View Full Version : Rage induced anxiety

03-27-2014, 11:48 AM
I'm so mad right now I can't even see straight. My anxiety is going up and up because I'm so angry.
This morning my therapist accused me of being drunk last session. Fact: I had been drinking alot over the weekend, prolly seeping through my pores by Monday morning, and I was really tired. False: I was currently drunk.
She said my "demeanor had changed rapidly, I seemed unusually relaxed, and smell like alcohol.
I know the more I defended myself, the guiltier I looked.
The most infuriating thing was that I had HUGE news today and really needed some advice working through it. But after the accusation, I was so unfocused and wasted the session defending myself and observing my behavior.
I have one session next Monday with her before I go on a very stressful trip to LA for a week. I'm really upset and wanna bring this up to her but I don't wana waste another session on this.

03-27-2014, 02:08 PM
That's a really great idea. Thank you Frankie!

03-27-2014, 02:27 PM
Hi Dayna How about if you write own how you feel about this session, address your concerns etc in a letter. Then on monday proceed with your session and get all the time required to manage the trip stuff with the therapist. At the end of your meeting, give the therapist your letter and then that way you've said your piece and still got the most from your next session. Either way, writing down how you feel right now will be cathartic so thats a win win whether you hand it to the psych or not. :)

Damn, Frankie

When you post responses like that it doesn't allow anyone else to pile on

Got to give little bits at a time, not hit it outta the park on the first pitch

Great advice

03-31-2014, 08:32 AM
RAAAAA!! Mad again. I wrote a letter to my therapist addressing the drunk accusation last week and was so ready to go today with a game plan. And before I left my house, she cancelled today session bc she's sick.
I'm leaving for LA in 2 days and feel so scattered and nervous about it. 2 sessions down the drain when I needed them most. 😡
I feel like I just wana cancel my trip now bc I have no guidance.