View Full Version : Derealization

03-27-2014, 02:24 AM
Any advice how to make this go away?? :/

03-27-2014, 04:42 AM
Any advice how to make this go away?? :/

I'm not an expert on this and I may have my facts wrong, so do feel free to correct me on anything within this post.

I think with some people it may go away but for others they will always experience it from time to time and I think that whether it stays or permanently goes is down to whatever is causing it. (Someone going through a bad patch in their life may stop experiencing it when they resolve their problems where as someone who has a life long condition may always experience it from time to time).

One of the most common way with dealing with this is a large group of activities known as grounding. There are many things from having an object to feel to having something very strong/intrusive smelling to bring you round and 'ground' yourself. If you google 'derealisation and grounding' you should find a few articles or forum posts that may help or give some better examples of grounding.

Have you looked in to grounding methods before and is the sort of thing you were looking for? Anyway hope this helps~

03-27-2014, 08:33 AM
I know it's easier said than done but try not thinking about it and it will go I got it when I went out I just used to play with my house keys or put my headphones in and listen to music and eventually it got easier to manage and now I hardly get it but when I do I know it's only in my head and won't hurt me.

03-27-2014, 09:36 AM
Any advice how to make this go away?? :/

Hey leetbulldog,

Can you describe your derealization feeling?

I havnt looked up much information on it. But I've heard anxiety/stress can cause it. The way I describe mine is not a light headed feeling, more like, "something is off". I don't feel dizzy. But things just feel off to me. I can still function and continue with my daily work. But I just feel it.

03-27-2014, 10:30 AM
Hey leetbulldog, Can you describe your derealization feeling? I havnt looked up much information on it. But I've heard anxiety/stress can cause it. The way I describe mine is not a light headed feeling, more like, "something is off". I don't feel dizzy. But things just feel off to me. I can still function and continue with my daily work. But I just feel it.

My derealization feels like if I'm in a dream and or if I'm not present .Im literally doing things like walking ,driving etc but I feel detached from the world . Like if it's not real.

03-27-2014, 10:32 AM
I'm not an expert on this and I may have my facts wrong, so do feel free to correct me on anything within this post. I think with some people it may go away but for others they will always experience it from time to time and I think that whether it stays or permanently goes is down to whatever is causing it. (Someone going through a bad patch in their life may stop experiencing it when they resolve their problems where as someone who has a life long condition may always experience it from time to time). One of the most common way with dealing with this is a large group of activities known as grounding. There are many things from having an object to feel to having something very strong/intrusive smelling to bring you round and 'ground' yourself. If you google 'derealisation and grounding' you should find a few articles or forum posts that may help or give some better examples of grounding. Have you looked in to grounding methods before and is the sort of thing you were looking for? Anyway hope this helps~

Never looked into grounding..

03-27-2014, 11:59 AM
Never looked into grounding..

There are many different methods and it may take a while for you to find one that is suitable or works for you. I wish you the best of luck~

03-27-2014, 12:55 PM
Ok listen to me bro, because I want to help you. This horrible symptom is temporary and near zero chance it's permanent. It'll be with you as long as you care about it and focus too much on it.

1. It's not harmful or dangerous, you won't go crazy or lose control, no matter how hard you try lol.
2. Remember it's from the ANXIETY. Deal with your anxiety and it'll slowly fade away.
3. Live your life normally. If you think about it too much, you will only feed it. When you feed it, it will last longer.

Basically, stop caring about it. Just live your life and distract yourself from it. Easier said than done, I know. But trust me, it'll go away.

Wish you the best! :)

03-27-2014, 01:05 PM
Ok listen to me bro, because I want to help you. This horrible symptom is temporary and near zero chance it's permanent. It'll be with you as long as you care about it and focus too much on it. 1. It's not harmful or dangerous, you won't go crazy or lose control, no matter how hard you try lol. 2. Remember it's from the ANXIETY. Deal with your anxiety and it'll slowly fade away. 3. Live your life normally. If you think about it too much, you will only feed it. When you feed it, it will last longer. Basically, stop caring about it. Just live your life and distract yourself from it. Easier said than done, I know. But trust me, it'll go away. Wish you the best! :)

^^^^^ listen to this one, Bulldog

He knows after the dp/dr he went through

He is like Professor deReal

03-27-2014, 01:17 PM
^^^^^ listen to this one, Bulldog

He knows after the dp/dr he went through

He is like Professor deReal

hahahah Proffesor deReal ftw!

That will be my new signature!! :D "Proffesor deReal at your service"

03-27-2014, 01:21 PM
hahahah Proffesor deReal ftw!

That will be my new signature!! :D "Proffesor deReal at your service"

Haha Brilliant!

Strong advice though from Professor Dereal

03-27-2014, 02:40 PM
I'm not an expert on this and I may have my facts wrong, so do feel free to correct me on anything within this post.

I think with some people it may go away but for others they will always experience it from time to time and I think that whether it stays or permanently goes is down to whatever is causing it. (Someone going through a bad patch in their life may stop experiencing it when they resolve their problems where as someone who has a life long condition may always experience it from time to time).

One of the most common way with dealing with this is a large group of activities known as grounding. There are many things from having an object to feel to having something very strong/intrusive smelling to bring you round and 'ground' yourself. If you google 'derealisation and grounding' you should find a few articles or forum posts that may help or give some better examples of grounding.

Have you looked in to grounding methods before and is the sort of thing you were looking for? Anyway hope this helps~

I never knew that grounding was actually a method.. I always thought that I was just weird. I have to grab things with different textures to get a grip of things.

Niicole Lynne
04-05-2014, 09:59 PM
Never had this before until recently
But I feel like I'm experiencing derealization
I experience the symptons of doing things but feeling not present or like it's not real
I hate it
It feels so weird and I don't know how to deal with it
I try to distract and that does help but it's such a weird feeling that throws me off :(

04-06-2014, 01:49 AM
Derealization may respond to SSRIs.

Niicole Lynne
04-06-2014, 06:27 AM
Derealization may respond to SSRIs.

What do u mean by that?

04-06-2014, 06:54 AM
What do u mean by that?

Hey Nicole,

I'm thinking that the previous response may be that this gets better when on SSRI's.

My question for you is did you get these feelings before you went on the Effexor? And are you taking it religiously at the same time every day?


Niicole Lynne
04-06-2014, 07:09 AM
Hey Nicole, I'm thinking that the previous response may be that this gets better when on SSRI's. My question for you is did you get these feelings before you went on the Effexor? And are you taking it religiously at the same time every day? P.

I remember these feelings started when my anxiety started again
So it was before my meds
And yes I. Been really good with it

04-06-2014, 09:03 AM
I remember when I first got these sensations. They were so horrible and so terrifying to me, and I felt that I was the only person in the world who had ever experienced them. I truly thought I was going crazy.

To this day, I still am angry that there is so little information on the Internet (or anywhere) about dr/dp and feelings of "disorientation" being classic symptoms of anxiety. How it's normal, how many people get them, how they can't hurt you, and how they are transient and go away with time.

I know now, but I wish I had known then. Because it was so frightening and I thought I was going crazy.

Now, I just try to coast through them and not let them bother me. I tell myself that it's my brain "adjusting" to a new experience, or a new situation. And, guess what? They always go away.

04-06-2014, 09:31 AM
I remember these feelings started when my anxiety started again So it was before my meds And yes I. Been really good with it

Glad you're being good with it!!! So much for my idea! :(

I'm experiencing a little bit of it today! It does get better!
