Do not make me laugh, still trying the same tricks, now mom is the bad guy....Get a life young , maybe not so young man

Fuck off will you, if you don't like don't comment. You don't know me personally, you just bully people like you did with Applecherry. I know I ain't perfect, Did I claim I was? You fucking get a life, you're on here every single day moaning at everyone.

03-28-2014, 07:19 AM
Kyle so your mother, therapist, and everyone around is an asshole? You are perfect though. Do not make me laugh, still trying the same tricks, now mom is the bad guy....Get a life young , maybe not so young man

People like you piss me off, when someone like me or Applecherry does something wrong, you're always there onto us getting involved, yet when we help people out or we do something good you're nowhere to be seen. I laugh at you telling me to get a life, I'm 18 I'm in College Mondays-Thursday I'm doing well for someone who's missed a lot of College. What the hell do you do, try to intimidate and belittle young people over the internet. You're on here all the time LOLLLLLLL, You just like to twist things around, I never claimed I was perfect in fact how many times did I claim that I'm sorry and I hate what I did, but NO!!!! You pretend not to see that.
If you don't like my posts then Piss off!!!!
Honestly you don't even know what a troll is, If you think I was a Troll for what I did, you should see the majority of YouTube community. I'm waiting for Forwells to ban me again. I respect everyone else even the ones that don't like me (Ashlee) Even when I first came on here, you annoyed the shit out of me, You just seem to hard on people. A forum like this is meant for Support, don't go all angry on people for their problems you Fruitcake.

03-28-2014, 09:25 AM
Whenever I feel like I'm in a good mood there are people constantly bringing me down. My stupid mother is constantly bringing me down, all because I told her I liked dark weather, she said I was strange, I answered her back! She told me to go away and for me to just leave the house forever. I told her to fuck off and now here I am. Before any of you think I am trolling, just please go away, I'm not in the mood, I'm still unsure coming back here again was a good idea for me! There are a lot of good people here but I'm fed up of certain people bringing my name up because of a stupid mistake I did on here. I want to move on, I'll leave if people want me to leave. It's just I don't get any kind of support in my life, My mother never compliments me on anything, she just moans at me and screams at me. My therapist is useless, I've only seen him once so far and that was a month ago, He was ill the second time and the doctor told me she would phone me whenever he's available. I've been trying to get to a therapist since frigging October and all I've had is one session. I've always been a calm and quiet person but I just like all stress in my life is getting to me, and I think I'm just going to blow up. My temper has increased over the past couple of weeks. If you hate me on't bother commenting on my post.
I know how you feel, about everyone bringing you down. My family does that to me too. And if it makes you feel any better, I like dark weather too ^_^. It really has a calming effect for me. Some people just don't understand, or can't really understand. I'm really sorry that it's really tense between you and your mom. Have you thought about moving out? Is that an option? The reason I say that is because sometimes the only way to make things better is to create space between the both of you. That's the only thing that has helped keep things calm(er) in my house. I didn't move out, but I am always at my boyfriends house everyday from breakfast time till late at night. Maybe if things get tense with her you could just go for a walk to blow off steam. I am also a fairly quiet person and I'm not the kind of person to get irritated easily, but the anxiety has really made me much more prone to it. The anxiety is making you feel that way. Try to be aware of all of your different emotions and rather than thinking thoughts that build up those negative emotions, just sit in awareness and know that it will pass. :)

03-28-2014, 09:34 AM
Reported :)
BTW I was not doing anything with applecherry :)

I was right again,:)

03-28-2014, 09:53 AM
Hey Kyle,

Did we make a mistake??? You asked to be let back in here with us, and we forgave you and agreed that you would be on good behaviour.

What I'm seeing is someone with anger and other issues, maybe this wasn't such a good idea for any of us. You had to expect some backlash from some, not without good reason.

Time to rethink this????

03-28-2014, 10:36 AM
Firstly, don't compare yourself to AppleCherry. It's one thing to do wrong, people will forgive that, but the ignorance to not see you're doing wrong, that's what's people don't forgive. You aren't as ignorant as her. Nowhere close. Look at your apology thread. She's in a league of her own.

