View Full Version : confused!!!

04-21-2008, 01:12 PM
things in my life seem to be looking up...things are better at my job, i finally talked to my boyfriend about his ex girlfriend calling texting and how i was uncomfortable with it and he said he promised he would tell her to stop and that he loved me and wants to be with me and nobody else etc but instead of feeling better my anxiety seems to be worse than it has been in the last few months...i know anxiety comes at times without any provoking or cause but i thought it would have a least a little bit of relief/relaxation and i dont at all :cry: anyone have any thoughts on why this happens???

04-23-2008, 12:03 AM
sometimes i feel like the more reassurance i get, the worse it is! because i just find more and more things to worry about! i have super boyfriend issues too - he could pledge his undying love to me everyday (and does!) and i would still have doubts. the nature of the beast i guess :( at least its reassuring that if you know you always worry about everything good or bad, your worry is probably not based on fact! thats what i think :)

04-23-2008, 06:50 AM
thanks lovejunkie...i guess my mind just needs something else to worry about...can i ask how you handle your doubts? i know he loves me and he promised me he wouldnt respond to his ex but just hearing him say that he answered her to be nice and keep the peace i feel worse then before i just wish i could relax and worry only when there really is something to worry about because he hasnt given me any reason not to trust him and im fearing that this anxiety is making me irritable and im afraid its going to show :(