View Full Version : I'm convinced that I am dying tomorrow

03-27-2014, 09:26 PM
I can't stop crying or having panic attacks. I'm positive that I am going to die tomorrow morning. It's to the point where I've told my family what my wishes are if I die tomorrow morning or get brain damage or something. I've organized all my things, too, so they will be easy to divide if I die tomorrow. And I'm going to sign paper work tonight just in case.

I am 28 years old, by the way.

I'm super depressed. I feel like life has lost all color and that I'm mourning my own death. Not only that, but I am going to hell. There's no way I'm making it into heaven or maybe I'll stop existing. Either thing sucks though.

Basically, I am going into surgery tomorrow morning. I really need this surgery, but it's a special type of surgery where they give you a sedative that relaxes you and actually keeps you awake for the whole thing. You just lose all memory of it.

I have sleep apnea and with a normal surgery, I wouldn't be afraid because they'd put a tube down my throat to help me breath. But because this surgery keeps you awake, you get no tube down your throat. I know from experience that sedatives make it so that I can't breath, even when I am awake, because they relax my throat muscles and I have obstructive sleep apnea.

I've told my doctors this and they reassure me that they treat people with heart problems and lung problems all the time and they are fine. But I read online that 1 in 250,000 people die from anesthesia complications and I'm positive that statistic is going to be me even though it's really rare.

I'm sad because I wanted to live to be at least 30 years old. I didn't particularly want to die in my 20's, but what can I do? Because without this surgery, I will die, too.

So basically, I'm going to die tomorrow and wish someone would help me and I wish I wouldn't die. I'm crying as I write this.

I know this might seem like an overreaction to some people, but I've never felt so sure that I was about to die in my life and I'm scared that I just have strong intuition about it. I had a weird feeling when my fiance's Mom was about to die, too. So maybe that's what's happening here. What else could have possibly motivated me to get everything ready for my death? I know a lot of people sense when they are about to die, so I'm so, so scared.

03-27-2014, 09:47 PM
Hi sweetypie,

I'm new to the forum and obviously we've not met yet but I saw your post and I really wanted to reach out to you. I am so sorry you are going through this. I wish I could curl up on a couch with you and cuddle and talk ourselves senseless about how scary things are sometimes.

You know what else? You're not alone. I have been there before. I used to have a sixth sense so to speak about certain things and there have been a couple of times I've been SO confident that I wasn't going to make it through a certain day or event. I had a large sense of foreboding and clarity about it all. And then. I didn't die.

Its terrifying to feel that way. Have you ever felt this way before?? It seems like maybe not.

I know that when it gets to this point not a lot helps. It sounds like your mind is on a certain path and you need to work really hard to get it off that path. I just read something earlier on the site about turning the tables. So 249,999 people in 250,000 don't die. Those are amazing odds!! Like awesome odds. Nearly perfect odds!!! And you've expressed your concerns to your doctor and they feel great about the decision that they have made. Those are awesome things!!

However. Maybe you could ask to actually go under?? They might be able to do that?

I will be on for awhile. I know this may not have been helpful. I'm still early on in the process of managing anxiety. But I'm here for you.

What does your family think?

03-27-2014, 10:32 PM
I'm sorry that you are so scared, I have a really good feeling about this. And I hope you will keep us updated after surgery!!

03-28-2014, 04:51 AM
Hey Sweetypie,

I feel for you. I get those intuitions that someone is going to die and when they don't it's like, "Well, thank goodness I'm wrong!" But I know how you can feel so strongly about it.. it just flat sucks sucks sucks... But I know that you will pull though this surgery! You've made the doctor's aware of your concern/what happens, so just try and have full faith in these doctors and how they will be with you there the whole time. If they kept loosing patients, they wouldn't be doing their job!
I really hope you will post later to come back and tell us how it went! We all be here to support you! :)

03-28-2014, 07:54 AM
Hi there, Please don't be scared, You're not going to die, it's just your brain doesn't function properly when you're having a Major Panic attack, your brain starts to think of the worst which can lead to suicidal thoughts and other types of nasty thoughts. Don't let it beat you, TRY to remain strong!!! You can do it, Try not too let a Panic attack bring you down! I wish you all the best for your surgery, you might just be very apprehensive and nervous before taking the surgery which is giving you all these thoughts.
Sorry for what you're going through, I wish you the very best!
I hope you keep us updated on how you are, best of luck! You can do it! :)

03-28-2014, 03:51 PM
Hi sweetypie, I'm sorry you're experiencing such intense fear. As others have said, I've also had similar feelings of foreboding where I feel SO sure that something bad is going to happen to me or someone else––it all plays out very vividly in my mind and seems so real. But then ... nothing happens. I know it's very scary when you're wrapped up in that fear, but you'll be okay. Your doctors are professionals; they do this stuff every day, and they've done these procedures many many times. If they've told you it's safe, it is. But I'm sorry you're afraid of it––I would be very worried, too. Let us know how it goes when you can!

03-31-2014, 01:10 PM

03-31-2014, 02:19 PM

How did you get such a cool signature?

Maybe I could do one with shapes on the web instead of iPad?

03-31-2014, 02:55 PM
How are you doing sweety pie?

How did you get such a cool signature?

Maybe I could do one with shapes on the web instead of iPad?

°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸ NixonRulz °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

03-31-2014, 03:00 PM
I got the cool signature, cuz I'm cool. Duh.;) I dunno probably googled It...lol

03-31-2014, 07:07 PM
I got the cool signature, cuz I'm cool. Duh.;) I dunno probably googled It...lol

What is this "Google" you speak of?

03-31-2014, 09:40 PM
What is this "Google" you speak of?

Oh Nixon! Its this awesome tool where us anxiety folk typically need to stay away from. Lol!!