Secondly, don't get so angry on here man. You're a cult icon here now. Learn to love it. Have fun with it. You're Kyle Morgan. Everybody knows the name. Everybody whispers it. 'Is that the great Kyle Morgan, they ask?'... You're a legend. Embrace that. Enjoy your new found status. You're talked about across the world. Social media was buzzing when you returned. Nobody else here gets to say that. We need you, you're a forum celeb.

And thirdly, I think a lot of your anger issues come from Passive Aggression. You seem to be very reliant on others for validation and for resources, which I think is normal at your age. But when it goes wrong, it leaves you as you are now, quite angry. As you get older, focus on the things you're gonna do for yourself. Make real plans to get a job, make plans to take your mental health stuff into your own hands, make plans to eventually move away/move out. I know this stuff can take time, but proactivity is the enemy of depression and anxiety. I don't see much proactivity in you other than the college stuff, but you may just keep it on the down low.
As you begin to feel more control over your life, you'll probably feel less anger. It takes time, but it's doable. Don't let people feed you with that nonsense like there are no jobs out there, or whatever. Life is out there for whoever wants it. And yes your mum sounds like a bit of a dick lately. Why not start building a good CV for yourself, instead of complaining about her? Forget her. Volunteer, and learn a few skills outside of college that you can put on your CV, like web design or something. That way when you want to work, it'll be easier and you can move on with life.

Ashy wrote a nice post too.

03-28-2014, 10:58 AM
Whenever I feel like I'm in a good mood there are people constantly bringing me down. My stupid mother is constantly bringing me down, all because I told her I liked dark weather, she said I was strange, I answered her back! She told me to go away and for me to just leave the house forever. I told her to fuck off and now here I am.

Before any of you think I am trolling, just please go away, I'm not in the mood, I'm still unsure coming back here again was a good idea for me! There are a lot of good people here but I'm fed up of certain people bringing my name up because of a stupid mistake I did on here.

I want to move on, I'll leave if people want me to leave. It's just I don't get any kind of support in my life, My mother never compliments me on anything, she just moans at me and screams at me.

My therapist is useless, I've only seen him once so far and that was a month ago, He was ill the second time and the doctor told me she would phone me whenever he's available. I've been trying to get to a therapist since frigging October and all I've had is one session.

I've always been a calm and quiet person but I just like all stress in my life is getting to me, and I think I'm just going to blow up. My temper has increased over the past couple of weeks. If you hate me on't bother commenting on my post.

Hey, man.

Let me start with some facts: In our brains, we have cells called "Mirror Neurons." Instead of reacting to the physical and emotional state of their own body (me), these neurons activate in response to the emotional states of others. For example, If i see some who is Angry, MY mirror neurons will activate in a pattern that resembles Anger. In turn, a part of me will actually become pissed.

This is the mechanism by which are body can empathize-relate-with others. The mirror neurons allow us to feel compassion, love, and-unfortunately-loathing for others.

Heres the catch: If we see someone who is unreasonably pessimistic, wallowing in self-pity, and selfishly unable to comprehend the view points of those around him, we will will be engulfed by negativity. When around this person, we will see how dreary the world seems through his lenses and we will feel the pathetic ego-centricity that he may not see himself. We will see how this unsympathetic person can hurt us, and we will separate ourselves from him.

Lucky for us, our mirror neurons will protect us; Unfortunately for him, he will receive negative feed back, and his now justified self pity will perpetuate the cycle.

03-28-2014, 12:37 PM
I know how you feel, about everyone bringing you down. My family does that to me too. And if it makes you feel any better, I like dark weather too ^_^. It really has a calming effect for me. Some people just don't understand, or can't really understand. I'm really sorry that it's really tense between you and your mom. Have you thought about moving out? Is that an option? The reason I say that is because sometimes the only way to make things better is to create space between the both of you. That's the only thing that has helped keep things calm(er) in my house. I didn't move out, but I am always at my boyfriends house everyday from breakfast time till late at night. Maybe if things get tense with her you could just go for a walk to blow off steam. I am also a fairly quiet person and I'm not the kind of person to get irritated easily, but the anxiety has really made me much more prone to it. The anxiety is making you feel that way. Try to be aware of all of your different emotions and rather than thinking thoughts that build up those negative emotions, just sit in awareness and know that it will pass. :)

Thanks! :) your post made me feel a lot better, I'm glad you understand! I apologized to my mum I think we were both to blame, there was more to the argument than weather haha, I've just been quite irritable the past two weeks. It might be because I'm off my medication. I did used to have problems with my temper when I was really young, when I was about 11 then I tried to ignore the bullying and just try to be calm and collected. People used tosay that I was too calm, and that I seemed stoned half of the time because of my chilled personality. Hasn't been the case lately.

