View Full Version : Hey guys I'm new

03-27-2014, 08:08 AM
So it started maybe like 2 yrs ago im 18 now turning 19 in june and it completely just ruined my life. i use to be highly active always playing sports walking around going out everywhere just doing everything outdoors. and then that year it started coming see idk what caused it, cause before i had it i use to smoke marijuana not a lot but i noticed when i did id get a panic attack and feel how i do now but just for a little bit then it would go away and i stopped smoking but one day i was out on the porch and my cousin was smoking it next to me and i felt like i was getting high off it probably wasnt cause it was outside but ya know i was scared to feel like that day and then i started feeling it, not a panic attack but more like a dizziness a weird feeling that i didn't like and after that day it slowly started kicking in certain days id feel it then one day i got real dizzy and i was scared and wanted to go to the hospital and stuff and for like a whole week or so i was just dizzy and from that day it never stopped most of the months everything felt not real and dream like and it was the worst i had panic attacks like every single night for months and i tried walking places and got really scared and started having a panic attack which stopped me from going out or even leaving my block so a year passed nd i got a job at a night club it was hard the first couple months i missed a lot of days cause of my anxiety but now im fine and i go and do more stuff i just still cant walk around far but now i wanna work out but everytime i do i hear my heart beat fast and i get scared cause its beating faster then it should and i feel like i cant breath cause i start panicking and it sucks i signed up for the gym and went with my friends and the first work out we were doing i had to stop after the 3rd set cause my heart was beating really fast and it was worrying me so the whole time there i was trying to work out but i couldn't it was hard everytime i did i was worrying about having a heart attack or a panic attack cause how fast my heart would race everytime i did or do something psychical and it sucks cause im such an active person and i just wanna beat it and when i got read stuff everyone have negative advice and it makes me feel worse and i feel like im never gonna get rid of this i mean it was a big step me going to the gym and actually attempting to work out im not gonna stop either ima try and move at my pace but i just really wish there was a way to beat this one day. is there?

03-27-2014, 01:12 PM
Hey, welcome! :)

I've been through the exact same thing almost. Panic attacks, followed by general anxiety caused by weed. Here is what I did and what I think you should do:

1. Accept it's anxiety - What's happening to you is NOT from the weed right now. It's anxiety. You went through a traumatic experience and it will hold on for a while, but it will go away as soon as you start to treat it.

2. Deal with the anxiety - To get rid of this damn thing, you need to make changes in your life. Don't quit sports and don't isolate yourself at home because you feel it's safe. Go out and live your life like you would without it, don't let this sh*t control you. Take control of it. So how can you deal with it? Exercise, meditation, supplements etc (you can find all kinds of tips here on the forum). However, if that doesn't help then I'd suggest you to start taking meds. If it keeps you from going out for a year, I think you should consider meds.

3. Symptoms - You mentioned derealization, where you feel like you're in a dream, heart racing, feels like you can't breath etc. These are all common symptoms of anxiety. BUT, I'd suggest you to see a doctor, for your own sake, to ease your mind. I'm sure nothing is wrong though. However, try to not fear these symptoms. You can read here on the forum about all kinds of symptoms. For example, you feel like you can't breath - this is called hyperventilating and is nothing harmful or dangerous. You can read about your other symptoms on the forum.

4. HOPE - It will go away, only if you want it to go away. Accept it and stop fighting it - that's the best way to fight it.

I'm 19 and we younger people have better resilience against this. Don't worry too much, it'll go away :)

Wish you the best!


03-27-2014, 03:02 PM
Welcome Mike,

You have come to a great place! Lots of people dealing with anxiety so we understand what you are going through.

I suggest you read lots of posts and ask questions. We're here to help.


03-27-2014, 03:05 PM
Hey, welcome! :) I've been through the exact same thing almost. Panic attacks, followed by general anxiety caused by weed. Here is what I did and what I think you should do: 1. Accept it's anxiety - What's happening to you is NOT from the weed right now. It's anxiety. You went through a traumatic experience and it will hold on for a while, but it will go away as soon as you start to treat it. 2. Deal with the anxiety - To get rid of this damn thing, you need to make changes in your life. Don't quit sports and don't isolate yourself at home because you feel it's safe. Go out and live your life like you would without it, don't let this sh*t control you. Take control of it. So how can you deal with it? Exercise, meditation, supplements etc (you can find all kinds of tips here on the forum). However, if that doesn't help then I'd suggest you to start taking meds. If it keeps you from going out for a year, I think you should consider meds. 3. Symptoms - You mentioned derealization, where you feel like you're in a dream, heart racing, feels like you can't breath etc. These are all common symptoms of anxiety. BUT, I'd suggest you to see a doctor, for your own sake, to ease your mind. I'm sure nothing is wrong though. However, try to not fear these symptoms. You can read here on the forum about all kinds of symptoms. For example, you feel like you can't breath - this is called hyperventilating and is nothing harmful or dangerous. You can read about your other symptoms on the forum. 4. HOPE - It will go away, only if you want it to go away. Accept it and stop fighting it - that's the best way to fight it. I'm 19 and we younger people have better resilience against this. Don't worry too much, it'll go away :) Wish you the best! Elias

Elias ,

Wow I am so impressed with you!!!

You have made the shift from asking the questions to answering them so well! Great! Fantastic!!!!

Keep it up! It is so good to see you like this!

You really do get it!!! YAY!!!

03-27-2014, 03:33 PM
Elias ,

Wow I am so impressed with you!!!

You have made the shift from asking the questions to answering them so well! Great! Fantastic!!!!

Keep it up! It is so good to see you like this!

You really do get it!!! YAY!!!

Thanks Pam!! :)

I've learned from the best! :)