View Full Version : Best benzodiazepine for you. Experience. Will help greatly. THANKS.

03-26-2014, 08:26 PM
Sorry folks, I know I've been posting a lot, sorry. Just trying to get my meds right.
Do you that are on Benzodiazepine's prefer Valium, Xanax, Klonapin, or Ativan.

03-26-2014, 08:41 PM
Never did Ativan

Xanax is my favorite but doesn't last as long as Kolonopin

Valium I just took before anxiety but loved the buzz

They all do get you calmed so you can think straight

03-26-2014, 08:44 PM
Been on all the rest and considering Valium. That's why I ask. Thank you.

03-26-2014, 08:47 PM
Tried Xanax, klonopin and Ativan. Never tried Valium. I'd say Xanax never failed to ease my anxiety, but I've never been prescribed to it. I was prescribed to Ativan for as needed basis. It helped calm panic attacks, but never lasted long enough. I'm on klonopin now and it lasts a while, but doesn't stop panic attacks for me and takes forever to kick in. I'd say Xanax is the best which is why it's probably the most abused.

03-26-2014, 09:11 PM
Ativan. gives me a general calm so that I don't try to panic, or get really bad anxiety, but I can still have panic attacks on it. Xanax takes the ability for me to panic away, tried a valium once had no effect on me...never tried k pins.. I try not to take them often as they lose their effectiveness anyway. I was on 2mg Ativan per day at the hospital and didn't help at all. backed off for a few days and a .5 helps me for most of the day. interesting huh! :)

03-26-2014, 10:08 PM
I think I've built up a tolerance to Xanax after years of taking it. My father in law brought me over some 10mg Valium today and am so far having some luck with it. No grogginess or being excessively tired. I pray this is the answer.

03-27-2014, 02:12 AM
All benzos work for me. I have no favorite. But I've used Klonopin the most.

03-27-2014, 03:46 AM
Librium works best for me. Take one 25mg a day and don't feel tired or loopy from it. Xanax used to make me really tired and buzzed. Haven't taken it in over 12 years. Librium is long acting so won't stop a panic attack like a fast absorbed Xanax.

03-27-2014, 04:22 AM
I have tried them all and have to say my favourite is Valium. Seems to last longer than the others and the added bonus is that it helps with my low back spasms.

I also don't need to take as much as I have had to of the other Benzos.

Good luck friend, and post all you want. You are just trying to make informed decisions about your meds, and that's a great thing!


03-27-2014, 07:26 AM
Klonopin/clonazepam. long lasting

03-27-2014, 09:05 AM
My experience is that klonopin lasts longer so it works best for me. Ativan makes me tired and relaxed but wore off fast. Best of luck.

03-27-2014, 10:13 AM
My 19 year routine has been to take 1 mg to 75 mgs klonopin (.5mgs twice a day) and, when needed, Xanax. Initially, I took Xanax daily at bedtime, but decided I didn't need it and stopped. Now, it's more for extreme emergencies. Now I take it before I have an important meeting, as, for example, my dissertation defense last year. Actually, last year at this time I was finishing my PhD and so would also take a Xanax if I were experiencing racing thoughts, etc. I should say that in addition to Xanax I'll take a beta-blocker to quell the physical symptoms. Again, I tend to use this combination before really important events. These were all given to me on the advice of psychiatrists.

I read in another post that your psychiatrist was thinking of putting you on lithium. My sister was prescribed this drug 25 years ago when she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. No question that it's a miracle drug. My sister was absolutely incapable of any normal action or speech pattern. She was watched 24/7. It was truly scary. No joke out of her mind. The situation had escalated -- she was put in a NYC hospital psych ward several times--and then they decided to try her on lithium and within 2 weeks she was, literally, back to normal. It was incredible. However, she had to have her blood checked regularly because the drug can really damage your liver, and it gave her horrible pitted acne scars. Eventually, she was put on depacote, which she continues to take. At this time, lithium is rarely prescribed as a first line drug to treat bipolar illness. Other mood stabilizing drugs have been developed that work just as well with far less onerous side-effects.

I think all that you have done thus far -- checking yourself into a clinic, getting advice on differing medicines, and, most importantly, seeing a psychiatrist -- show that you are actively seeking ways to mitigate your anxiety. Do you know what might be triggering your anxiety? What kinds of coping skills did you learn at the clinic?

03-27-2014, 10:56 PM
Wow. Tried the 10mg Valium last night and woke up like I was going out of my mind. Didn't help. Ran right back to the Xanax. I just don't know what to do. No energy, panic all day, sleep most of the day too.

03-28-2014, 02:50 AM
Valium probably won't do much if you are habituated to xanax(much more potent).