Thank you for your support Ashy! :)

03-28-2014, 12:45 PM
Firstly, don't compare yourself to AppleCherry. It's one thing to do wrong, people will forgive that, but the ignorance to not see you're doing wrong, that's what's people don't forgive. You aren't as ignorant as her. Nowhere close. Look at your apology thread. She's in a league of her own.

Secondly, don't get so angry on here man. You're a cult icon here now. Learn to love it. Have fun with it. You're Kyle Morgan. Everybody knows the name. Everybody whispers it. 'Is that the great Kyle Morgan, they ask?'... You're a legend. Embrace that. Enjoy your new found status. You're talked about across the world. Social media was buzzing when you returned. Nobody else here gets to say that. We need you, you're a forum celeb.

And thirdly, I think a lot of your anger issues come from Passive Aggression. You seem to be very reliant on others for validation and for resources, which I think is normal at your age. But when it goes wrong, it leaves you as you are now, quite angry. As you get older, focus on the things you're gonna do for yourself. Make real plans to get a job, make plans to take your mental health stuff into your own hands, make plans to eventually move away/move out. I know this stuff can take time, but proactivity is the enemy of depression and anxiety. I don't see much proactivity in you other than the college stuff, but you may just keep it on the down low.
As you begin to feel more control over your life, you'll probably feel less anger. It takes time, but it's doable. Don't let people feed you with that nonsense like there are no jobs out there, or whatever. Life is out there for whoever wants it. And yes your mum sounds like a bit of a dick lately. Why not start building a good CV for yourself, instead of complaining about her? Forget her. Volunteer, and learn a few skills outside of college that you can put on your CV, like web design or something. That way when you want to work, it'll be easier and you can move on with life.

Ashy wrote a nice post too.

Hey Jesse! I did a terrible thing on here, you did make me laugh though when you said I'm a celeb on the forum, Yeah for bad reasons lol.
Hopefully I can be known for good things on here. I don't blame my mum for being a dick at times, she does have it difficult, she suffers with Anxiety too and is out of work, and my Dad has left her. I need to be there for her to show support, besides I kinda started it I was a bit snappy towards her.

Like I said to Ashy, when I was really young, I did have a temper problem but managed to control it in time, It just seems like it's coming back slowly because of some personal problems. Me and my are close and no I'm not a mother's boy lol. It's just I help her out, I'm kinda man of the house now since my dad left and I live with my mum, and two younger brothers.

I've done a CV for College, finding a job is difficult where I live though! My mum has been struggling herself. Thanks Jesse for the support, I like the fact you gave support but in a funny cool way also. Thanks! :)

03-28-2014, 12:47 PM
[QUOTE=Mr.Andrew;177261]Hey, man.

Let me start with some facts: In our brains, we have cells called "Mirror Neurons." Instead of reacting to the physical and emotional state of their own body (me), these neurons activate in response to the emotional states of others. For example, If i see some who is Angry, MY mirror neurons will activate in a pattern that resembles Anger. In turn, a part of me will actually become pissed.

This is the mechanism by which are body can empathize-relate-with others. The mirror neurons allow us to feel compassion, love, and-unfortunately-loathing for others.

Heres the catch: If we see someone who is unreasonably pessimistic, wallowing in self-pity, and selfishly unable to comprehend the view points of those around him, we will will be engulfed by negativity. When around this person, we will see how dreary the world seems through his lenses and we will feel the pathetic ego-centricity that he may not see himself. We will see how this unsympathetic person can hurt us, and we will separate ourselves from him.

