View Full Version : Another question....

03-26-2014, 07:45 PM
This isn't exactly related to anxiety but idk were else to post... So on my left armpit the part that connects to rest of the arm (top bone... IDK) is like skin and bone.. I can feel the bone and it feels like skin got peeled or something... (Seems like I if I were to hit it with a hammer it would,d just snap...) I don't have this on my right armpit... What is wrong with it? Also, my left hand has been numb for the past couple of weeks and I have pnemonia/bronchitis or whatever the hell I have... (Wish I knew but w/e can't exactly go to a doctor because I can't drive anywhere my parents don't take it serious and I don't wanna call 911..) My arm.. Bicep area hurts whnever I put pressure on it... Also my armpit kinda hurts... Please I need some answers... Every time I tried to bring it up with the doctor he just said it was a side effect of Clonazepam.. EDIT : ANY answer would be appreciated... This is actually starting to piss me off that I can't get stuff checked seriously... Like I don't even know for sure if I have pneumonia or just bronchitis... Or if I have something more severe...I just wanna know what the hell is wrong with me before I end up dead... I'm only 16 FFS! And the way its going I'm going to probably end up dead in a couple months... All because I didn't get a good check... :( sorry for being kind of whiny in this post... Its just I'm so pissed off right now because I feel I'm doing all I can to live but I'm probably going to die... In its probably all just in my head and I'm OVER reacting... But death is NOT to be taken lightly.. FML...

03-26-2014, 09:19 PM
:( knew I wasn't going to be taken seriously... :(

03-26-2014, 09:43 PM
I don't know what it is, but it doesn't sound serious.

I don't think many people die from a peeled skin on their armpit, kinda thing.

If your doctor has checked it out, and isn't worried, you shouldn't either. They know how to check for the serious stuff.

03-26-2014, 11:18 PM

At one point in my life I had the same feelings that you have now. I was convinced-ABSOLUTELY convinced-that I was dying. It didn't matter what anyone said, it didnt matter what the doctor told me, I thought i was screwed. For a while, the common "syndrome of the day" was hepatitis C. I used my dads razor not knowing he was infected. My lived hurt like hell, especially y after a night of drinking, and the obvious reason was Hepatitis C. Fortunately, when i finally got my bloodwork done, I was clean. It turns out that whenever i would think of having hep C, I would clench my upper abs (where my liver is) and after a while of this I pulled my muscles and felt the resulting pain. Same thing happened when i thought i had skin cancer. I picked at my skin so much that it really looked like i had it after a week of worrying.

There might be something wrong, but your prob OKAY.