Lucky for us, our mirror neurons will protect us; Unfortunately for him, he will receive negative feed back, and his now justified self pity will perpetuate the cycle.[/QUT

Thanks for the advice and facts newcomer! :)

03-28-2014, 01:08 PM
Thanks! :) your post made me feel a lot better, I'm glad you understand! I apologized to my mum I think we were both to blame, there was more to the argument than weather haha, I've just been quite irritable the past two weeks. It might be because I'm off my medication. I did used to have problems with my temper when I was really young, when I was about 11 then I tried to ignore the bullying and just try to be calm and collected. People used tosay that I was too calm, and that I seemed stoned half of the time because of my chilled personality. Hasn't been the case lately. Thank you for your support Ashy! :)
Well I guess people are going to judge no matter what you do, right? Haha, I get that too. I've had a hard time forgiving my parents,(still am trying to), but something that I try to remember is that when others are angry/hatefully, they are the ones that ultimately have to live in that anger. I decided that I don't want to be a part of that. I want to be different and I don't want to hang on to anger, it's not worth it. Well, i guess arguments are going to happen, especially when emotions are aroused, and that's ok. The good thing is that you realized where you went wrong and apologized for it. As long as you are making an effort to change and control yourself when you feel irritable and angry, then you are heading in the right direction. You're not always going to have it all together, but when you realize your own faults and apologize, that makes all the difference, you are doing good :)

03-28-2014, 01:39 PM
Hey Jesse! I did a terrible thing on here, you did make me laugh though when you said I'm a celeb on the forum, Yeah for bad reasons lol. Hopefully I can be known for good things on here. I don't blame my mum for being a dick at times, she does have it difficult, she suffers with Anxiety too and is out of work, and my Dad has left her. I need to be there for her to show support, besides I kinda started it I was a bit snappy towards her. Like I said to Ashy, when I was really young, I did have a temper problem but managed to control it in time, It just seems like it's coming back slowly because of some personal problems. Me and my are close and no I'm not a mother's boy lol. It's just I help her out, I'm kinda man of the house now since my dad left and I live with my mum, and two younger brothers. I've done a CV for College, finding a job is difficult where I live though! My mum has been struggling herself. Thanks Jesse for the support, I like the fact you gave support but in a funny cool way also. Thanks! :)


The person you are in this post is the one I would be happy to have around. Keep this up! I think under the anger you flashed earlier you are actually a nice kid.


03-28-2014, 01:43 PM
I read the post, but not the responses.
I just wanted to say that I don't care if you're an asshole, or not.. if you need someone to talk to, or someone for support.. I'm here. :)

03-28-2014, 05:05 PM
Well I guess people are going to judge no matter what you do, right? Haha, I get that too. I've had a hard time forgiving my parents,(still am trying to), but something that I try to remember is that when others are angry/hatefully, they are the ones that ultimately have to live in that anger. I decided that I don't want to be a part of that. I want to be different and I don't want to hang on to anger, it's not worth it. Well, i guess arguments are going to happen, especially when emotions are aroused, and that's ok. The good thing is that you realized where you went wrong and apologized for it. As long as you are making an effort to change and control yourself when you feel irritable and angry, then you are heading in the right direction. You're not always going to have it all together, but when you realize your own faults and apologize, that makes all the difference, you are doing good :)

Thank you! :) You're right it's also not healthy living in anger, it's best to just move on and forget :)

03-28-2014, 05:08 PM

The person you are in this post is the one I would be happy to have around. Keep this up! I think under the anger you flashed earlier you are actually a nice kid.


Thanks :) I'm sorry too for being an ass

03-28-2014, 05:11 PM
I read the post, but not the responses.
I just wanted to say that I don't care if you're an asshole, or not.. if you need someone to talk to, or someone for support.. I'm here. :)

Thanks man :) I'm not an asshole by any means, it's just I sometimes do stupid mistakes, I feel like sometimes my Anxiety makes my brain not function properly at times. Thanks for the support, the same goes for you or for anyone else. I'm always willing to be there for someone if they need it. Thanks :)

03-28-2014, 05:29 PM
Do you ever read a thread and feel the need to comment but have no clue what to say? I do, so I'll just ramble. ;-)
Anyway, I like dark weather too. I feel like I'm recharged by thunderstorms and sunshine, im weird I know. I get what you mean about being in a good mood and people bringing you down. I know some folks who seem like they can't stand to see people happy and have to bring them down. I call them vampires because they suck all the positive energy out of you. When the vampires are feeding you have to just get away from them or they'll turn you!

03-29-2014, 09:07 AM
Thanks man :) I'm not an asshole by any means, it's just I sometimes do stupid mistakes, I feel like sometimes my Anxiety makes my brain not function properly at times. Thanks for the support, the same goes for you or for anyone else. I'm always willing to be there for someone if they need it. Thanks :)

Well, I know how that is. I just screamed at somebody for the first time because anxiety was so bad. I really wanted to hurt the person..

03-29-2014, 09:33 PM
Well, I know how that is. I just screamed at somebody for the first time because anxiety was so bad. I really wanted to hurt the person..

Yeah that's what Anxiety makes us feel at times :( we just need to try and learn how to get rid of these negative thoughts. I have yelled at my dad in the past a few times about Anxiety because he doesn't' understand what it's like. There are a lot of people that are non sufferers and they just think they know everything about Anxiety/Depression, and they know jack shit!

03-29-2014, 09:59 PM
Congrats on becoming a senior member again young Morgan.

03-29-2014, 11:15 PM
Whenever I feel like I'm in a good mood there are people constantly bringing me down. My stupid mother is constantly bringing me down, all because I told her I liked dark weather, she said I was strange, I answered her back! She told me to go away and for me to just leave the house forever. I told her to fuck off and now here I am.

Before any of you think I am trolling, just please go away, I'm not in the mood, I'm still unsure coming back here again was a good idea for me! There are a lot of good people here but I'm fed up of certain people bringing my name up because of a stupid mistake I did on here.

I want to move on, I'll leave if people want me to leave. It's just I don't get any kind of support in my life, My mother never compliments me on anything, she just moans at me and screams at me.

My therapist is useless, I've only seen him once so far and that was a month ago, He was ill the second time and the doctor told me she would phone me whenever he's available. I've been trying to get to a therapist since frigging October and all I've had is one session.

I've always been a calm and quiet person but I just like all stress in my life is getting to me, and I think I'm just going to blow up. My temper has increased over the past couple of weeks. If you hate me on't bother commenting on my post.

I dont know who you are but i read the first few posts and I need an update on the beef lol

You take things seriously man. If someone brings you down, you give them a funny backhanded comment. No need to let shit like that ruin your day.

I got sever Crohn's disease and averyone are assholes including my family but who gives a shit man. My brother told me I hope your crohns disease develops into cancer and youll be dead within 10 years. I dont let that shit bother me, people like that, their dead to me. At the end of the day its only about that one person and its you. Why would you let your moms comment bother you like that?....or anyones comment for the matter

03-29-2014, 11:18 PM
Why'd your bro say that to you?

That's not nice is it!!

03-29-2014, 11:34 PM
Why'd your bro say that to you?

That's not nice is it!!

that not even the entire story. I came home from a colonoscopy where they removed a "Polyp". its very crucial to get these removed because these are the beginning stages of cancer and their removed so they wont spread. I went home and told all my family this and thats when he told me "I hope your crohns disease develops into cancer and youll be dead within 10 years" he then began kicking and punching me, due to being chronically ill I wasnt able to defend myself..... I disowned him.

03-29-2014, 11:36 PM
Yeah that's what Anxiety makes us feel at times :( we just need to try and learn how to get rid of these negative thoughts. I have yelled at my dad in the past a few times about Anxiety because he doesn't' understand what it's like. There are a lot of people that are non sufferers and they just think they know everything about Anxiety/Depression, and they know jack shit!

dont you ever yell at your Father or mother.

03-30-2014, 07:11 AM
dont you ever yell at your Father or mother.

A lot of people at some point in their life man. A couple of weeks ago, I didn't have much time for my Father because he left me and split up with my Mother. Sorry about what your brother said to you, I am a sensitive person, I think that's what Anxiety has made me, it can affect people in different ways.

03-30-2014, 07:11 AM
* I meant to say a lot of people have at some point in their life.

03-30-2014, 07:41 AM
Yeah that's what Anxiety makes us feel at times :( we just need to try and learn how to get rid of these negative thoughts. I have yelled at my dad in the past a few times about Anxiety because he doesn't' understand what it's like. There are a lot of people that are non sufferers and they just think they know everything about Anxiety/Depression, and they know jack shit!

Preach it brotha!